“Sikh Canadians were viewed as a key voting bloc for the governing Liberals in several ridings.”

Well, we are a post-national country.

Trudeau’s former defence minister Harjit Sajjan redirected resources away from saving Canadians and Afghan collaborators during the disastrous 2021 pullout from Afghanistan, instructing special forces to rescue 225 Sikhs instead.

Michelle Rempel GarnerBut he told me he wasn’t reading his emails at the time.

Fallout: Party unity in shambles.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller says the federal government will not yet be pursuing a potential federal program that would give immigrants in Canada illegally the right to stay amid backlash within its own party.

Miller presented the proposed program to cabinet last week, which was met with strong opposition from some MPs, the minister said in an interview with the Globe and Mail.

54 Replies to ““Sikh Canadians were viewed as a key voting bloc for the governing Liberals in several ridings.””

  1. Why should anyone be surprised?

    The government botched it to begin with, and then made it worse with the Minister providing direction to the military, and now the military is throwing the Chief of Defence staff under the bus to protect political leadership.

  2. What, how is that legal they had no right to come into Canada over those who had said right?

  3. Every decision made by this Liberal government is based on what is best for the Liberal Party.
    Nothing else matters.

  4. What exactly is the difference between a minister’s request, and an order?
    Are some “requests” ignored?

    When tier 2 Canada “requests” my assistance, they are ok with my refusal as I don’t give an F about their country now?

    If I’m a serving member of the Canadian Navy, and the Captain of the ship/sub “requests” my appearance at 0700 today, he’ll be cool with me saying, “no man, that’s too early for me, thusly I decline your request”

    Is that the minister’s real excuse? It was only a request?

    Is the minister on acid? I suppose it doesn’t really matter at this point anyhow. The vast majority will be defeated.
    A couple more to go here…

  5. What disgusts me is that the discussion is still just about removing individual Liberal MPs or the Prime Minister resigning. This Liberal government is corrupt to the core, the discussion should be about how this Trudeau Liberal-NDP government should be dissolved immediately and an election called. In a sane country with an honorable government this should have happened already given the number and types of scandals. That a minority government is still allowed to govern after their outrageous behavior is, as I said before, disgusting.

    The NDP and our Governor General should feel nothing but shame for allowing the Trudeau government to continue to hold power.

    1. Any one of the following scandals should have brought down the Trudeau government:

      – trying to pressure the Attorney General/ Justice Minister to not criminally prosecute a private company because the company was Liberal friendly. Then firing her and kicking her out of the party when she refused.

      -allowing agents of a hostile foreign country to infiltrate a Canadian high security biological laboratory and transfer dangerous material and sensitive information to the hostile country. Then prorogue parliament to cover it up.

      -Allow foreign election interference for multiple elections because it helped their party. Then hire a special rapporteur with an obvious conflict of interest to whitewash the scandal.

      – The unconstitutional use of the emergencies act to arrest protestors and freeze bank accounts of protest supporters. Hire a Liberal Party friendly judge to give them a stamp of approval at the mandatory inquiry which is then overturned by an independent judge.

      – they are implicated in numerous financial corruption cases with allegations of 100s of millions of dollars missing, wasted and funneled to friend’s companies. Documents missing or destroyed, proper procurement procedures completely ignored, conflicts of interest everywhere. Then the Liberal and NDP prevent investations at the committees investigating the scandals.

      – and last, but certainly not least, CSIS alleges there are MPs and Senators “wittingly” working with hostile foreign governments. The government sits on the information for months and won’t name the politicians or remove them from government.

      This situation in Canada is insane. This isn’t in any way a properly functioning democracy with an accountable, responsible government.

        1. The problem is that this is a real country and it’s ours. Nobody is going fix it for us.

      1. shoulda coulda bla bla bla because in Canaduh the PM has vastly more power than POTUS, example: APPOINT senators up the wazzoo no vetting no nothing just a formailty for the GG.
        example 2: recall? impeach? etc the PM? HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
        the TURDeau has shown Canaduh when we combine unfettered power with the imbecilities and corruption he brings everywhere.

      1. I’ve heard that before and I see the logic behind it but the majority of Liberal MPs are already vested. There’s more to it, I think. Fear? Cowardice? Something else?

        Frankly, the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government MPs behavior reminds me more of a gang or organized crime syndicate. In that culture initiation rites require prospective members to commit a crime to ensure loyalty. The fear of being prosecuted for that crime makes it impossible for them to leave the gang because the gang leaders hold the evidence of the crime they committed over their head. From that point on, they do as they’re told…or else.

        1. An organized crime syndicate? A good description of the cabal.

          By the way, you missed one infamous scandal: the WE affair with the Kielburgers from which the friends and family of the Prime Minister personally benefited. You could also add the host of free vacations paid for by foreign billionaires such as Aga Khan.

          Your reference to fear or cowardice is interesting. I suspect this is what’s driving caucus unity right now. What has surfaced thus far may only be the tip of the iceberg in terms of Liberal corruption and incompetence in power. They’ve had a decade of free range grazing in the national budget. That’s lots of time for graft to have its day.

          1. I’m probably forgetting more than just the WE scandal. There’s too many scandals to remember them all and you’re right that’s it’s probably the tip of the iceberg.

            The media likes to present these scandals as one time, isolated events instead of a clear pattern of corrupt behavior. Then, after a week, the story is dropped entirely. Corrupt government and incompetent journalists are an awful combination…and I’m being charitable when I say they’re just incompetent.

          2. the ‘fear or cowardice’ referred to is pretty much EV-ERY-WHERE hoomahns abound. its what allows the likes uf der furher to grab those reigns eh? its why the likes of jeff, harvey, diddly, and now whatsisname nygard and mr stronach as well. they COUNT ON IT the ‘fear and cowardice’

            and, AND any contributing factors? l can think of one. if a whistleblower pops up, the ‘fear and cowardice’ induces the rest to ‘pile on’ and everyone knows those unwritten rules.

            its about POWER POWER POWER

          3. LC, agreed with all of that. The general pattern is that there is at least one major scandal every year of gross incompetence or overt corruption like the SNC-Lavalin and WE affairs. At this point, things like corrupt paid-vacations by the Aga Khan are very small potatoes (sorry, couldn’t resist the bad joke) compared with all the serious stuff which has occurred.

            As you point out, we have an incompetent or bribed press that is deliberately keeping a less than stringent eye on Liberal malfeasance. So yes, there could still be a mountain of rubbish hiding under the carpet.

  6. Just another symptom. Take the holistic view. Stop worrying about the place. It’s over.

    1. Sing the holistic song: “There’s a holistic bucket, dear Henry, dear Henry, there’s a holistic bucket, dear Henry, a hole….”

  7. In most of the world, it is tribe before country.


    Why should Canada be any different?


  8. What a ridiculous people and country Canada has become. Nobody has a connection with Canada’s past anymore. They are just too stupid. Everyone else from anywhere is far more important than our actual relatives and ancestors. Stay away from me.

    1. VOWG, I get your repetitive hyperbole, but chill sometimes.
      We are not all “stupid” or ridiculous, just disenfranchised.
      My “people” came here in the 1740s on one side, and the early 1900s on the other.
      That said, I also am a misanthropist hiding my love away on the edge of town.
      F-ck Trudeau

  9. And the original media source of this story is the freakin’ Toronto Grope and Fail?????

    Really????? The knives REALLY must be out

    I’d like to think this story has ‘legs’ and there will be outrage but the pusillanimity of the Canadian voting public never ceases to amaze me

    1. It’s weird, isn’t it. Canadians tolerate corruption and abuse of government power to absurd levels. They just passively allow their federal government to break every rule of decency, responsibility and accountability with no more than a shrug and a sigh ” That’s awful…our democracy is being perverted, taxpayer money is being stolen and our basic rights are being violated…oh well, nothing we can do”.

      You’d think they’d be outraged and demand an election but no. Mark Steyn used to call Canada the Demented Dominion – he wasn’t wrong.

      1. Canadians don’t seem to want to make a fuss about ANYTHING, do they? Some theories

        1. Because we have no “rebel tradition” being (i) dissatisfied with the status quo and (ii) being patriotic/one if “in crowd”/establishment are seen as NEVER being reconcilable. This is not true in some jurisdictions such as the US

        2. Canadian are TERRIBLE snobs – even if you are dissatisfied with your lot, you don’t complain because this will mark you out in the eyes of your fellow countryman (er countrypersons, thanks Justin) as not having “made it” – i.e., if you had made it, you’d be satisfied with the status quo, ergo, if you’re dissatisfied with the status quo them you’re a loser (you don’t want to sound like Charlottesville MAG Trump supporter do you??? How gauche!)

        3. There is also this vestigial British “stiff upper lip”/”keep calm and carry on” idea that still infuses the Canadian national character to a significant extent

        1. Good theories.

          Point 1 and 2.
          If true, it’s not surprising that political change comes mostly from the prairies, NDP/CCF and Reform Party, because there’s more self reliance, more dissatisfaction with Ottawa politics, and significantly fewer aristocratic type snobs.

          Point 3.
          I find the UK more rebellious than Canadians. Plenty of revolts against the old aristocratic families in their history. Today’s London blade runners are a more modern example. I’ve been around herds of cattle and flocks of chickens more spirited than most Canadians.

        2. Point 4. Many Canadians are stupid. A lot of those who are not stupid are cowards. Most of the rest are just greedy and uncaring.

          1. Point 5. Most Canadians wouldn’t be able to follow this line of thought, dude.

        3. Extension of point #1. Canadians at their roots are either French (no comment required) or united empire loyalists. This lot is better described as cowards who peed their knickers and ran away when their bretheren revolted against the king. A nation founded by cowards, will stay cowed.

        4. On point number 3.
          Keep calm and carry on didn’t mean with your head up your a–.
          As many Canadians do today.
          And that’s why we are in this mess.

  10. Curious
    This is info that could have been revealed back then.
    One can only surmise that the bureaucracy keeping a lid on it did so under threat or did so because they were in on it.
    Now, days after a “shocking” defeat in a by election this info surfaces.
    I get the sense that a bureaucracy that was once seen as an extension on the Trudeau cult, is now ready to start ratting them out.
    At the very least, I would say anyone holding a Trudeau meal ticket is finding out they are NSF and are looking to curry favour with the new bosses.

  11. And the government is gonna rescue the Lebs with Canadian passports – again!
    The Brown vote can swing a lot of ridings.
    Each rescued voter has a lot of friends who remain in Canada.
    Doing the rescue should be seen as election interference.

  12. Somebody resourceful could probably make a noose out Shithead’s turban.
    Jesus the Liberals have just obliterated pride, honesty and honour.
    Its like the post-nation was a van and it just got driven off a cliff by Liberals and their voters.

  13. From the “Party Unity in Shambles” link…

    Minister Miller says that most Canadians, once they are educated, agree with the regularization of illegals.

    Effen Liberals and their education programs. Take a flying leap. Get rid of the illegals in our country. Enough of this already.

    1. ” … once they are educated …”

      More accurately, “once we educate them.”

      1. I think the word you are looking for is” reeducate”, best done in a pastoral camp setting.

    2. Remember awhile back Liberal social engineering was the talk of the day?
      Well,,,,,,,,,,,, it works.

  14. So, Canadian commandos rescued 225 Sikhs to boost our Prime Mincer’s popularity. So I have a question about our elite JTF4. It is obvious that JT stands for “joostaihn turdo’s”, but what does the F4 mean?

  15. ages ago, my assessment of the big 3 went like this:
    PCs: corrupt but competent (business background stereotype)
    ndp: ethical but incompetent
    Libs: corrupt and incompetent. why do they win elections? see above

  16. aka ‘joint task fource 4’ lm thinking a ‘task fource’ assigned to a strictly political end, unlike
    1, 2 and 3?
