9 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. “Long covid”, another lie. The toxic effects of the experimental vaxxes is and will continue to be a problem. These toxic shots are still being pushed in canada.

    1. Despite immunity from damages, Pfizer and the others are going to get their asses sued into oblivion. One assumption in immunity from vaccine damages is acting in good faith. Pfizer and possibly others have been lying from day one. There was no such thing as informed consent because the informing was not backed by research. They made it up.

  2. The spies who lie need to be taken out to the back forty and permanently hushed.
    Not just for what they did, but also for those who may consider conspiring to lie to the nation in the future.
    They’re treasonous bastards.

    1. Lamp posts and rope.
      In downtown Washington.
      Might deliver a message however given the real culprits in the “drive-by media” (Thanks Rush) the message would likely never escape Washington. The West is so screwed!!

  3. “Democrat strategist Donna Brazile admitted that the Democratic Party has “work to do” after President Joe Biden’s performance at the presidential debate but said he would be the party’s presidential nominee.”


    To those Dem/media geniuses who planned for this 1st debate: when is the 2nd one? 🙂

  4. Good line-up OJ, thanks.

    The short Douglas Murray clip: Trudeau is all about “performative care”. Wow, what a phrase; right up there with “virtue signalling”.
    Your worst nightmare: being on the other side in a debate with Douglas.

    And it really is true. He’s never said a true or sincere thing from the start of his disastrous reign.
