101 Replies to “June 26, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. The whole Crimea beach ATACMS is a case study on Russian propaganda. First they admitted it was due to air defense. The video shows this as there is very few clusters that hit, and the ones that you do see are spread far apart. Obviously the missile wasn’t intact. Russia even admitted it was due to air defense. Why is the beach open right beside an airfield?

    But then Russia decides to switch gears. Now they blame the US for feeding targeting information directly into the ATACMS which was then used to hit the beach directly.


    Absolutely looney tunes. Russia doesn’t actually care to accomplish anything with this “protest” or bringing it up at the UNSC. It’s all about shoveling propaganda to its zombified civilians. “Russia protested the attack on civilians at the UN security council today”

    1. “The ambassador was told that such actions by Washington, aimed at encouraging the pro-Nazi authorities of Ukraine to continue hostilities until the “last Ukrainian” by issuing permission to strike deep into Russian territory, would not go unpunished. Retaliatory measures will certainly follow.”

      Absolutely bizarre statement.

      1. It is always Radio Yerevan with you Moscovite,
        It is not latest, it it medieval.
        It is not Ukraine, it is Latvia.
        It is not a weapon, It is a relocation mechanisms for russian loyalists.

    1. A traitor that ought to be put down. Hope there is a black ops hit squad reaching out to him.

        1. “Well, they’re informants, so if they get killed, they’ve got it coming to them. They deserve it.” ~ Julian Assange

          What’s good for the goose and all that…

        2. “1,300 people were eventually killed, and 350,000 were displaced. That was a result of our leak. ” ~ Julian Assange

          1. Made up BS from a psychopath.
            Colon is an ACAB fan who wants black ops to kill journalists.
            He’s a far left radical identifying as a conservative.
            He’s the Jessica Yaniv of conservatives; self-identifies as one, then wants his balls waxed, and screams bloody murder when people point out how deranged he is.

          2. So when your hero is quoted ad verbatim you resort to toothless attempts to bite your betters. Typical.

            Assange is a self aggrandizing cynical sociopath, whose actions have caused thousands of deaths. A scumbag who never took a shred of responsibility for the consequences of his actions (sort off like you voting for Maxipads and enabling Potato). He is a traitor who willingly provided intelligence and thus aid and comfort to the enemy. He deserves gallows.

            P.S. Have you (and your alter egos) ever met an enemy of civilization you did not want to instantly fellate?

          3. Colon makes up BS to smear his enemies, just like the left, and then uses it to demand his balls be waxed.
            Hereafter, you are Jessica.

          4. Ugh, thank you for your interest in my balls. FYI I don’t wax them, ask your mother if you don’t believe me.

          5. well now jessica COLON, Assange didn’t have anything to do with the JFK thing in 63. Maybe the intel community needs to be cleaned up so Assanges and Snowdens are not needed. You are a deranged mental case.

      1. Shame on you. Assange acted for the good of humanity. The US in many ways is a rogue state. I am glad Assange is free at last. There is nothing to be gained by a hit squad.

        1. precisely. they set up a fake structure ‘for the security of the nation’ and proceed to engage in traitorous actions and behaviors worthy of the worst WW II turncoats.
          but all in secret eh? until Julian spilled a 3 tonne ‘pot of beans’.

        2. No, you are just naïve (yet again) and are lionizing an opportunist thug and a traitor who helped enemies.
          Make gallows great again.

    1. But aren’t we told we must embrace that all other cultures are at least equal if not superior to our own?

    1. The graph of year-over-year change in the price index shows inflation peaking at 19% and slowing to its current 11%.

    2. stats can is just another propaganda arm of the liberal government like cbcpravda .

      their numbers are made out of thin air and unicorn farts

  2. Ignoring what you think of Julian Assange (Saint or Satan) it is obvious there are 2 classes of American patriots. The first kind, the ruling class or “rewarded class”, line up with Hunter Biden who “consulted” to a Ukrainian oil & gas company with his vast experience in that industry. The second kind, the evil class or “punished class”, line up with Assange and others who did not tow the line and have paid a heavy price.

    1. If Assange worked for the NY Times or Washington Post he would have had a few Pulitzers.

    2. “it is obvious there are 2 classes of American patriots”

      Oh yes, the binary world again. The safe space for every Jacobin.

  3. Government Appoints New Chief of Canadian Human Rights Commission Who Linked To Articles Comparing Israelis to Nazis, Called for Israel Boycott, and Shared Platform With Banned Organization

    By Ottawa you mean the Liberals who appointed this Jew hater because he’s a Jew hater. Nobody is going to get investigated because the problem is Trudeau’s Jew hating Hamas supporting Muslim Minister Arif Virani who wants to impose thought crimes.

  4. Fines issued for abusing Canada’s temporary foreign worker program rise 36%

    Hmmm… no mention of any fines against employers who use “Temporary” Foreign Workers to replace Canadian workers, but then it appears none of our governments seem to go after employers who break the law by doing this.

    1. That’ll teach the Israelis!

      If they don’t surrender now, the terrorist supporters will knock down every statue of their Queen Victoria, wherever those statues are in the World!

        1. Yep looks like it, also looks like the coup was launched by the good guys who did not want to fire on the brainless parasitic mob. Oh well, back to regular programing for this shithole.
