8 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. Big time.

    As Constantin kizin says, as a less than 2% contributor to alleged climate change, Canada could completely disappear and it would make no difference whatsoever; except for the absence of the oxygen productive trees. Canada should get significant compensation for that. (Kizin makes his claim on behalf of the UK, not Canada, but the contributions are nearly the same, except for the trees.)

    Guilbeault is a complete fraud and parasite.

  2. Coal policy is idiotic. SK, AB, BC gladly import US coal generated electricity but doing own is somehow bad.

    In ON, Lambton coal plant was across river from coal plant in Michigan (Edison I think). ON closed their plant down. Edison offered to buy it, was rebuffed. So they built a new plant on US side and ON imports that electricity. The coal is shipped from Duluth/Superior to river/lakeside power plants. ON used to have coal plants in Lambton (St Clair River), Nanticoke (Lake Erie) and Lakeview (Lake Ontario).

  3. I don’t see this making China very happy with Little Potato or Guilbeault, Canada exports about 50 million tons of coal per year,about 30 million tons to China.
    Of all the candidates in the LPC to replace Trudeau, Guilbeault is the absolute worst, his lunatic environmental policies would bankrupt us in one term.

    1. all fully and completely indicate how far gone Canaduh really really is.
      skill testing Q: if all around you behave like lemmings, what to do?
      judging by the last 8 years of Canaduh’s self imposed misery l am NOT making any predictions except be prepared for far worse than the TURDeau.

  4. Funny how gullible and stupid the State Media is.
    While the Federal Ideologues attempt to stop all productive burning of coal by the provinces,so much nonproductive burning of coal continues under the feds watch.
    All over Can Ahh Duh coal veins burn ,unchecked ..
    Usually in fairly remote spots on federal land.
    When Alexander Mackenzie explored the river named after him,he reported such a fire near where Norman Wells is now.
    The Whalers operating in the Beaufort sea reported another ..

    Both still burn,contributing nothing to Canada’s economy.
    Centuries of federal emissions.
    A federal emissions problem.
    The Environment Minister is responsible..
    (Using the logic of our progressive scum).
    How many of the abandoned East Coast mines still burn?
    Now the Gang Green should be hanged for these crimes..
    Not the CO2,just their appalling hypocrisy.
    “Rules for thee,but none for we”.

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