The Libranos: Et Tu, Brutus?

Behind The Star paywall;

Steven Guilbeault has been taking the temperature of the Liberal Party caucus as calls for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s resignation mount.

The environment minister was in Toronto this week to meet with Members of Parliament who were awestruck by Monday’s upset defeat in the Toronto–St Paul’s byelection. He spent Thursday working the phones with Liberals across the country trying to take stock of how bad things really are…

UPDATE: Here’s the archived version thanks to reader ADD.

44 Replies to “The Libranos: Et Tu, Brutus?”

  1. Is Steven Guilbeault self-aware enough to realize that he’s part of the problem?

    What am I saying? Of course not! No Liberal would ever admit that anything bad was a result of their actions.

    1. Amen to that, McP.
      According to these ideologues, it is (and always has been) about personality, image, and perceived popularity.
      Basic Jr High School Council stuff.
      It is inconveivable that it could be about policy, budgets, and real world daily living.
      So no, Steven G has no idea that he is a big part of the problem.
      To him and his ilk, it is just about perceived personality.
      Change the person and all will be well.
      Which is why Carney is so dangerous. There are enough LIV types who believe the media that would say “Oh, JT is gone, therefore everything has changed.”
      As long as Steven G and the countless other incompetent and evil ministers staff the liberal ship, nothing will have changed.
      It is their beliefs, their top-down leadership style (rather than servant style) and their utter lack of ethics and accountability that are the problem. All fueled by the arrogance that says that they know best – better than the people whom they were elected to serve, not to abuse, instruct, and ignore.

    2. a history lesson.
      the old man went thru the same thing.
      the palace coup failed and the ringleaders never seen again.
      is the TURDeau unethical and capalbe, as in morally bereft, and ‘physically’ capable ie the POWAH to do demonic things behind the scenes? hmmm?
      “it aint over til its over” l read Yogi Berra’s auto-b on a plane. no interest in baseball, Yanks or stats stats, but what a read!! (war vet also)

    1. l want gill boat to take over the liberals l really want to see how godam far gone this ‘post national state’ is at this point so l can devise strategies.
      gill boat is the political equivalent of a train of tankers full of sewage.

  2. I don’t want him to resign.
    I want him to call an election, and have him lose his own seat along with all those other “ministers” and see the crocodile tears flow

    1. Lance at this point it is likely better if he stays. Carney is the likely replacement and I believe that will be far more problematic. Also ,am I correct in thinking the election could be delayed until October 26 (5 years) if he stayed on. It’s the only reason for the scrapping the previous one week change. Self interest for a one year change puts numerous MPs on the pension gravy train.

        1. Agreed, cc. Carney will be a disaster. However, he won’t be the successor. He has the communication skills of a potted plant. He exudes the very elitism and “out of touch” arrogance which has brought the Liberals to this desperate (for them) position.

          Carney won’t take the leadership anyway. At this point the LPC is headed for a meltdown greater even than Michael Ignatieff’s disaster in 2011. Carney will flee in any direction before assuming the leadership of an automatic rout.

          And it’s best for us if Trudeau stays on. This way we get to enjoy his misery as the party slowly disintegrates, the public loathing increases daily, and everything his government attempts becomes increasingly futile. It’s called schadenfreude, and we get to enjoy it for the next 16 months.

      1. I’m of the opinion that the MP pension issue should get way more ink than it does. (Ink…. How old am I?).

        I’ve mentioned it a couple times past few weeks and some friends/coworkers had no idea.

        Jagmeet can politic all he wants. Only thing he is in for is the cash.

        1. The conservatives should bring a bill to change the time required for a MPs pension to 10 years. In the interest of fairness of course.

          So Libs and NDP can choose whether to eliminate the reason jagmeet is hanging on or stand against the middle class “ and those working to join it”

          1. 10 years and add a stipulation that any year with a deficit does not count as a pensionable year. Instead of running deficits to buy votes, MPs would become fiscally responsible, something that has been lacking.

          2. ah the shouda coulda accumulate like lint.
            and WHO is going to introduce measures that can ‘backfire’ and hurt THEIR cushy retirement??? hmmmmm??? do some research on hoomahn nature. the part where those with maximum powah use some of that powah to keep that powah and ALLLL that ‘low hanging fruit’
            the part they can alwys be seen to use is the powah to hand out FREEBIES FREEBIES FREEBIES. ferfcuksake how many times did the TURDeau yammer about ‘getting more back from the carbon tax rebate’?

    2. I agree with you Lance.

      But if Justine resigns, I pray the new leader would be Steven Guilbeault. it would be very wonderful to take his arrogant face down.

      1. Probably be a battle between Freebase and the circus Carney.

        Frank Baylis, former of Baylis medical who received an untenderred contract to build knock of respirators also mentioned he wants to run.

    3. I TOTALLY AGREE………Let turdo go down with the SHIP………that would be the best result

    4. I want him constantly looking over his shoulder for the rest of his days.

    5. Right. The biggest threat to a Tory majority win in the next election is the turd taking his “walk in the snow.”
      Considering who’s in the wings ready to replace the turd, we could wind up with an even worse government, but a change in leadership could be just the shot in the arm that the liberals need to challenge the CPC. Remember… anything less than a majority win by the CPC will be next to useless, as all the progressive parties will team up in a minority CPC government situation to shut them down with a non-confidence vote.

  3. It’s very telling that the caucus refers to Trudeau as “the boss” – exactly the top-down view of government the Libranos have held since WLM King. That alone makes The Party unfit to govern.

    Ling holds all the right opinions to be well received at the Star, so consider the source too. If Justin’s lost Justin, he could be in trouble.

    A great man (who Shall Not Be Named – I’m not that big a damn fool) once said all political careers end in failure. I think it might be comin’ at the Dauphin fast.

    1. Justin Custer and the Little Big Horn … I would love for Justin to fight to the last liberal standing!!

  4. What amazes me is how weak the liberal bench strength is. Replace Trudeau with Freeland? Joly? Really? That the best they have to offer? They all have the appeal of freshly laid cow patty.

    1. It’s not amazing; it was intended by design. Justatwit got rid of anyone who showed talent and might be capable of challenging him, so of course they look like a row of potted plants.

  5. Replace Zoolander with the Die Hard duo of Hans Gruber/Harry “Bubbe” Ellis? The Librano rats are turning on each other just like their US counterparts are throwing Grandpa from the train.
    It. Is. Glorious.

  6. “The three finalists,” he speculated, “are Chrystia [Freeland], Anita Anand, Mark Carney.”

    I am flush with anticipation.

    1. Ah yes, Anand, the diversity hire/box checker that ruined DND with her pushing of “diverse” agenda.

  7. This is not an accidental article; even if it is presented as such.

    Guilbeault is an operator and an experienced, hardened activist specializing in revolutionary infiltration. He does not make mistakes like discussing plans in public.

    And the TorStar is a Liberal house organ; it did not print this without an agenda driven by Liberal insiders.

    1. Right you are, JAB. It’s a deliberate ploy to get the momentum building throughout the populace. Only question is, who besides Guilbeault is behind the ouster. You can bet the rent that the contenders have all been notified to prepare for the leadership fight.

  8. ” …as he sat next to Canada’s least-recognizable columnist: Me.”

    Yeah sure, nice try Clouseau. So what did it, the plastic glasses, nose and moustache? I can pick out that turnip of yours from 30 yards and I’m just a Joe Schmo news reader guy. Besides, Liberal party members have all their bootlickers on speed dial along with glamour photos, so I doubt you’re an exception. Guibeault knew exactly who you were and used you like a rented mule.
    Stop embarrassing the real “useful idiots” of the world.

    1. He was probably sat down and fed this line of crap, because he claims he couldn’t get a comment in the nearly 2 hours the train takes to get from Ottawa to Montreal, or 5 hours it takes to get from Toronto to Montreal, or 4 hours it takes from Toronto to Ottawa. It’s not clear from the article which train he was taking, but “in different cars” doesn’t matter when you are on a Via Train.

      ” (I also tried to intercept Guilbeault when we arrived in Montreal in the wee hours Friday, to no avail. We were on the same train but in different cabins and by the time I spotted him he was already in a taxi, driving away.)”

      couldn’t be bother to ask him while on the train.

  9. Which part of the Liberal Party Braintrust controls TorStar, and what did Glorious Leader Trudeau do to them, because it wouldn’t be published otherwise

  10. So wrongheaded.
    The the LIBERAL PARTY that is the problem. Justin is merely a symptom
    If Justin goes, there are 500 equally bad little Justins waiting in the wings
    Any sensible Canadian knows this

    1. Kate, if only you had upvotes! ;o)

      Agreed. Tweedlewhig and Tweedlegrit are indistinguishable.

  11. All Liberals should be shot with their own ball of shit.
    They all need to keep PM Castreau at the helm of the SS Transgendered Tampon so the electorate can sink them at the polls.
    The Brown Star is as reliable as Juthtin is normal and anyone named Juthtin who works there is prolly a c**t.
    Fourth, Hans Gruber is lower than a snake’s belly.

  12. Justin Ling is an entertaining journalist, with considerable scope:

    Regarding the present Liberal dilimma:
    in the last two “circulations of the elites” it
    required three leaders until Canadians decided
    that the opposition party was fit to govern.
    [assuming that PP does succeed]

    So who would want to jump into the Liberal leadership just now?
    Any of the three mentioned?

    1. Worth quite a bit, really, as The Star is a Liberal house organ. As I said above, nothing get printed in The Star that is not part of a Liberal agenda. And Althia Raj is a leader of the Justin Trudeau fan club; or at least she was (how very Liberal).

      This is going to be a very long long weekend for the Liberals; the inner circle in particular.

  13. Mr. Greenpeace is even more unpopular than the boy wonder.. Talk about tone deaf :)..

  14. 10 years and add a stipulation that any year with a deficit does not count as a pensionable year. Instead of running deficits to buy votes, MPs would become fiscally responsible, something that has been lacking.

  15. They really don’t get it yet. Trudeau is the number 1 most hated politician of all time.
