Great Success!

Blacklocks-  Gun Program Fizzles

The RCMP in an Inquiry Of Ministry said it had 2,123 blacklisted firearms. A third, a total 723, were surrendered by owners. Another third were seized in police investigations.

Cabinet in 2020 blacklisted hundreds of thousands of high-powered firearms. Federal consultants counted 110,161 affected by the ban. The Department of Public Safety later estimated the number was as high as 200,000 while the Budget Office put it up to 518,000 firearms.

29 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. To be fair, government programs exist to expand government. Any benefit to citizens is purely coincidental.

      1. I am beginning to rethink that point. Colon for example has in the past discussed his guns. If the system doesn’t weed out wingnuts like him, then perhaps there is room for changes.

          1. New to SDA are you? Welcome aboard. Colon will be along soon when he has recess break.

          2. He was a Pole dancer who appeared regularly on the SDA Stage. At the slightest provocation he (?) would take off his clothes and scream.

          3. You girls just can’t live washout me.

            P.S. first you vote for this, then you wine about your vote having consequences.

          4. I think he’s a Ukrainian dancer, not a Pole dancer. Of course, he could be Sami. We’ll see if he takes a victory lapp…

  2. This fizzle is most encouraging; it suggests that Canadians might be becoming a little less sheepish. This might also be Trudeau’s desperately sought legacy: the public now seems to be warming to the notion that these pols are idiots and evil, for disarming the public and thereby preventing them from defending themselves in the event of civilizational collapse is surely EVIL. Even the RCMP in a (or course) secret report are warning about such an eventuality.

    The hysterical and destructive COVID response may have been the most important moment in this awakening.

  3. When the govt gives a reason for doing something, it is not the real reason. It’s designed to get co-operation from the public to do something nefarious that only benefits the morons in govt. The public is never the beneficiary.

  4. The overwhelming majority of the guns banned on 1 May 2020 were modern sporting rifles like the AR15, most of which are chambered for 5.56×45 mm, or the exact opposite of a “high powered” cartridge. Most of these firearms are “lower powered” than the 15M+ hunting rifles and shotguns owned by millions of Canadians.

    Yes, the ban also hit bespoke big game rifles, century-old shotguns, historical artillery pieces and 19th Century punt guns. That should certainly put a stop to all of the mortar barrages and Stinger missile drive-bys by licenced gun owners at Jane and Finch.

  5. The math is not mathing, where did the other third come from?

    and out of the third that was a result of “police investigations” how many of those were from the police reading obits and seizing the firearms belonging to deceased RPAL owners? How many of them were from the assassination of Rodger Kotanko?

  6. If someone is against gun violence, all they have to do to is to refrain from shooting people.

  7. For the regulars hanging out in this neighborhood, a question: Are there comment posting rules?

    For example, twice I tried to copy and paste something about reaching a watershed moment (written by author unknown) and it didn’t take. No nothing. Nada.

    1. “For example, twice I tried to copy and paste something about reaching a watershed moment (written by author unknown) and it didn’t take. No nothing. Nada.”

      Make sure that none of the following words were in your post:


      …and several more. Any word containing the sequential letter combination of O, R and C will immediately kick your post into the Twilight Zone. You can thank The Colon (aka ‘Colonialista’, ‘The One and Only C’ or ‘Surfer’) for that.

      1. Yes, that’s what is was. Anyway, here’s the cleaned up version. I hope it registers:

        “The most terrifying f*rce of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.
        They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
        They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the f*rced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
        They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
        The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are f*rced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. 
        Which is why, when f*rced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears. “

        ~ Author Unknown

      2. Also C++ but not Surfer.

        If you need to refer to russians use “ork” the days. Easy.
        You’re welcome.

  8. “Great Success” indeed. Perhaps our recently humbled P.M. could declare the buyback just that and end it.

    For once, he has succeeded … and has done so under-budget and on time.

    Now if we would just leave us alone.

  9. The system works as intended. You can’t buy more, you can’t take them to the range, you can’t train with them, you can’t even lave them for your children (if they were previously restricted). If you use one in self defense, they will crucify you. They don’t need to take them away to make them unusable as intended. Maybe if we get a change of government some of the most egregious laws will be repelled. Thanks maxipads your grand plan works about as well as predicted.

  10. It’s all a big nothing burger. There’s an amnesty in place until after the next election. The guy that looks like he’s going to be PM after that election has said he is going to repeal the order in council banning the 1500+ firearms. Who is going to bother turning anything in until after the next election? What agency is even going to think about helping the Liberal government on this file? Post office has said no. Provinces have said no. Police have no desire to go door to door seizing firearms. They have much better and safer things to do.

    1. “The guy that looks like he’s going to be PM after that election has said he is going to repeal the order in council banning the 1500+ firearms. ”

      I’ll believe that when I see it. No faith in him to take any risks at all.

  11. “high-powered firearms.”

    How to tell an article was written by someone without a clue about firearms.

  12. ““high-powered firearms.”

    How to tell an article was written by someone without a clue about firearms.”

    Yeah, that and “high caliber rifles”.
