Clean Electricity Regulations: the fight heats up

Steven Guilbeault


Three stories in the ongoing Clean Electricity Regulations saga, more to come.

Guilbeault counters Saskatchewan’s defiance of Clean Electricity Regulations, Eyre fires back

Sask NDP response to Clean Electricity Regulations tribunal report

Clean Electricity Regulations: Longhorn Oil & Gas submission


9 Replies to “Clean Electricity Regulations: the fight heats up”

  1. Can’t say this enough. Increases in CO2 contributes so little to global warming that it’s not measurable.

    It’s a hoax folks.

  2. The WEF minions throughout all levels of government and its bureaucracies are endeavouring to ensure they have 100% control over you, the individual. By turning everything reliant to electricity–all it would take is for TPTB to turn if off when an individual, a group of people, a neighbourhood, etc displeases them (imagine no heat in the middle of winter or the ability to cook anything–and no possibility to generate heat and/or cook on your own because they’ve outlawed wood-burning stoves/fireplaces). Further, by mandating that all vehicles on Canada’s roads be of the electric persuasion–they limit your mobility and your ability to leave, as your electric vehicle requires infrastructure that doesn’t exist outside of heavily populated first-world urban areas–and unlike an i/c engine vehicle that can sit a couple of months in the garage or out in the cabin somewhere in the woods–the electric vehicle’s battery eventually loses charge regardless if you use it or not.

  3. I want to thank Brian Zinchuk for his dogged pursuit of the insane policies being pushed by the feds, and his informing us regularly on the issues. Keep it up. Facts matter, real facts, not the “facts” presented by leftists. People need to know and understand the facts and the limitations of the laws of physics and finance before they fall prey to the massive failures that will happen if these policies continue.

    1. Thank you kindly.

      No one else in the Saskatchewan media is doing this sort of thing, that’s for sure.

  4. I don’t even know how the the f**king feds can have a say when they don’t produce one watt or BTU of energy.
    Such a useless entity unless you’re an Ottawa parasitic public servant.
