25 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. Would love to know how much this is impacting the pricing of traditional ICE cars now and into the future. And then there’s the broader impact to the economy as a whole. What an incredible drain on overall prosperity, matched only by government’s impact. Thanks libz!

    1. Its not just the price of ICE cars (which will have to go up to compensate for the EV losses), its the Insurance as well. EVs are more expensive to fix, or impossible, depending on the damage and will be written off. A friend bought a Hybrid and his insurance went up $400. Expect your house insurance to come with a rider specifying EV ownership – i.e. damages caused by EV fire in your house the responsibility of the homeowner to claim from the manufacturer, not the insurance company. All that infrastructure that “Must be Built” will cause the electricity suppliers to raise rates to compensate and that will affect everyone, even those living in the rural areas with no rechargers or any intention of buying an EV. The list keeps on growing.
      I would expect the new building code to require 400 Amp service to all new dwellings instead of the current 200 Amp. This would permit the installation of home chargers but would require heavier gauge wiring to the house and upgraded transformers for the subdivisions….

      1. My insurance has gone up 10% every six months the last few years. For a 12 year old vehicle and a spotless record.

        I assume I’m paying for someone else to drive a $100,000 pickup.

  2. BTW … that “Built Wild” Ford Bronco billboard in the background? I’m seeing those all over my area suddenly … and I’m getting intrigued at the refresh of the classic Bronco.

    1. Wait till you see the price Kenji, OMG
      Plus a few years back the engines were blowing up Yep they sure were.
      So much for quality is job #1

        1. Wait til you see the price of an old OJ type bronco, or older, if you can even find one.

          A buddy of mine got one of the first new broncos, absolutely loves it despite any recalls. Worth looking at for sure.

    2. They’re crap, Kenji. Roll under one and look at the A-arms, and the frame. Wouldn’t survive a day of light-duty 4 wheeling.

      1. I’ll just keep my 1999 Land Rover Disco II .., it’s been a trouble-free beast. It’s just that the replacement bumpers I need cost like $1,000 ea. … not including painting. Guess I need an aftermarket steel bumper for about the same money

  3. You all aren’t seeing the full picture here. Quid Pro Quo is currently in effect. China is massively setting up shop in Mexico and will be producing a deluge of cheap (and dangerous) EV’s. Actually, they are already up and running. The Biden Administration is using misdirection by applying tariffs on Chinese made EV’s coming from Mainland China. However, those tariffs don’t apply to those EV’s made in Mexico at the present to any significant extent despite the White House saying different (to clarify 25% tariff from China….and only 2.5% tariff from Mexico).

    This is Biden paying back China for all the perks he and his family (and the Democrat Party) received over the years before he slithers off into the sunset. It’s being done at the expense of the US automakers. China makes a compact EV called the Dolphin and sells it for about $21k. They are rolling fire hazards (when they actually roll at all). The fire risk is so bad that they are currently arresting people in China doing a weekly video diary of all the fires from EV’s in that country. Right now China is lying out their ass saying they have no intention of entering the US market with the Dolphin. But, at the same time they are buying up factory space in Mexico City. At the same time the US automakers are falling like bowling pins in the EV market because they can’t produce a safe and inexpensive vehicle with reliability. China cares little about such minutia. And, the US has not shortage of suckers willing to purchase a rolling death trap if they can signal their virtues to all around them.

  4. It’s hard not to come to the conclusion that all these “programs” are set up as grafting mechanisms for friends of the government.

    1. ALL of our wealth is being transferred into the pockets of communists … ALL of it.

  5. There’s a good chance that in 10 years time Canada will no longer have an auto industry. I think it’s been done on purpose to kill the auto pact since there is no longer any advantage to manufacturing in Canada. So far Ford and GM have shut down manufacturing of hugely popular ICE vehicles in Oakville and Ingersoll. The Ingersoll factory was making the Chevy Equinox a very popular vehicle in North America. It was replaced with the BrightDrop electric delivery van. I drive by that plant regularly and there has been no sign of manufacturing since late last year.

      1. They’re still making the Silverado in Oshawa and engines in St. Catharines. Chrysler is making some cars in Windsor and they’re retooling Brampton for 2025 Jeep production. Ford is doing nothing in Oakville, but getting ready to make it an electric centre, whatever that means. Honda is still making cars in Alliston.

        So, while it’s shrinking there are still cars being built, but no where near what they were making before. It seems like Canadian companies are be earmarked for electric vehicles which is what I believe to be the kiss of death for the industry here. All of them are backing away from EVs as fast as they can. As much as China is made a target of blame, the industry really started to collapse when production and parts manufacturing moved to Mexico.

        You used to see trainload after trainload of cars on the Toronto to Windsor corridor. Not any more.

  6. If Democrat assholes are re-elected in the US the total American auto industry will quickly be gone. Fake green targets should be totally trashed. The American auto industry produces about as many cars as they did 60 years ago with parts that are now mostly imported.

  7. My thoughts…
    1. The government should not be ramming EVs down our throats. Let us choose.
    2. If EVs are the future, where is the infrastructure.
    3. Our grandchildren are not paying for the debt we are accumulating (well not entirely). Our grandparents are currently getting shafted if they saved any money for their retirement or are on fixed income, due to inflation. And we are getting shafted. The only people not getting shafted are the government employees who are seeing massive pay increases while working from home.
    4. Every time the government uses our money to pick a winner, they create a series of losers and we pay the price.
    5. Our taxes are too high (just thought I would throw that in there).

    1. Yep, and I’ve had two “service interruptions” in the past week.

      The system is so old where I am it keeps unraveling. Literally, one of the feeder lines off the transformer unraveled at one end and shorted to the return line. Who needs fireworks, we have Ottawa Hydro.

  8. Mayor Chow of the Layton Dynasty has cooked up a deal to give the cab industry a rebate on their own increased fees to electrify . One problem among many is that according to the CEO of Beck they cannot get insurance on EVs . Just another case of ideology trumping common sense.

  9. Most of the EV manufacturers are cutting back on their production. Some of a burgeoning stockpile of useless EVs. All the time, the manufacturers are flogging these pieces of junk. Trying to unload their surplus on the poor unsupecting public.

  10. Interesting that it is a pre Trudeau Liberal MP exposing the infrastructure gap. I predict that after Trudeau is disposed you will not be able find any Liberal who was in favour of any of the policies being pushed now.
