“Going forward, we shall ensure our activities and giving tie directly to our business.”

Sorry guys, we didn’t make the new rules. But those are the new rules.

One of America’s leading rural-supply merchants announced Thursday that it is ending all “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” programs and will no longer support LGBTQ and global-warming causes.

Tractor Supply Co. posted a statement on social media detailing its new direction after three weeks of social-media and other backlash over the previous attachments to left-wing causes that are not popular with its customer base.

22 Replies to ““Going forward, we shall ensure our activities and giving tie directly to our business.””

  1. “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

    ― George Orwell

    The progressive left now advances ideas so stupid they self-destruct.

    There’s nothing illegal about being in the country illegally.

    The black arrest rate has nothing to do with the black crime rate.

    Men are women.


  2. Don’t give the “Executives” a pass, find an alternative supplier. This is the way.

      1. There were no resignations, at all, so how does the board justify keeping the people that put this into place?

  3. And so it begins. Take out the trash. Declare the trash to be diseased, contaminated and unfit for human consumption.

  4. Will they stop importing Chinese garbage that can’t survive 1st use?

    If you use temporary electric fence, you will know have thought or said out loud “f’n peavey posts!!!”

    Next do carhartt.

    1. Find the Carhartt that is made in Mexico, Mexican cotton and goods made from it, are superior to the ones made in bangladesh or india, etc. I refuse to buy any goods from bangla or india, keep it on the continent!
      Although, china is sinking this teeth into Mexico, as they realise it’s the next booming economy..

    2. And Milwaukee. All made in Asia.

      I worked at a farm supply store after high school. Employees were not allowed to have facial hair at the time. Definitely not the case anymore.
      Hog rings belong on pigs, not the the cashier.

  5. Now do Home Depot.

    The pride flags at the checkouts in Saskatoon are a little much. And the employee bulletin board by the washrooms is covered in pride and DEI stuff. Actually makes me think twice about using the can in Home Depot.

    1. I quit Home Depot for this a long time ago. Lowes isn’t gay. HD is. May as well go sideways with the gay innuendo with any contractor that mentions they buy at HD. They can laugh it off and think twice next time they go shopping.

  6. It only took a billion dollar drop in sales to get their attention.
    It’s not like their C Suite occupants actually changed their minds about support for the woke / fringe / sexual predators / communists, they just want to hide it better now.

  7. AWESOME…!!

    More Please. This entire pile of GARBAGE of ESG – DEI needs to be obliterated.
    in my humble opinion.

    Screw WOKE

    1. My attitude has always been “I hope you have a good sex life, I do not want to know about it!” And your sex life better be between consenting adults (over 18) so NO children and NO elder or disabled abuse. And NO bestiality because that is just “so wrong!”
      Having graduated high school in 1970, I remember the Stonewall riots of 1968 or was it 1969. First there was a Pride Day, now a Pride week and now a whole month of Pride. Good friends of mine who live in Chowtown, are leaving this evening and they are gay businessmen. They are just so disgusted with all the crazies who have taken over the streets, the parade and the whole situation.

  8. It always makes me wonder – who thought this was a good idea in the first place? I expect it was the same mindset of the Bud Light lady whose business experience largely consisted of case studies in MBA classes.

  9. It’s probably too obvious that if they had stuck to their knitting they wouldn’t have to backtrack.

  10. The Tennessee company also will break from the widespread U.S. corporate practice of submitting data to the Human Rights Campaign for the Corporate Equality Index score that the LGBTQ lobby group issues.

    WTF!?? is THAT!!?? Who elected that group of dykes and fairies to dictate (sorry) corporate policy!!??

  11. There is a great graph around somewhere that shows how the Media headline mentions of “Race” and its many semantic friends rose exponentially beginning around 2011.

    Obviously, DIE is just the next step in the progression to the ultimate goal of World Communism/Totalitarianism/Fascism/Control/Global Government.

    Your future has been planned for a long time.

    Contact your local Liberal for the Guidebook.
