10 Replies to “Stamping Out White Supremacy in Ontario Schools”

  1. The reckoning that is coming for these apparatchiks will be legendary. History will have a whole chapter on the Fall of Socialized Education in Canada. I hereby prophesy. Legendary.

    And we all saw the first brick fall off the wall on Tuesday morning. The turning of the tide, baby. Buckle up, mother truckers.

  2. Canada was founded by whites because we were better than everyone else, so we were supreme, so from that perspective it’s true. If other heathen races had been capable, they’d have beaten us to it, but they didn’t know how to build ships, navigate and kick ass. If you’re not white, get over it, you can appropriate as much of our culture as you want.

  3. This all started with Obama who came into office determined to divide the races that had become fully integrated and colorblind. Obama destroyed that. Because he fancied himself a victim. Because victimhood $$pays$$ as Jesse Jackson instructed. Now we are all paying … big time … for neo divisiveness.

  4. Obviously school boards have too much time and money on their hands and need to be eliminated, as they are consuming resources that should be going to students for no benefit.

  5. Defund public education and offer 50% of the per student cost as vouchers to parents to spend on education offered via the free market. Progs can still choose to send their kids to post modern septic tanks.

  6. Man oh Man! I can’t wait for a Conservative Government to come along and put an end to this woke lefty horseshit.

    Oh, wait a minute….

  7. The “dominant culture” is so terrible that millions are trying to get into it and out of their home cultures.

    Liberals believe white people are so horrid that they’re packing up their families and emigrating to Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, anywhere in Africa, etc. Oh wait. No. No they’re not. Which is too bad…

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