CNN Presidential Debate

Just 15 minutes out, and it’s a trainwreck for Biden. Open thread. (Or watch without the Timcast commentary on Youtube.)

Highlight clips are rolling out.

Biden tries to insult Trump over his physique and his golfing skills.

Biden ends his disastrous and humiliating debate performance just as he began — rambling incoherently

I don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence…


CNN’s John King immediate reaction, insists that Democrats are plotting a public intervention to remove Joe Biden.

Watch CNN anchor hand signal Joe on where to look

MSNBC is blaming Biden’s DEI campaign staff.

“The rules are circulating!”

FACT CHECK: They want you to go, Joe

TYT: Epic disaster!

104 Replies to “CNN Presidential Debate”

  1. I don’t think that’s Biden. Wonder why they are doing this so far out from the election.

    1. It’s “Dave.”
      (Not a bad movie, liberal bleeding heart crap, notwithstanding.)

    2. Why? So that the DNC can replace Demented Joe with either French Laundry or Hitlery.
      Slurring away Joe.

    3. “I don’t think that’s Biden. Wonder why they are doing this so far out from the election.”

      Oh, I think it’s him. I’m just creeped out by the lack of blinking…drugs of some kind?

      1. I missed this myself, but someone on X just pointed out that Biden’s pupils were HUGE. They are correct: I was so focused on the lack of blinking that I failed to notice that his eyes were almost totally black.

        The Democrats and the entire mainstream news media are in full panic mode now. It’s awesome.

        1. I’ve zoomed in on several different frames. The right eye looks normal while the left is slightly dilated.
          Not “PEARL” (pupils equal and reactive to light).
          Anisocoria = meds. or physical brain abnormality. (…or both.)
          So….. yeah we knew that. ;).

          1. “I’ve zoomed in on several different frames. The right eye looks normal while the left is slightly dilated.
            Not “PEARL” (pupils equal and reactive to light):

            Good catch.

  2. I’ve just paused the YouTubeplayback, and have burst out laughing a couple of times so far. It’s almost embarrassing to watch the hapless Joe Biden trying to keep his facts straight while not losing his train of thought or slurring his words (he has done both, several times already) . Trump is being his usual self but with a fair bit more self-restraint (which I honestly didn’t think he had in him). The moderators look afraid, for some reason… 🙂

  3. clicked on it just as POTUSTrump promised to have the Uke war fini before taking office.
    with pretty much all presidents certainly 20th century we can cite usually at min one major act of atonement or ‘atonement’ whatever one’s view.
    LBJ civil rights Nixon ended the war Reagan USSR kaputz etc
    let this be his. stop the killing and waste incl BILLIONS

    1. Republicans have pretty much put an end to all the significant quagmire wars started by Democrats

  4. Trump is doing a great job determining what is being talked about. Very skillful, and of course, the mediots are so far afraid to speak up about it. Well played.

    1. “Trump is doing a great job determining what is being talked about. Very skillful, and of course, the mediots are so far afraid to speak up about it. Well played.”:

      Agreed. Maybe a little repetitive on certain topics, but still much better than I was expecting.

  5. Geriatric shitshow. Bombastic grandpa beating up a senile grand grandpa.

    1. A competent grandpa beating up a senile one. They are close to the same chronological age, but Trump is 40 years younger.

      1. Yes yes sure, Trump is everything his supporters want him to be, always.

          1. Why? SDA mainstream is so utterly infatuated with Trump that they see no faults in him. I only see him as a better alternative, a flawed one but decisively better.

  6. I had to stop watching. #LetsGoBrandon looks like a friggin’ waxwork with a windup key stuck in his back, and the lies coming out of his mouth are damaging my calm.

    Go Don go. I couldn’t do it.

  7. Has Brandon (as Trump called him) had a stroke? The left side of his face seems pretty droopy. Or is it a Bell’s Paulsy reaction from the jab?

    Biden talks like he has a memorized script. They are talking points. Trump speaks from knowledge and memory. Day and Night differences. Brandon is unable to finish sentences and thoughts. Embarrassing!!

    1. “Biden talks like he has a memorized script. They are talking points. ”

      Yeah, what’s with the repeated references to “Number one” and “Number two”? Exactly like he’s reading something, and it looks like he has notes on his lecturn/podium.

    2. I think they gave jazzed him up with steroids and beans. He’s flying like a frickin’ bird, baby.

      All you need to see is when he SHUFFLED off the stage. When you see that old-man shuffle, that kinda half crouch thing, that’s neurological degeneration. He’s -f*ed-.

  8. I’m watching the debate live on CBS and enjoying the drama. Especially entertaining is watching Biden’s expression when Trump is speaking.

    1. “I’m watching the debate live on CBS and enjoying the drama. Especially entertaining is watching Biden’s expression when Trump is speaking.”

      A couple of missed opportunities by Trump:

      First when Biden was going on about NATO and Article Five and “an attack on one is an attack on all”….yeah, except that Ukraine *isn’t a member of NATO*.

      Second when Biden was yapping about the “60 court cases” on the 2020 election (only 27 of which were actually filed by Donald Trump or members of his campaign) being “thrown out”…a perfect opportunity to remind everyone that you can’t win any court case if the judges *refuse to look at the evidence*.

      Still a big victory for Trump and a definitive loss for Biden.

  9. I’ve heard a rumour that tonight’s event is actually an underhanded way to get rid of Biden before the Dems’ Convention.

    1. Then there is the rumour that tonight’s event might include a medical emergency.

    2. That’s what it looks like to me Robert. CNN has been pretty fair … giving hard questions to both. Which indicates to me, they’re participating in the removal of Biden.

      1. Yeah…..they are letting DJT just talk about HIS points with zero interruption. It’s shocking how CNN is just standing back.
        The most terse that Barbie Bash has been is her “Yes OR No” demand.
        And they were arguing about golf, the best moment tonight!

          1. “Biden thought an 8 handicap is better than a 6”

            Speaking of that… a 6 handicap must be considered pretty good, right? I have no idea.

      2. “That’s what it looks like to me Robert. CNN has been pretty fair … giving hard questions to both. Which indicates to me, they’re participating in the removal of Biden.”

        I think you’re right, Kenji…. Tapper and Bash would normally never treat Trump with the respect they have shown him tonight. As I said earlier, they almost looked scared or nervous a couple of times…because of Joe’s performance?

      3. If CNN has played their usual game, not only Biden would be toast, but so too would CNN.

    3. The way the CNN cabal have been water bucketing for the Dems, I would think that Brandon got the questions in advance and had a scripted answer for each question. That makes more sense as to why Brandon was speaking in a monolog style rather than the off-the-cuff, composing narratives that The Don was doing.

      A sharp minded Trump capable of thinking and speaking in the fly. It was almost embarrassing to watch the difference between the two. Cringe, is what they say now? Perfect description!!

  10. I’m as close as ever to shouting at the laptop here while the lies spew from Biden.

    *possible Robert, the lead time to the DNC and election dates do provide for that possibility.
    I think it’s unlikely though, unless Biden falls down and stays down…

    1. Nearly everyone talking after the debate on Real America News network, including Bannon, is saying Biden will be replaced, the Biden is disabled, and is the case for the 25th Amendment and the replacement of the Biden.
      Bannon also saying, China has to be watching and thinking “take Taiwan” ….

      The Biden’s shot in the brain , it’s elder abuse I suppose, but should he be replaced with who? Who knows! Kennedy being denied for Secret Service protection is not ok with Kennedy, I think Kennedy would now … “tell them how he really feels” … some favoring Obama’s wife.

  11. I’m saying this as someone who wants Trump to win.
    I’m watching the debate, and Trump is LOSING! BADLY!!!
    How can I defend Trump’s record if he is either unwilling or unable to defend himself?

    1. I don’t think he is losing badly, but is definitely underwhelming especially that he is debating a vegetable.

      P.S, Expect to get excommunicated for your heresy.

      1. Agreed. Trump is not performing to expectations. Biden actually sounds presidential, and Trump cannot push back on Biden’s outrageous claims. Example, Biden is still pushing the massively debunked “Good People on both sides” lie.

        1. “Agreed. Trump is not performing to expectations. Biden actually sounds presidential, and Trump cannot push back on Biden’s outrageous claims.”

          You must be watching a different debate than I am.

          “Example, Biden is still pushing the massively debunked “Good People on both sides” lie.”

          I’ll give you that one….Joe even slipped a Hitler reference in there so quickly that no one probably noticed (I rewound it just to be sure). Trump should have said “I was talking about the people who wanted the statues left alone, not the Nazis, and my actual statement was recorded for everyone to see and understand that. STOP LYING, Joe”.

          Also, Trump could make at least a cursory effort to answer questions on the climate or child care or other boring topics. He might also have mentioned the corruption of Ukraine and the billions of dollars in profits being made by the arms industry, and pushed back against Biden’s ridiculous “Poland will be next!” mantra. I guess there’s only so much you can cram into a fixed time period, though…

      2. “P.S, Expect to get excommunicated for your heresy.”

        You should know as much as anybody that I don’t really care what people think or say of me. I’m not trying to win popularity contests. I call it as I see it, and sometimes that means that I swim against the current. If People don’t like what I am saying, that’s on them. I’m entitled to say what I think, and I won’t kiss anybody’s ass just to get along.

          1. “Oh I know that. Just yanking some chains.”

            Like the predictable man-child that you are.

    2. He knows damn well they’re trying to provoke him. Staying measured and looking calm and reasonable is the sound way to go.

    1. Yeah … and I’m a “scratch” golfer … and my schlong is bigger than John Holmes. Whopper of the evening.

  12. Joe’s starting to fade now….stumbling over pronunciations, freezing for a second while frantically searching for the right word. Trump let him get away with too much on Charlottesville (and couldn’t remember that it was Snopes who backpedalled on it last week) and missed a perfect opportunity when Joe was talking about convictions and persecuting his enemies to remind people that Joe might be in court himself if he wasn’t “an elderly man with a poor memory”.

  13. I’m donning my tin foil hat and saying that this is all going as planned. Sleepy Joe is so bad and Jake and Dana are remarkably restrained.

    Lady MacBinden continues to plot.

    1. “I’m donning my tin foil hat and saying that this is all going as planned. Sleepy Joe is so bad and Jake and Dana are remarkably restrained.”

      I would not bet against you. Biden had a full *5 days* of prep for this….his people knew exactly what was going to happen (they had to).

  14. This is Biden’s audition. He failed. He isn’t making it out of the convention. The asshole Democrats screwed up alienating Kennedy. They may come begging him. Hitlery, Kamala, and Newscum will volunteer but Trump would tap dance on their corpses.

    1. Nah, RFK Jr won’t bite on that. Revenge is best served cold. There’s no love lost with the DNC. They’ve denigrated him, denied him SS security and have his own family members publically denouncing him.

  15. MSM will be pounding the narrative that both Biden and Trump are way way way too old to be President but that shiny new guy Newsome is just the right age!

  16. I didn’t watch because I can’t watch FJB. It’s like watching a public mauling.
    But even Joy Malbon from 11pm CTV News (she’s very pro-Dem and with advanced TDS) admitted it’s very bad.

  17. KJP will be out there tomorrow trying to tell us the train wreck we all just saw “WAS A CHEAP FAKE”!

    It will be interesting to see who they get to replace Brandon. My money’s on Newsom, even with all his disastrous policies. They figure his track record won’t matter because the media will have his back and will be able to explain away all his failures. And half the country is just that stupid enough to believe them.

  18. Is Biden wearing an ear phone / or embedded device?

    He stares wide eyed mindlessly several times, sometimes, looking straight down like he’s trying to hear his keepers; Weird visual; in between Biden’s frozen toothy smirks while DJT is speaking .

    1. Without a doubt. Screw the drug and cognitive tests … scan his head for electronic devices. Seriously!

  19. I believe this debate was held so early to give Dems enough time to shift their strategy, Newsom and Hillary VP.

  20. Thank you, Brandon. I’ve never seen a better end to a disastrous presidency. Queue the backhoes and the hearse.

  21. Is the second debate still on? (FOX) My money is on Biden’s puppetmaster pulling the plug.
    Pres.Trump fired a GENERAL?! What else would do you do to a traitorous subordinate? He should consider himself lucky he wasn’t Court Martialed.

  22. I really thought it was a rehash of the existing narrative. 2023 was the hottest year ever – so what are you going to do about climate change? Not much question in my mind that the framing of the questions was more difficult for Trump. We new they would double down on the lawfare. Biden had plenty of verifiable lies ,but they were all the ones perpetuated by the media. Also, keep in mind,Biden had the questions a week ahead. Joe doesn’t want go. Don’t think it was the train wreck hoped for.A Maga “supporter” bumps him off and Micheal saves the day.

    1. “I really thought it was a rehash of the existing narrative. 2023 was the hottest year ever – so what are you going to do about climate change? ”

      I wish Donald Trump had chosen to slap that unfounded assertion down, but it’s not the kind of statement that even an expert can fully debunk in two minutes (and I’m sure that Bash knows that as well).

  23. My LOVELY, SHARP, WITTY, AND totally ‘with it’ 93yo Great Grandmother, Yerda, wasn’t as mentally deficient as Biden’s corpse propped-up for this debate. Nor was my 93yo grandmother … both of whom lived on their own till they died at age 93. Strong, independent women who never stared vacuously into space like Biden’s corpse.

  24. I have predicted … and still believe … that Biden’s corpse will be removed at the Chicago Democratic Convention … where native Chicagoan Big Mike will be drafted as Dem. POTUS candidate

  25. This was a dog and pony show to get rid of Biden.
    Does anyone think that they didn’t stress test Biden a dozen times for this and watch him fail every time?
    No way he got on that debate stage unless they knew he could win, or they wanted him to fail.
    Now they install Newsome.
    The DNC had a problem: With the lawfare against Trump stinking up Biden and making it impossible for him to beat Trump they needed a way of getting Newsome in there.
    They have that now, and they have the ‘Poor Old Joe’ sympathy vote.
    If ‘Dr.’ Jill and the Biden camp was resisting his removal they really don’t have a leg to stand on now.

    Check your MSM narratives and talking points in the morning.

  26. OMG !! … look at the clip of Dana Bash hand signaling to Biden to look at the questioner. How pathetic.

    And as an aside … weren’t the Democrats and White House spokes-lesbian JUST insisting that Republicans were circulating “doctored” videos … deep fakes … of Biden wandering around and away from his scheduled place? So … will they blame CNN for Biden’s inability to stay on topic, while staring off into space?

  27. Hahaha ha ha ha … the CNN Fact Checkers forgot Biden’s corpse claiming he had a 6-handicap in golf. OK Joe … please produce your scorecards, and the golf course, and PGA official who signed off on your collection of scores.

    Bear in mind that a 6-handicap means you CONSISTENTLY shoot a 78 on your home golf course. Par 72 + 6 = 78. Sorry Joe … there isn’t a chance in hell you have a handicap of 6 … or ever had a handicap of 6. You are a LIAR … and the kind of golfer whom I NEVER golf with twice. Liars, who cheat on every hole.

    PS … hey Joe! Tiger Woods just missed the cut at the PGA Championship after carding a 7-over. So … you’re better than Tiger Woods? Joe. You’re the WORST kind of liar … a laughable liar.

  28. I’m not so sure they can just “install” a new candidate. They have to at least have a pretense of going through primaries, if they don’t, I suspect that much of the infighting and corruption of the DNC will bubble right over as the Wokeis and the MIC hardliners vie for power.

    1. As if every recent Democrat nominee wasn’t installed. They had to fight like hell to keep Bernie off the ballot.

  29. So did they use magnetic shoes to keep Biden from wandering off like he did at the G7? Maybe Jill escorted Joe off the stage after she turned off the magnets. Sad that the dementia patient was ever on stage. He truly belongs in a continuing care centre for dementia patients.

  30. And ever-so-conveniently, the MSM are now reporting that Joe Biden “has a cold”. Funny how no one mentioned it *before* the debate, isn’t it?

    Caught a bit of CBS post-debate reaction where the woman talked about “Trumps many lies” and the man blurted out something about Trump’s “absurd lies about Charlottesville”. Seriously? Wow…the only person lying about Charlottesville tonight was Joe Biden.

  31. I laughed my ass off through parts of that. I should feel guilty for laughing at the demented fool but it was really the pathetic situation where any reasonable person knows and has known for a while that he isn’t fit for office let alone another term. Hillary and Obama are running the administration vicariously through a gork, a situation they likely prefer as he isn’t fit to interact in any meaningful way.

  32. I haven’t read all of the comments here tonight and if I’m stepping on someone’s story here I apologize but the big take-away tonight is not Biden’s health (Physical or mental). The big take-away for Trump is that he can now show for his campaign ads how the Democrats and the legacy media have been lying to the American public for years. Everything that has been thrown at him since his escalator ride has been lies and the legacy media have been complicit in spreading it. Biden and the Democrats are not the biggest losers here tonight the legacy media, like the medical profession will take decades to regain the public trust.

  33. I dunno man, for the last few months I was told Biden was the sharpest knife in the drawer, a dynamo of pure energy even his staff had trouble following, etc etc. Now all these media talking heads realize the whole world figured out they were lying and they are trying to act surprised? I think this is the best part of the debate, the media implosion. Got to buy a case of beer and go through that tomorrow.

  34. For all you Manitobans out there: this was a clearly a set up to take Biden out, with the complicity of the MSM who went along with him being hung out to dry. This was reminiscent of how Lyin’ Brian Pallister got in to office: the Winnipeg Free Press didn’t go after him about his Costa Rica residence because word went out that Greg Sellinger was going to take the fall and it was “his turn” to run the reserve on Broadway.

  35. The good news is that dementia often just goes away on its own, and the patient is left clear minded and coherent in their senior years.

    Oh wait, that never happens. Dementia is a one-way ticket. It only gets worse.

    Four more years is out of the question.

  36. Joe was likely drugged up to the eyeballs for this performance. Normally he’s likely worse.

    1. Yeah, normally he’s worse. He was flying, last night. Ascending with the angels, forsooth. That’s his tip-top performance level. That’s #Brandon with his throttle right to the pin, full afterburner.

      Which is pretty bad. Donald was holding back.

      So #Brandon going to be so very effective today, coming down off whatever cocktail they gave him over the last week to jazz life into him. He’ll be a total ball of fire… well no, he will be lucky to get out of bed today with a helper on each arm. They will be carrying him to the bathroom, and pulling his pants up for him.

      That’s the guy who has his finger on the red button today.

      If I was Vladimir Putin or Iran, I’d pull shenanigans this week while the Leader of the Free World is having helpers wash the drool off his face.

  37. I don’t believe Biden’s handicap is six or even twenty-six, but I do think his number is 666.

    There was a Biblical aspect to how Biden was total destroyed after three and a half years.
