16 Replies to “Things You’re Gonna See On The CBC”

  1. Nice to see the Prime Minister with mbers of his favourite constituency. I’m surprised the photo is not a selfie.

  2. “I mean, we already knew this but now they’re no longer afraid of us.”

    All I see is a diverse group of strong and powerful trans-women.

  3. The CBC needs to be taken down…and I do Mean-Actually physically taken down…alla my Birthday in Sept.
    Taken over by Communist Satanists & other assorted Evil FILTH.

    I’d push the button without a 2nd thought.
    And that would apply to CTV, Global, TorStar, Mcleans etc.

    This should happen once the HOC is disinfected…

    1. The CBC puzzle palace on Front Street needs to be converted into a homeless shelter as soon as possible as that would be a better use for it that what it’s being used for now.

  4. Dear CBC; Feelings are ephemeral. Not permanent. Usually highly emotional. Determining one’s gender based upon how a child f-e-e-l-s … is the most counterproductive, nay INSANE thing anyone could claim.

  5. It would be interesting to see what’s in his tickle trunk. One can only imagine the wigs and gowns. Ooo and that make up kit would be to die for.

    On second thought … maybe don’t want to know

    1. I find it amusing how “Trannies” all make themselves up like clownish representations of women. They must really HATE women. It’s the gender equivalent to blackface, and should be derided with the same amount of scorn.

      1. Too many real women are sporting drag queen eye makeup these days. I think that’s the goal. Make them all look like clowns, harder to spot the fakes.

        1. Some are even tattooing their eyes permanently black. As for me? I have never found that attractive. There’s nothing finer than a natural looking woman … and natural aging is just fine. The freak show of cosmetic surgery is scary too.

  6. I guess doing their perversion in front of me would get me censored and them assuming room temperature.

  7. In every pic of Justin with homosexuals or drag/trans, he looks like he’s having a lot of fun. A lot.
