30 Replies to “Free Tommy Robinson!”

    1. That’s a right proper Hooligan song! In fact, I’d like to see Trudeau and his merry band of pranksters meet up in the street with a group of Tommy Robinson supporters in full song. Yeah, that confrontation would put the REAL hate in hate “speech” laws. Some proper fist-hate. No more hurt ‘feelings’ … but hurt faces.

      I’m not advocating violence against Trudeau or any of his poofter cabinet fellows. Not at all. Who do you think I am? A “Palestinian” supporting thug?

  1. Canada has joined the Nortic feminist horde with our lady in Chief of Defense naritive.

    Oh boy
    Putin is shakin

    1. “Between Poillievre with Christine Anderson, and Ford with Tommy Robinson there are no balls and two strikes.”

      So true…and so sad.

    2. Shrug. It’s not like we should expect guts or balls from them, is it?

      But maybe PeePee and Blubber Douggie should strive for a bit more consistency in how they handle caucus members who meet with true conservatives like Robinson and Anderson. PeePee instructed his MPs to say they weren’t aware of Anderson’s background; Blubber Douggie turfed his MPP for saying the same thing.

      1. Uh huh. Any PC supporter should know that if you didn’t support lockdowns (Roman Baber, Belinda Karahalios) or you’d talk to Tommy (Goldie Ghamari) or you don’t by into the COVID mRNA line (Rick Nicholls), there is no place in the PC party for you. Doug Ford and his handlers and the PC party find you contemptable.

    3. “Asked Wednesday about the meeting, Ghamari said she was “not aware” of Robinson’s history when she agreed to meet with him online. ”
      Heh,most Canadians are “not aware” of Robinson’s history, as all the media has ever told us about Mr Robinson are blatant lies,slander and slimy insinuation.
      Eastern Progressive Conservatives are uni-party slime.

  2. let me see if l got this right. Robinson is arrested for . . . . words?

    who else in history did that?

    1. And the perpetrators of this draconian and possibly illegal performance remain anonymous in the dark recesses of officialdom. Skulking in their Cowards Castles. Who instigated this action, who carried it out. If only there was a journalist to pursue such questions. You know the old school type keeping keeping politicians honest and holding them to account. The Libranos knew full well what they were doing when they bought the MSM.

  3. “who else in history did that?”
    15 days after becoming Prime Minister, and the German invasion of France, Belgium, and Holland, Winston Churchill had Oswald Mosely arrested for . .words.

    The Son King is at war with the ‘impure’ in Canada.
    Canada’s descent into this madness began in the 1990’s with ‘Human Rights’ Commissions and Tribunals
    being allowed to adjudicate and punish what constituted ‘hate speech’ according to feelings.

  4. I hope he wears some level III armour in Toronto, never know if the TPS might try to Kotanko him.

    1. “I hope he wears some level III armour in Toronto, ”

      That’s illegal in Canada. Don’t ask why.

      1. I think it’s a provincial thing. In Ontario, I think you need a PAL to buy it, but not to wear it.

        1. “I think it’s a provincial thing. In Ontario, I think you need a PAL to buy it, but not to wear it.”

          I didn’t know. It’s not allowed here in BC.

  5. I see CAIR-CAN ran to put out a statement calling him racist, surely the “Islamophobia rep” will demand his expulsion.

  6. The police that decided to get in the car and go and arrest a public foreign famous speaker on authoritarianism knowing they have no charges against TR would have driven him to any gas chamber/oven that was handy.

    The next progression, or step up, from police showing up and taking people away without explanation or charges is they “disappear” him.

    Like the famous Boys in the Hood movie when Cuba Gooding tells Ice T to pull the car over and let him out before a planned driveby shooting could take place, did any of these f###ing morons cops have a moment?

    Our government is a monster.

    1. Nodwell has some pretty serious street cred.
      Hopenothate doesn’t.
      David Icke is a loon.
      Nodwell gives more detail in an interview with RedIceTV.
      I’ll need more than just allegations to make up my mind, especially as they are all after the fact, but I tend to believe her about what she claims to have seen and heard. Her speculations as to motives and means, mind you, are unverified.

    The government messed up.
    Tommy Robinson is an infamous anti-Muslim activist from the UK.
    Right now he’s in Canada to do a tour with Rebel News.
    Robinson sends the message that Muslims are violent terrorists and criminals, rapists who prey on young girls, and that Muslims and Islam are inherently evil and are trying to take over society.
    He should not have been let into the country. He is already banned from the USA and Mexico.

    1. So, organizing massive street prayers that block traffic is not “trying to take over society”?
      Trying to ban folk who criticize Islam is not “trying to take over society”?

      You suffer from terminal cranio-rectal syndrome.

      1. Assuming what has not been said is a logical fallacy.

        Barking at the wrong tree is also one.

        Go talk to CAHN if you disagree with the quoted post. Just because I quote someone does not mean I agree with it.

  8. Anyone who thinks the “south asian” grooming gangs aren’t also operating here in Canada hasn’t been paying attention. I’ve known three separate victims who claim the same kind of coverup and refusal to act by the police and FACS.
