22 Replies to “No Justin The Planet Isn’t Boiling”

  1. There IS an emergency – we’re being swamped by gullible ovines and we can’t even make Shepherd’s Pie out of them.

  2. these international bodies are influenced by international finance, mega-banks, and mega-corporations.

    and mega-trans-national “charities”.

  3. Soviet socialism collapses for all to see and then they invented global warming to seize the means of production.

  4. Page 19, Section B.5.2 of IPCC’s recent “CLIMATE CHANGE 2023: Synthesis Report” states:

    “For every 1000 GtCO2 emitted by human activity, global surface temperature rises by 0.45°C…”


    This means that each megatonne of man-made emissions causes a 0.00000045°C global temperature increase. Canada’s total emissions in 2022 were 548 megatonnes.

    Therefore the impact on global temperature of Canada going to “net zero” is:

    548 megatonnes / year x 0.00000045°C / megatonne = 0.0002466°C per year, or 1°C per 4055 years.

    Why doesn’t the public know this?

  5. Just wrote how 25 of the world’s leading scientist say Global Warming is absolute nonsense! My comments disappeared !

  6. I guess we can take small comfort knowing that the copious amounts of our money directed towards co2 reduction and funneled to approved supporters will be as ineffective as most government investments. It will have negligible effect on co2 levels.

  7. // Just wrote how 25 of the world’s leading scientist say Global Warming is absolute nonsense! //

    // The Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) is a Netherlands-based1 climate science denial group founded in 2019 by retired professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and journalist Marcel Crok.2 Its principal view is that “there is no climate emergency.”3
    According to Dutch broadcaster KRO-NCRV Pointer, the 800 “scientists, scholars, and professionals” that support CLINTEL have “conducted little to no climate research.”4 DeSmog analysis has found that the list of signatories includes a commercial fisherman, a retired chemist, a cardiologist, and an air-conditioning engineer, alongside a number of retired geologists.5 // desmog

    I can understand the position of the “air-conditioning engineer”.

    1. Conducting climate research is not essential to understanding climate data. The climate cupcakes and their forecasts of disaster completely ignore data.

    2. An “air-conditioning engineer”? What is that? Ohhhhhh … a “Mechanical Engineer”. No … it’s not some guy who pumps more climate-killing Freon into your AC Condensor … it’s someone who designs air handling units to keep a concert hall cool.

      Mechanical Engineer sounds too legit … so they changed it to “air conditioning engineer”. However, honestly … either one is far more qualified at climate control than your average “climate scientist”

    3. DeSmog is not a credible organization. Their sole purpose is to attack people who question the legitimacy of catastrophic climate change. Their claims are not well thought out or based on fact. They are agenda driven.

  8. // Their claims are not well thought out or based on fact. They are agenda driven. //

    As compared with the author of such classics as:
    // Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability
    CO2 Climate Hoax – How Bankers Hijacked the Real Environment Movement
    Godless Fake Science
    No Worries No Virus
    Transcending the Covid-19 Deception
    Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers
    Fake Moon Landings and the Lies of NASA //

    Think your expert might be a bit problematic?

  9. [[ The sun controls the climate. ]]

    // On the still young Earth three to four billion years ago …our Sun shone with only 70 to 80 percent of its present intensity.
    Nevertheless, the climate on the young Earth was apparently quite warm because there was hardly any glacial ice.
    This phenomenon is known as the ‘paradox of the young weak Sun.
    Very high atmospheric CO2 levels can explain the high temperatures. // scitechdaily

    But now the sun is increasing its intensity AND CO2 is also increasing.

    1. CO2 is a trace gas. 0.04% of the atmosphere. Humans are responsible for no more than 5%. (of the 0.04%). In light of these facts, it is absurd to believe that humans have any impact on the climate. We can have an impact on local weather, but the earth’s climate is much beyond us.

  10. // CO2 is a trace gas. 0.04% of the atmosphere. Humans are responsible for no more than 5%. (of the 0.04%). //

    #34 “Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions”
    The natural cycle adds and removes CO2 to keep a balance;
    humans add extra CO2 without removing any.

    #76 “CO2 is just a trace gas”
    Many substances are dangerous even in trace amounts;
    what really matters is the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
    The level goes up and down seasonally, but the small amounts added by human activity are
    added to the seasonal changes. So the total has gone from
    315 to 425 ppm in the sixty years that the Mauna Loa site has been measuring.

    1. Dizzy, you are on the right track to come to some interesting conclusions. Look up the latest estimates on Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS), the amount of warming with a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere.

      Then calculate the rate of CO2 concentration increase. Compare the two. Now you can decide whether Grete Thunberg makes sense. Exactly five years ago she said we’d be doomed had we not done something radical by today!

    2. Many substances are dangerous even in trace amounts;

      CO2 isn’t one of them. Seriously, this is 9th grade sophistry at best.
