60 Replies to “June 27, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. People like to deride the French as “Surrender Monkeys” or “Cheese Monkeys”. My take is that they are very tolerant, enjoy their lifestyle and their food. (By the way, this is also true for the Italians and the Spanish!) They are slow to anger, but I think the tipping point has long been passed. The French are NOT happy with the Muslim ingrates. They did have a bloody revolution and they can have one again.
      I am a centralist in thought and policy but the Left have pushed the pendulum too far to the Left and now it is swinging back to the far Right. Perhaps one day, it will have slowed to the center again.

  1. The Golden Age of Flying in Canada was when Max Ward was running competition with TCA and beating them on every flight and every score! Air Canada, Canadian Pacific and government regulations ran him out of town, a story very familiar in the Canadian economy.

    1. 15,000,000,000 to make batteries same general area Ford built a plant in early 70s.
      but still let the chirese compete unfairly. how so? what are the wages in comparable currency in chirer?

  2. I experienced some of the golden age. Flew first class a few times, business class when it became a thing. Good food, free booze, bigger seats, special lounges for members, yes it was a pleasure to fly then.

  3. Today Blackie burns jet fuel from B.C. to Brampton Ont. for a fundraiser. At taxpayer expense of course.

  4. Sorry to say that for some reason I can post this Globe and Mail link. But Robert Fife and Steven Chase are reporting this morning that then-minister Harjit Singh — during the final days of the evacuation from Kabul, Afghanistan — diverted scarce special operstions personel from rescuing Canadians and Afghans on Canada’s priority list, in order to rescue 225 Afghan Sikhs with no connection to Canada.

    A bombshell report, but for some reason I cannot post the paywalled article this morning. Could someone help?

  5. I’ve flown a lot since the early 90’s, usually on Air Canada or US Star Alliance affiliates. Some Westjet and a few other airlines like South African Air, New Zealand Air, Luftansa, etc.

    Business/First on all were great experiences. Best of the bunch was South African Air, followed by AC in the pod style seating. In regular style seating AC and Westjet pretty well matched along with the others listed. None quite compare to this video though.

    I have over 500k in aeroplan miles earned and 300K of those have been used for experience trips. It works.

    Cattle class on North American airlines sucks. If you don’t want to pay, be prepared to suffer a little (lot).

    1. I’ve always flown ‘coach’, due to cost. WestJet bumped me up to business class once, but that was 12 years ago, when they were still customer-oriented. Air Canada always finds ways to p??s me off! I don’t think I’ve had a good experience with them in over 20 years. Best airlines I’ve travelled on have been Virgin Australia and Air New Zealand. On United, a departure was delayed by 2 hours, resulting in a missed connection with Air Canada in Los Angeles. United went out of their way to get me to Calgary on their planes, where Air Canada promptly accused me of lying about missed connections.

    1. Fake news.

      If it is, as you say, then it’s solely due to your presence. Hope that helps.

  6. A bad soldier blames his weapons.

    “Donated Canadian-built armoured vehicles break down often, Ukrainian commander says
    Drone unit commander says the Senators aren’t built for off-road or combat

    “In a recent interview near the embattled city of Kharkiv, Yuriy Fedorenko, commander of the Achilles drone unit in the Ukrainian 92nd Brigade, said the Roshel-manufactured Senator armoured cars in his unit have broken down frequently.”

    Russian armoured cars don’t?

    1. “London, Ont. police say no evidence Pride gerbil deaths linked to anti-LGBT poisoning”

      The first thing that went through my mind when I read “Pride gerbil deaths” was not pretty.

      (thankfully there were no actual gerbils in the story…;)

      1. Thankfully, when Justin had his colonoscopy years ago, all they found was Seamus O’Regan’s missing wristwatch. 🙂

  7. CBC News Report Presents Apocalyptic Version Of Gaza, Playing Fast & Loose With The Facts

    CBC Radio Program The Sunday Magazine Features Palestinian Chef Who Predictably Parrots Anti-Israel Propaganda – With No Pushback From Host
