Safe and Effective®

Grab a beverage.

Carl Heneghan- Kansas Attorney General Report

We’ve extracted the main points from the Kansas City Attorney General’s legal report on the case against Pfizer that we first mentioned in Due Process—all quotes are taken verbatim.

This is a lengthy post, and we’d recommend having an anger management strategy to hand while reading. If you are making a comment, use the numbering to highlight which points you are referring to, and do let us know if we’ve missed anything.

11 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

  1. The spike mRNA injection was a massive rodent fart. It smelled like a rat from the outset, once it was made known they were using toxic spike as the vector.

  2. 6. Pfizer knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis.

    Nuff for me. Today the whole world must seem to be coming apart to the chaff of the planet. This is good.

  3. But but.. We were saving the world with our joyriding manslaughter.. >> Not true, they didn’t save anything..

  4. The “not a vaccine” was the backdrop for the bogus anti Trump lockdowns.. The coup.. One hell of a rabbit hole..

  5. 14 Pfizer only tested the booster shot on 12 trial participants who were in the 65- to 85-year-old age range.
    Pfizer should not have represented that the booster was “safe” for 65- to 85-year-olds after only testing 12 trial participants in that age range.

    17 Pfizer announces study on pregnant women but omits material facts already in its possession.
    More than 1-in-10 women (52) who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine during their pregnancy reported a miscarriage, many within days of vaccination.
    Six women who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine during their pregnancy reported premature deliveries; several babies died.

    Everyone knows of many seniors and infants/unborn that died shortly after the jab. Yet KM, Biden and the Liberals keep telling us that the jab saved tens of millions of lives

    1. My daughter works with a number of other females about her age and her work group was ordered to get the shots. My daughter refused and did the testing, etc. EVERY female she worked with….EVERY ONE….had extremely heavy periods shortly after. My daughter’s doctor would not give her a medical exemption. She told him to go to hell and she recorded the conversation on her phone.

  6. Pfizer executives are obviously evil and should be imprisoned for life or face capital punishment.

    But just like running the gas chambers during the holocaust a lot of people are required to produce the poison for the public, if camp guards and administrative staff can be charged with crimes decades later, then lab technicians, researchers and their staff should also be charged criminally.

  7. A. Since the vaccine is safe and effective why does Pfizer need a liability shield?
    B. Takata Airbag co. did not have a liability shield. Why does Pfizer?
    C. Informed consent is a fundamental human right. Where is the package insert?
    D. Bourla said he does not need it. Why do I need one. (Or was it eleven?)
    E. What has been Pierre Polliviete’s position on COVID vaccination?

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