First implementation of the Sask First Act – Saskatchewan won’t follow Clean Electricity Regulations

Jim Reiter, Bronwyn Eyre, Michael Milani. Photo by Brian Zinchuk

For a long time, Premier Scott Moe has been saying it’s impossible to comply with federal regulations regarding getting rid of our fossil-fueled power generation, in the timeline the federal Liberal government wants.

It’s coming to a head.

This is the first action of this type thus far under the Saskatchewan First Act. This is what it was meant for.

If implemented in their current form, the Clean Electricity Regulations mean to all but eliminate the burning of fossil fuels for power generation in 10 years, six months and three days from now. Saskatchewan relies on natural gas and coal to produce the vast majority of its power, up to 88 per cent on some days. And if implemented, these regulations will fundamentally alter Canada and its economy, and affect all of its people in one form or another. It’s one of the most important policy pieces in generations, seeking to remake Canada.

Saskatchewan won’t follow Clean Electricity Regulation, citing Economic Assessment Tribunal report.

Executive summary of the report

The government released all the submissions to the tribunal. I will be reprinting many of them over the coming days, maybe weeks. There’s a lot. And there’s a lot to be said.

16 Replies to “First implementation of the Sask First Act – Saskatchewan won’t follow Clean Electricity Regulations”

  1. Excellent. Nice to see some sanity from a government instead of just submitting to fools.

    Thank you Brian for reporting this

  2. Sid, it appears that the SASK govt disagrees with the timeline on the demonization and rationing of fossil fuels.

    That’s not sanity. That’s moving the goalposts just a bit further down the road.

    Sanity would be simply calling AGW out for the lie and foundation of the destruction of our freedoms and prosperity that it is.

    1. Yep, the only thing they’re doing is negotiating the terms of their defeat. They need to be brave and call this out for what it is, a reduced standard of living and complete reliance on the federal government and their cradle to grave control of your life and your death.

      1. Agreed. Any implementation, at any time in the future, is no more than a victory for fear mongering over science.

    2. 1000% BANG on Ward.

      Moving goal posts is chicken shit stuff…
      Moe should (as should Daniel), come straight out and say – ENOUGH of this utter BS

      “Climate Change” per se, is nothing less than the GLOBALIST umbrella of Planetary Depopulation.

    3. Yes, I agree with you as well. I wish our Alberta government would get off their azzes and actually do the things they said they would do, but I guess they are just settling in to the rich Corinthian leather chairs of big government and have lost their fire.
      They are concentrating on how to battle the purple prince of Calgary now.

    4. Not necessarily….as the fraud of climate change becomes more and more apparent fewer buy the AGW lies. It is called realpolitik.

    5. As I said in the comments under another post the other day. There are no conservative Premiers. The conservatives of today are the Liberals of yesteryear and the Liberals are the NDP of the past, if not most so. The NDP are their enablers. If one were optimistic, you could say this sets the stage for future dismantling of zero carbon goals, but you would be wrong. This is just a small obstacle on the road to societal destruction.
      Hopefully we can reach 10% of the population seeing the AGW is total garbage.

  3. They’re not negotiating the terms of their defeat or moving the goalposts, it’s called waiting for the pendulum to swing!

    1. They should be pushing the pendulum against all the greenie BS, and hard. It’s called leadership.

  4. PP can scrap all this crap in his first parliamentary sitting. If he doesn’t we’re living under a uniparty and it’s time to dissolve the federation.

    1. Yes, and provincially Sask is acting within its jurisdiction to show support for such a move by a federal conservative government. This encourages other provinces to consider their own real interests over the federal Liberals’ party interest.

  5. The federal government does produce one watt of power or one BTU of energy.
    And until they bought the Tranny Mountain Fiasco, they delivered zero energy.
    Tell them to FO.

    1. Yeah real soon too, like just after they hand off TMX to those that call themselves First!
