27 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

    1. The land is owned by the federal government and is being profitably and sustainably managed by the Hepple family for the past 50 years. Once it reverts to native Indian ownership, it will become like most native reservations – crap!
      These are just the observations of a 72 year old woman who has seen this over and over in the past 50 years since becoming a reasonable adult.

    2. They won’t farm it, they won’t use it themselves in any way, they will develop the land for industrial purposes and lease it out.

      Who will benefit from the income? Not the people, that’s for sure. Only the band leadership.

      1. The “Guardians of the Environment” will put up huge ugly billboards along the roads much like they do on their other Indian lands.

  1. Survivors of the child welfare system need more money from the welfare system. Do the indians not realize the producers in Canada are broke?

    1. “Survivors of the child welfare system need more money from the welfare system. Do the indians not realize the producers in Canada are broke?”

      Yeah, when your very first line is “Advocates for survivors of the child welfare system say more support is needed”, you’ve lost me before you even got to try and sell me your pitch.

      “Survivors”, you say, of the child welfare system?

      GROW UP, is my response.

  2. [This one is waaaay to easy!]

    We ALL know how those poor little animls died. [“Insert” – hahaha – your own tasteless joke here.]

    Richard Gere could not be reached for comment

  3. Nice

    A renowned medical doctor has spoken out to confirm reports that the drug ivermectin has been used to successfully cure cancer patients.

    Dr. Paul Marik, an American physician and former professor of medicine, made the bombshell announcement during a new interview.

  4. “Muslim prayer in schools”

    I’m 100% in favour of Muslim prayer in schools. In schools located in Muslim countries. Where Muslims live. Where all Muslims should live. Not here.

    1. how is it xian prayer *in schools* was summarily HALTED a long ways back?
      was that to ‘make room’ for the muzzies NOW???????
      and who else besides liberals are behind this? ah yes. muzzies.

      and thus the pattern emerges, the successful communist inspired tactic of
      *never give up*, xians did that to build cathedrals taking 3 generations.
      now they burn. and according to the chief liberal monsieur TURDeau (MERDeau?)
      it is all “understandable”

      1. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. All those, like GYM/NME666 who HATE Xtians cheer the enemy horde who overrun Xtian nations.

        1. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy. No more, no less. Never trust the enemies of your enemy, especially when they are your enemy.

          1. You’re expecting the average Xtian-hating leftist to be capable of strategic thinking? Never gonna happen. That is why there are ALWAYS massive unintended consequences as a result of leftist policies.

    2. As soon as this person was identified as commonly using his middle name of Mujahid (arabic: one who engages in jihad) by choice in school and other settings, he should have been discarded as a candidate, but the vacuous brains at CHRC still went forward with him.

  5. I think there’s something wrong with my math.
    400 isis terrorists sneak into the USA.
    150 isis terrorists are deported.
    Why are they only looking for 50 isis terrorists?

  6. Try as he might, Victor Davis Hanson is still too steeped in US propaganda to see the whole picture. He’s a smart man, but if he gets his info from the news media, it’s garbage in, garbage out.

    For one thing, if Ukraine really wanted a change in policy, there was an election coming.

  7. Seems like Trump and his gang haven’t gotten any smarter.

    Debate on CNN and Tapper as moderator.

    Both as honest and unbiased as the New York Legal System.

    Oh well. Just add them to the list of “Election Deniers” requiring “housing”.

    Let’s hope El Salvadorian Don fills the Democrat hotels formerly known as prisons.
