17 Replies to “Tucker Carlson vs. Australian Media Morons”

  1. Watched a couple of hours ago and… “can’t tell if you’re stupid or pretending to be stupid” (hey it’s close enough to what he actually said) is reverberating with me still.
    It’s good I didn’t have coffee in my mouth when Tucker said that near the end, near to 20 minutes maybe.
    She was begging for it, a series of idiocy on display from the final journalist was all difficult, and partially expected!

    1. Of all his brilliant zingers … that was the only one that made me laugh like Tucker … in a slightly effeminate high pitch giggle. “… or if you’re pretending to be stupid”. Ouch! That and the line when he said, it’s hard to befriend someone when their first encounter with you is to lie and slander you. Yeah … nobody could be friends with that beeotch.

    2. “Watched a couple of hours ago and… “can’t tell if you’re stupid or pretending to be stupid” (hey it’s close enough to what he actually said) is reverberating with me still.
      It’s good I didn’t have coffee in my mouth when Tucker said that near the end, near to 20 minutes maybe.”

      Me too…I burst out laughing a couple of times during that clip. Have these ‘journalists’ never seen Tucker before?
      That women was so perfectly clueless that she almost seemed like a ‘plant’ in the audience.

  2. The idea that China could buy our politicians for very reasonable rates seems on point. Tucker’s example was Biden, but it seems likely that our government has been sold to China as well. That would answer more questions than it raises.

    1. When everything that matters from last nights by-election was current MP’s losing their jobs, it’s all about the $$. The sad fact is so many of these politicians are main chancers, i.e. this is the best paying job they can ever hope for is sad. My liberal MP is barely qualified to say “would you like fries with that?” as a case in point. $500k would buy him in a heartbeat.

  3. I went to the same secondary school as Tucker – St Georges in Newport RI.
    They accepted 1 of 8 applicants back then.
    16% of my graduating VI Form Class went to Harvard – This was 50 years ago before Harvard was destroyed
    It was extremely and insanely competitive and made you think and compete against equally smart people.
    That is why Tucker is so damn good on his feet. He knows more than the questioner.
    “Did Putin make you get the vaccine?” is the perfect response to a lightweight know-nothing who then proceeded to bury himself in further untruths. Tucker had skinned him alive and he was unawares.

    1. But, but, but … “the vaccine SAVED 10’s of millions of lives”. The media are lying pigs. And BTW … that is about as UN-scientific a statement that could ever be made by someone who purports to “believe in science” …

  4. ” …a bunch of castrated robots reading questions from the boss …”

    Absolute Beauty! The best description yet of our Western media.

  5. ” Did Putin make you take the COVID shot? “. In the end, that’s all that matters.
    That stupid git blaming him for the Tops mass shooter in Buffalo getting told she’s stupid to her face was a bonus.

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