25 Replies to “Next On Justin’s Climate Agenda”

    1. I’m curious… how do you apply for a cow fart inspector job? Worse, how would you write that within a resume? No pun but I’ve had some sh*tty jobs over the years… this one would take the cake! Or patty.

      1. Behind every cow’s ass is a bureaucrat with a clipboard sniffing the air. However they only work 9 to 3 and take a long lunch.

  1. There are 8 to 10 times more people in the world compared to cattle. Why not tax their farts? I consider myself an old fart, is there a special category for such as I?

    1. Ah, butt let us also consider that all animals fart.
      Think about elephants, rhinos, and hippos.
      Surely their massive emissions are more worrisome than mere cow farts, or pigs for that matter.
      By the way, have you ever seen and heard a hippo farting? Well, I have, and it is alarming. Even small children screamed when witnessing the hippo fart. Google it and learn.
      HOWEVER…hippos, rhinos, and elephants are not typically sources of domestic meat for humans, if you catch my drift.
      In short, this smells like more UN famine planning.
      Have a nice day.

  2. I wonder how much fart inspector pays a year. ? Requires a college degree or two most likely. You’ve heard of the FBI? Say hello to the BFI.

    1. I applied to be a fart inspector. But they set difficult tests, and I couldn’t pass gas.

  3. Ninety-nine per cent of the world’s population must be complete and total morons. Who is so stupid to keep electing jackasses that go for this garbage?
    Even when many of these morons are suffering, they’ll still support it. You just cannot fix stupid.

    1. The maddening thing is not the morons in government (that’s a given) but that farmers’ representatives haven’t stood firmly against this stupidity:

      “In Denmark, the deal was reached late Monday between the center-right government and representatives of farmers, the industry and unions, among others, and presented Tuesday.”

  4. Just here to remind people that over 95% of annual CO2 emissions are from natural sources. Livestock production is a small fraction of that remaining 5% that can be attributed to annual human CO2 production. That is before getting into the carbon cycle of cattle eating grass, grass used CO2 for growth….and we eat the cows. Or that grazing land is usually land that is not suitable for crop production. So, not only is punishing livestock production an exercise in futility from a CO2 standpoint, it also makes food more expensive. So, unless the carbon cabal can cap ocean emissions and put a cork in volcanos, livestock taxes are just another tax grab and control freak policy.

    Another thing that I find odd is that climate alarmists go on and on about how catastrophic manmade climate change will cause starvation and hurt the poor -yet- their solutions inevitably will make food more expensive. Which will cause malnutrition in the poor in rich countries and starvation for the poor in poor countries.

    1. Also I remind people that CO2 is not a pollutant or climate driver, those who think so are idiots.

  5. It’s long past time to simply ignore the edicts coming out of the Ottawa fascists.

  6. Just put auto ignite fart burners near a cow’s ass, and viola, blue angles , problem solved. And then we can do the same to politicians and beuroKKKaps, butt to the other end, as their expoundings are nothing butt bullschitt.

    1. Lol! As a kid, we fired off ‘blue angels’… never did I think it would ever become a tax exception. I just thought we were idiots… not representative governance.

  7. I wonder if the farmers will resort to hiding their cattle. Perhaps in their attics or under the floorboards…..suddenly I’m reminded of a scene from the movie “Inglorious Basterds” when the Nazi Jew hunter orders his men to open fire through the kitchen floor. For those who haven’t seen this flick, the home owner, coincidentally a dairy farmer, was hiding Jews in his cellar.

    Here’s a great movie plot….a government official, sent out to the countryside to count the farting cows and see if there’s any being harbored off the books. The protagonist could be named something like, I don’t know, Mr. Soros…..?

  8. Must have been that there were millions and millions, as Sagan would say, dinosaurs eons ago. Well, he actually said billion and billions.
    With their numbers and bad breath they brought on themselves the catastrophe that kill them off.
    Of course, the dinos never had anyone to tax them or tell them to stop breathing.
