“Buckle Up”


We are within minutes of the release of the new opinions. The Supreme Court has reduced the docket to a roux of huge cases touching on the authority of federal agencies (Loper) to the 2024 election (Trump) to the J6 defendants (Fischer) to the right to be homeless (City of Grants Pass)…

For those without X accounts, the opinions are live blogged at Scotus Blog.

A bad week for the administrative state: …the Supreme Court has overruled the Chevron doctrine, which required courts to defer to the legal interpretations of unelected bureaucrats.

That sucking sound you hear…

And here it is.

…D.C. Circuit is reversed in the J6 case…..A major loss for the Biden Administration. The Court rules that the “novel interpretation would criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct, exposing activists and lobbyists alike to decades in prison.”
This is a big win for Trump as well. It knocks out a substantial part of the case of Jack Smith against the former president. It also knocks out hundreds of convictions…

Ruling is here.

16 Replies to ““Buckle Up””

  1. Re J6 defendents: SCOTUS finds 6-3 for Fischer as obstruction charges are thrown out. This also impacts Jack Smith prosecution of Trump.

    1. Hopefully, these decisions will create a good deal of “redundancy” in Washington, DC Democrat lawfirms.

  2. Wow. I can feel the wind shifting. First the Pony loses the safest seat in Canada, then the Fall of #Brandon last night, and now this.

    The rush of rats deserting the sinking USS DemocRat is going to be really something.

    1. But they are stills rats ……… They need somebody with a shovel that doesn’t flinch. Then it doesn’t matter which way the wind blows.

      1. Flame thrower. Shovels, you’re going to miss a lot of them.

        And a bobcat to clean up all the rat poo. Probably squadrons of bobcats.

  3. That is the difference between canuckistan and the US. We had a court decision go against the government regarding the convoy a couple of months ago, and the tyranny machine rolls on up here unaffected as if nothing happened.

    1. Also, the US has a constitution worth the paper it’s printed on (and largely unique in the world), unlike canada who’s first clause is “people have rights, but…”

  4. I’m a little pissed off that they pushed the Presidential Immunity case decision off until Monday. If you don’t think it’s purposeful, you aren’t paying attention. Chances are the decision(s) is going to go in Trump’s favor. It SHOULD have been released before last nights so-called debate. Instead, they’ve pushed it off over a week from when it was likely completed just so they could drop it before a US holiday.

    If you think Jack Smith’s case has holes in it today. Wait until Monday.

    1. In a related story … yesterday and today are seeing a RECORD number of flights and airports are jammed. Why? Next week is July 4th … WEEK. Most people are getting a WEEK off work. So, yeah … the Presidential immunity ruling will come out while America is vacationing.

    2. Maybe so but then the bolsheviks would have accused the court of attempting to interfere in the election and that would be this morning’s focus instead paste eater’s awe inspiring performance.

      1. As it is … the media has been virtually SILENT about this batch of the conservative court’s rulings
        They’re pretending nothing happened.

    3. If they don’t give full immunity, the first thing Trump should do when he’s back in is get his new DOJ to charge Obama with murder for droning US citizens. It can’t only work one way

      1. Police have immunity, prosecutors have immunity, judges have immunity, congressmen have immunity, and senators have immunity. The president has immunity from civil actions. Why in hell wouldn’t the president have immunity from criminal actions peripheral to his duties?

  5. I would say get your head down. Every baddie on the planet is going to make a now or never move, Taiwan as an example.
