Diversity Is Our Strength

Blacklocks- Diversity Plan Rated Pointless

“There is little evidence to show Centre initiatives have increased career opportunities for equity seeking groups,” said Diversity. Data show most federal employees are Caucasian women.

The Centre was launched following the 2020 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody. The Prime Minister that July 5 joined protesters kneeling on Parliament Hill.

9 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strength”

  1. Diversity – Equity- Inclusion is nothing less than 100% PURE Racism.
    ESG Bullshit…and the result of 20 yrs of Liberal female mask wearing twats being churned out of Universities with some kind of HR Diploma.

    Show me a company / govt entity hiring White Males in North America..??
    Not flippin happening…

    1. the ‘inclusiveness’ residing in the local uni burst tity went so far to tell me to stfu the time just before covid hit l did a record leg press got it witnessed and documented.

      the middle 2 digits of the lift matched my age at the time. lm long retired.
      inquiries as to how that outfit reconciled official policy and my experienced naturally unanswered.

      just another reason l yanked my name of the organ donor registry.
      p.s. universal blood type O+ never any cancer, cirrhosis, COPD, crohns, colitis, heart disease, no lung disease, l dont even wear glasses.

      so these bullies liars and thugs aint getting anything but a toenail clipping from me.

      l leave it up to Karma who to arrange to kill in the absence of any MY viable tissues.

      shes already killed cops, my mother the sexual abuser, and one of my favorites, the recess nazi who tried to beat me up in front of his entourage. his blonde haired blue eyed textbook stereotype nazi face got literally pounded (and pounded and pounded) into the dirt. to this day l can pinpoint the spot within about 50 feet.

      lm proud of the fact l killed a budding boss from hell at a mere 12 yrs age. aka he went home and hung himself like a good hit-leur youth the windfall, no one bugged my ass after that and then it was high school and girls girls girls to hold their attention (and occasionally their dick but that was just a rumour to me)

    2. Steakman, “Diversity – Equity- Inclusion is nothing less than 100% PURE Racism.”

      Of course it is. DEI means selecting people based on a quota system for what they look like or what beliefs they have rather than anything related to what they know, are skilled at, or can actually do. I have nothing against whomever is doing a job and what they look like. The only thing that matters to me is how well they are doing the job I am paying them to do.

      Worse, of course it’s racism. DEI means you got in because of the quota system. That you might have been a good or skilled person was irrelevant. So DEI is the racism of reduced expectation. So yes, the woke are the world’s true racists. And they are demonstrating this now by their public support of the Hamas murderers.

  2. How about diversity by stop discriminating against anyone with a Western Canadian address

  3. White womyn have always been the #1 beneficiaries of affirmative action programs. This isn’t news.

    1. Kenji, the white women in my life have benefited a great deal from my efforts, financially and physically. One still is.
