27 Replies to “Fart Tax”

  1. So … just about $120.00/cow/year FART tax. Yes … there is a WAR against beef and dairy. They want you to eat bugs or feces-fed-farmed tilapia. The vegans are delirious in Denmark. Nobody can afford beef as it is … and what will that MacDonalds burger cost now? Yes … fascist governments are the PRIMARY cause of inflation.

    The crowds with pitchforks are assembling now … across the globe

    PS … where is the tax revenue going? To hire more government “environmental” bureaucrats?

  2. That will make a difference like a fart in the wind.

    The thermal absorption of infrared energy of methane in the atmosphere is trivial. The wavelength at which it absorbs heat is a very weak shoulder of a peak which is overlapped by a broader absorption band of water vapour which the predominant greenhouse gas. Also, water vapour has about a 4 orders of magnitude greater concentration in the atmosphere than does methane. Methane is about 2 orders of magnitude lower concentration in the atmosphere than does carbon dioxide.

    A political tax on cow farts is ignorant literally bull shit

      1. kenji,
        one of my fave george riffs, and lyrics. I tried to post his original, but try to get it off the web …protected and taxed.
        my sweet lord, what a world

  3. perhaps part of the objective is to expose the next generation into thinking such measures are effective. how many methods and beliefs and processes did YOU dear SDA participant, pick up in YOUR formative years *and still hold on to* ???
    see how that works? see how flexible and applicable the indoctrination method is?
    hmmm? and WHO is behind all this ‘steering of the ship of state’?

    1. Some one, any one should inform these ECO Loons that in the early 1800`s it was estimated there were between 30 and 60 million Bison roaming the plains. And not even a hint of global warming.

      1. Not counting all the equine that were the principal source of travel, farm work and so forth. There was quite a mess of streets and pathways with all the ‘horse apples’

  4. I always suspected the purpose of the Global Warming scam was to eventually tax us all for breathing and farting.
    And here we are…

  5. It’s so easy to tell when they lie.

    “The aim is to reduce Danish greenhouse gas emissions by 70% from 1990 levels by 2030, said Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus.”

    No, the actual effect will be to eliminate Danish livestock and increase imports from outside Denmark. This is what’s called an “own goal”. Jeppe Bruus is an idiot on the scale of Steven Guilbeault.

  6. Aaand – if you take the cow out of the equation, and simply allow the grass to rot in the field….the methane emissions are exactly the same as if the grass was broken down in the stomach of the cow.
    Net gain of this policy = zero.
    Plus…we have tens of thousands of ungulates in the beef and dairy industry. We are told they are a climate issue.
    Well, there are millions of ungulates roaming the Serengeti plains of Africa. Why are they exempt? Shouldn’t these climate alarmists be advocating for a mass slaughter of wildebeests, etc in Africa?
    Oh…but those are “natural” farts. They don’t harm anything. Only farts that have something to do with feeding humans are an issue.

  7. Those who seek to tax air..Shall be denied it.
    These are Oxygen Thieves.
    Parasites drunk on O.P.M.
    But that other peoples money,AKA Opium for politicians ,has run out.
    “Must spend OPM,we need new taxes”.
    And the Cult of Calamitous Climate is the perfect litmus test.
    If they spout the dogma,you have no place for them in a technological society.
    Banish Gang Green.
    Know your enemy.

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