17 Replies to “San Francisco: People Get the Government They Vote For!”

  1. All part of the plan. Same strategy as anything they don’t like. Try to make it socially unacceptable, make it too expensive, finally legislate it out of existence.

    The masses won’t convert when they can survive on cheap egg Mc muffins and $1 Mc doubles

  2. Who cares? It’s just California. Its largest export has been the taxpayers pouring out of it to other states. This will continue until either California stops voting for Socialists or there’s nothing left except rubble. One way or another, the problem will correct itself.

      1. Even the worst parts of Ontario are changing. You followed what happened in St.Paul’s riding inToronto on Monday night? Even the aristocratic socialists in Toronto are getting fed up with Justatwit.

        1. The problem is people think just getting rid of Justin is a fix …….. it isn’t.
          I followed McGuinty and then Wynne and then Ford – ” we have over two hundred different languages in this province, it’s a selling point”., and then we have him selling out during Covid, after talking tough.
          And I’m pretty close to reaching the conclusion, what’s wrong with this country is becoming unfixable the regular way.
          Some can call it cynicism, and some can see it for what it is stinking rot from the bottom up, that started at the roots.

          1. The majority voted for socialism, the canadian fragmented system gave the conservative a close win.

    1. I listened to Benny Johnson’s X post including the Varney interview of the SF franchise owner. Franchise owner had the opportunity to bring up supply chain disruptions & inflation that drastically increased food/gasoline costs long before the crazy $20 an hour mandate but he did not. Benny accused the woman of causing the closure of stores by voting Democrat in SF. I think the franchisee aided in his own demise by doing the same. You can’t fix stupid.

  3. Current female Mayor of San Fransisco challenged her opponent for the mayoralty in a debate:

    “Name three LGBTQ advisors on your campaign team and name three San Francisco drag queens.”

    Her opponent failed this acid test of what it takes to run a city into the ground and lost the election.

    True story. California voters are certifiably insane.

  4. Meanwhile … across the Bay … people in Oakland get what they vote for too.


    EVERYTHING near the Oakland airport is closing. Tourists and rental cars and car parking lots are all targeted … daily. In-N-Out burger closed, and now the Airport Hilton is closing. And to make matters worse … the Oakland A’s are the last pro sports franchise to vacate the ghetto toilet bowl known as the Oakland Coliseum. Goodbye customers. Oakland is run by Black Panthers and Communists. Behold what they have wrought.

    1. I love this evasiveness from the Hilton.

      “We understand that the hospitality sector continues to be negatively impacted by larger economic trends post-pandemic.”

      As if the pandemic had anything to do with this.

      Kenji, in honest curiosity, when are you getting out of there?

      1. Only two things holding me back. Putting the finishing touches on my 4-year long remodel (read: rebuild) of my home … and Real Estate market timing. Biden and the FED have pinned me in. But the wife just retired, so we’re free to flee.

        Oh! And we haven’t scouted out a landing spot yet

  5. The city of Los Angeles buys GRAVEL from Vancouver Island and has it delivered by ship to the port of Los Angeles.

    This is because it is cheaper and easier to have freaking crushed stone shipped a thousand miles across the ocean than it is to make their own gravel in California. Despite it being a mountainous desert.

    So it does not surprise me in the slightest that the most powerful, most well-funded, most well managed and well organized restaurant company IN THE WORLD can’t make a buck in California. Socialism can kill -anything-, even McDonalds.

    1. In a related story … readymix concrete currently costs $220.00/yd. in N.CA. Yes, this is wayyyyy more than anywhere else in the country. Why? CA charges a $150.00/load “environmental fee”. Yes, the leftist bureaucrats ruining our nations are literally LOOTING as much wealth as they can possibly grab from the productive citizens of our nations. As if the “environmental fee” goes anywhere to protect our actual environment. Nope. Just more salaries, benefits, perks, and pensions for useless bureaucrats.

      And CA wonders why we have a housing shortage? And why houses cost so much?

  6. unreal….just unreal. 20 USD to work at McDonalds..?? Holy shit Batman.
    Am thinking this utter idiocy will be repeated:

    From Prince Rupert, Bc to…
    Vancouver, BC
    Victoria, BC
    Seattle, Wash
    Vancouver, Wash
    Portland, Ore
    LA….everywhere else on the LEFT COAST.

    Commies everywhere…
