41 Replies to “June 28, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. The road is simply what rural Russia looks like. I’ve seen recent pictures of my grandfather’s village. The dirt streets look like a road grader hasn’t been over them in years, if ever.

      1. SDA’s resident Neo-Nazi bigot continues to troll video’s of Russia that could be any backwater US slum or northern Canadian Indian reserve by comparison.

        Globalist tent cities infect almost every north American mid sized city and larger and these subhuman freaks parrot Rachel Maddow MSNBC to send our money and eventually our children to die in Ukraine’s corrupt mud-holes.

      2. “The road is simply what rural Russia looks like. ”

        It actually looks quite good for rural russia. Either way the derailment was due to hopeless rail maintenance, and the inability to quickly send rescue added to the disaster. Part of the reason they are unable to send rescue quickly is due to the fact that the workers have been sent to the front lines. The off road capable ambulances and rescue vehicles are all the front lines. It is common for villages in rural russia disappear during or shortly after wars. Men never comeback and women move.

        1. As you have never been to Russia, rural or otherwise, you really have not a clue what you are prattling on about. Anyone that is interested can simply go to Google Street View and check out any Russian road that they desire: this one, for example https://www.google.ca/maps/@56.2054831,40.7181742,3a,75y,213.12h,98.68t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s_TaMqw4GlnFaU3Pj_dHDJw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D_TaMqw4GlnFaU3Pj_dHDJw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D6.7276154%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu

          1. @DCH

            Bigots who parrot Hillary Clinton talking points will always try to demonize and never rationalize. Truth is an inconvenience for them, another something else to fuel their hatreds.

  1. Medvedev: “All sanctions must be lifted. And the damage to the Russian economy must be compensated.”
    What’s that? Sanctions lifted? Compensation for damage to economy? What damage? I thought sanctions weren’t working and only made russia stronger? Freddie and the chorus of imbeciles proclaimed it so.

    1. It’s so hard to keep up with the narratives su h as:

      “Western weapons won’t make a difference”

      “Ukraine wouldn’t be able to resist without western weapons”

      1. “It’s so hard to keep up with the narratives su h as:

        “Western weapons won’t make a difference”

        “Ukraine wouldn’t be able to resist without western weapons””

        Both of those statements are factual. Not at all surprised that you can’t wrap your mind around them.

        1. Alan it is simple, you need to wrap your mind into a pretzel and undergo an anal-cranial eclipse to see Freddie’s genius.

      2. alla
        You need to tell the Credit rating boys, this, as yer knowledge seams to surpass theirs. They have just stated that Russia’s economy surpassed that of the EU’s biggest economy, Gerkmany’s. Or is yer knowledge like the COLON’s, all billschiff?

        1. That’s only true if you love socialism and the PPP measure that socialists use. It heavily favors countries that have socialist measures on things like food.

          Back to the real world, Russia is 55th in the world in terms of GDP per capita.

          1. Russia is not even that. They are actually around 60th to 65th place depending on whose data you are using (IMF, World Bank, UN), but they all are based on Rosstat numbers and hence garbage. Russia is below that.

            Besides GDP is a useless measure when it is inflated by military expenditure and GDP per capaita goes up when you lose men at the frontlines.

          2. “Back to the real world, Russia is 55th in the world in terms of GDP per capita.”

            And yet they are still going to stay in Ukraine for as long as they please. Suck it up.

  2. My reply to Fred in a previous post was somehow rejected by this site. I’ve tried a few tricks, but apparently, it WAS something I said! Something really screwy going on here. My comment was “unapproved” for some weird reason.

    1. You mean Fred the Moderator?

      Seriously, if your comment goes into moderation or isn’t even posted it is because of WordPress, not SDA. Suck it up and post on.

      1. “Seriously, if your comment goes into moderation or isn’t even posted it is because of WordPress, not SDA. Suck it up and post on.”

        So it was WordPress who decided that any words containing the sequential letters O, R and C would cancel an entire post? WordPress who got so sick of Colon’s hatemongering that made up a new rule just for him?


        1. Think about it Fred. There isn’t a deep bench of moderators waiting to read your every comment. It’s a computer algorithm you’re tripping that scans your comment before it even gets to SDA. And it gets updated quite often, sometimes making new mistakes along the way. Check out WordPress spam filter.

          But if you want to believe there is a large contingent of SDA moderators on standby just in case you post, well God bless you.

          1. “Think about it Fred. ”

            I did. You clearly didn’t.

            “There isn’t a deep bench of moderators waiting to read your every comment. It’s a computer algorithm you’re tripping ”

            Thanks, Captain Obvious.

            “that scans your comment before it even gets to SDA. ”

            WRONG. This has nothing to do with WordPress.

            “And it gets updated quite often, sometimes making new mistakes along the way. Check out WordPress spam filter.”

            Oh, *I did*, just for you. Here is what I JUST POSTED minutes ago on a WordPress blog:


            And all this after a *full week* of debate prep for Biden.

            Who exactly thought it was a good idea to f0rce him to do this?


            (but spelled correctly, with an ‘o’ not a zero)

            It POSTED JUST FINE. Took longer to find a WordPress blog than to type the actual comment.

            “But if you want to believe there is a large contingent of SDA moderators on standby just in case you post, well God bless you.”

            If you want to think that The Colon is important enough for WordPress to somehow notice his antics among their *472 MILLION* websites, God bless you too.

  3. The CBC is profoundly unhappy that Biden blew it.


    “It was agony in Atlanta — for Joe Biden, for Democrats, and for anyone around the world dreading another Donald Trump presidency. ”

    “Biden’s cognitive clunkers distracted from what ordinarily would have been the main post-debate story in any normal political era: Trump’s own deficiencies.”

    “In other words, it’s time to panic now. Unless you’re rooting for Trump.”

  4. Nadine Spencer removed from the Police Board in an unprecedented move.


    “Earlier this month, a CBC Toronto investigation discovered three seemingly fabricated, or misrepresented, employees on the websites of marketing companies owned by Spencer. All signs of the three employees vanished from the websites after CBC Toronto asked Spencer about them.”

    “CBC’s findings on Spencer’s company, BrandEQ, came after some members of the Black Business and Professional Association (BBPA) raised concerns about how BrandEQ received more than $1.1 million in contracted work from the charity over the course of the six years Spencer was either president of BBPA’s board of directors, or its CEO.”

    “John Sewell, a former Toronto mayor and co-ordinator of the Toronto Police Accountability Coalition, said that to his knowledge, a police board member has never been removed by Toronto City Council before Thursday.”

    Way to go CBC.

  5. If you haven’t seen it, check out Tucker’s discussion with Steve Sailer. Worthy.
