The War Room Pitbull Is Always The Last To Know

They pay this dweeb for political punditry: “I am so angry at the White House staff and the Democratic establishment – some of whom I know, and I have relied upon for advice – who clearly lied to all of us about Joe’s fitness for another term. The FDR deception is nothing compared to this.”


There’s a take on this debate I’ve heard from a lot of folks on the right, that is tempting and understandable, but completely wrong– one that says that the Democrats knew Biden would bomb this badly and scheduled the debate early so they could move him out of the way.


56 Replies to “The War Room Pitbull Is Always The Last To Know”

  1. “The leaders of the European Union, NATO, and all of America’s allies are all wondering, tonight, if the end is drawing a bit nearer. That should worry all of us, not just them.”


    What do Americans owe the “leaders of the European Union?” Or NATO?

    A restored President Trump will give Israel all the help she needs to finally rid herself forever of the Arabs that the blessed “leaders of the European Union” put up to killing the Jews that their old friend Adi never got around to gassing.

    The “leaders of the European Union” can reap what they sowed—and with them their miserable puppet Vladimir Zelensky, the most dangerous self-hating Jew living today.

    The end is indeed drawing near for globalism in Europe. And not a moment too soon.

    (And no, Trudeau isn’t smiling. The gentleman who will be smiling in the morning is Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden’s self-immolation means Israel is going to live.)

  2. I knew he is was an asshole but reading that, I had no idea that he is so thoroughly messed-up on so many levels. In his twisted mind, he concluded that a Trump presidency would somehow mean Trudeau as PM is more secure. I can only conclude as an amateur musician, that perhaps when he was playing in a grunge band, he damaged his brain – not that it would be noticed in such a genre.

    Trump is likely looking forward to tormenting and bullying Trudeau to no end the way a kid would torture insects.

    1. Far more likely that President Trump is looking forward to working with Pierre Poilievre.

      This time it’s just possible that all those Democrats who threatened to flee to Canada might actually try it, because an FBI freed to do its actual job will quickly accumulate enough on the Democratic Party and their friends on Wall Street, in the Ivy League, Hollywood and Silicon Valley to see to it that they end their days in a federal prison—if they’re lucky.

      If they aren’t lucky, they’ll end their days in Israel, having been duly convicted for their part in a conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity, and sentenced to suffer the same fate as Adolf Eichmann.

      I am confident Poilievre will see to it that these ladies and gentlemen are swiftly apprehended and extradited to the United States.

      1. ”… there is only one Canadian who is pleased, tonight. And it is Justin Trudeau. Because Justin Trudeau will now argue, over and over, that Pierre Poilievre is the wrong guy to lead Canada through another Trump White House“

        That’s delusional. Trump never gave two shïts for juthtin when they were both in office, and with the dauphin’s snide anti-trump insults over the years, would have even less time for him now.

        Pierre would work well with Trump – he understands economics and is public on the disastrous state the Left has pushed the country towards.

        I don’t think trudeau could buy his way to a Whitehouse meeting, even to serve Trump his dinner. And he could barely do that and not make an ass of himself.


        1. It might be delusional, but so many Canadians would agree with Justin yet hate him at the same time because weiner’s are 6 bucks a package, and their 8 year old daughter thinks she’s a furry. Yet they attribute the current insanity with one man instead of their own inherent hollow stupidity .

    2. I had the same thoughts. The left no matter in which country or which continent live in an utter fantasy world. This is fact is even more dangerous and scary than the fact that Biden who will be gone in nine months is totally out of it.

    3. I don’t think Trump even registers Trudeau’s existence beyond the annoyance a person gets when they step something unpleasant and some of it sticks to their shoe.
      Trump has shown he is focused on real problems for the US, and the Trudeau Regime isn’t one of them.

  3. I just rewatched a short clip of Biden stammering, stalling and then mumbling something about “We finally beat Medicare” right before Jake Tapper jumped in to rescue him.

    1. The Democrats could only have done worse by running a corpse in the debate and billing it “Weekend at Bidens”.
      C in C
      1st St Nicolaas Army
      Army Group True North

    2. Tapper didn’t rescue Biden. I don’t doubt he was trying but Trump’s comeback was one of quotes of the night. If I didn’t despise everything that Biden has stood for since he first ran for office I might feel sorry for a poor old befuddled man who has slipped a cog or two. But because he is who he is is still despise everything he stands for.

  4. What a lying sack of shit Kinsella is. He knew Biden was toast, and now the rat is leaving the ship.

    1. Exactly,
      I didn’t think Kinsella could sink any further.
      He didn’t notice Biden’s state of mind till last night.
      What is he smoking.
      What a loser.

  5. Oh wow. I didn’t know that Kinsella wasn’t well either. My best wishes to him and Biden; I hope they both see improvements in their mental faculties soon.

    1. No best wishes for either man.
      They are both despicable people who deserve no compassion.
      Outright liars throughout both of their careers.

  6. Kinsella is such a great proud Canadian that he worked in the US to have Democrats elected in several elections. That sounds unethical and perhaps illegal and perhaps like foreign interference. To think Russia, Russia, Russia was their biggest concern.

    1. In 2015, the Democrats loaned one of their “consultants” to the Liberals, is that “Foreign Interference”, especially if the Liberals didn’t pay full rate for the “consultant”?

  7. Somebody woke up and smelled the coffee? Joe has been drooling all over Europe – and the Pope – wandering all over the place. His shuffling got so bad they had staff walking between him and the cameras when he drags his butt over to the choppa. He gave his best imitation of a shelled shocked sodier at the D Day ceremony. You think Joe looks bad at the debate? That’s after 5 days of isolation and prep. I though Joe looked better at the debate than he has for years, they really got the dosage right tonight.

    I mean “I wondered if Joe Biden – after so many amazing achievements, after so many amazing years in public life – was too old.”

    His only amazing achievement was staying out of jail.

    “If Joe Biden steps aside, Kamala Harris becomes president.”

    He just figured that out? That they have no bench?

  8. Biden was obviously demented back in 2019 and even cat turd knew it. This is just them finally admitting it. Jill Biden, the jig is up.

  9. Patterns of Forse. It was prophetic.

    Heh, can’t even spell the name of the TOS episode because of some psychotic aholes.

  10. This Buddy is a little relevant.)
    Kinsella is an arrogant piece of shit.
    How many Democrat/Liberals write and talk like this?
    Just make up crap about how terrible everyone else is while telling us how wonderful and smart they are.
    Even though the piece should be about Joe Pooh, its about himself.
    Me, me, I, I.
    So his arrogance has made him blind and delusional. And wrong.
    But a pitbull?
    More like a chihuahua that just needs a boot to the head to shut it the f**k up.

    1. I once worked in the same law firm as Warren Kinsella. A man of middling intellect.
      I also worked in the same law firm as Warren Kinsella’s most fanatical #1 fanboy.
      They were the same person.

      Never figured out the deal with this guy was, although to employ the broken clock analogy, he did/does make a useful point from time to time.

      Also, why do leftist Canadians so proudly brag of their ties to the US Democratic Party? Imagine if as conservative-leaning Canadian mentioned some – even remote – tie to the US Republicans. I can only imagine the cries of “Yanqui Go Home!” accompanied by fulminous denunciations about cultural imperialism, “scary” (always that word!) secret agendas, creeping theocratic fascism etc., etc., from all the usual mouthpieces in the Canadian political, media and sociocultural establishments, but old Warren apparently gets a free pass.

  11. Biden has dementia. I wonder how many times I have said that during the last four years?

  12. Well
    The shit disturber got one thing right in his screed, and not for the reasons he thinks.
    Yes, Chretien and Biden are very similar in how they leveraged their office to their own benefit.

    As to his contention about who is better to deal with Trump, the last person you want is Leisure Suit Larry.
    Because we want someone in the PMO that doesn’t purposely try to agitate the POTUS.
    But I digress

    There are more than a few dem pundits the morning after looking like complete fools for carrying water for this charade.
    And there is nothing more dangerous than a woman scorned.

  13. As mentioned earlier, this is all a stage play, written for the political punditry to pave the way for the real Democrat (Uni) Party selection for president who has yet to be revealed. This is why such an unusual early debate is happening. These debates happen in the fall, closer to election time. When the date for these debates were announced hosted by one of the actors (CNN), no one objected. They know Joe is a drooling husk of his former self, has been that way for the last 2 years, but it suited the uni party to keep him in there.
    Now, not so much, as his dementia takes over more and more and is harder to hide from even the most casual observer.
    We are in the final act of this absurd stage play, priming the masses for the real choice for presidential contender to be revealed, fully vetted by the uni party primaries held secretly behind closed doors and supported by its delegates who actually choose presidential contenders, the multi national corporations with all the money.

    1. That’s a pretty accurate opinion: it explains why the debate was so early and not as a lead-up to the final stretch before November.

      Can’t wait to see how they elbow harris out of the way to parachute in their replacement candidate. But whom? Newscum has destroyed Cali – just look at Frisco as an example. Big Mike doesn’t want to run and he’s not charismatic enough to pull it off. Kankles II ? It’d be interesting but that’s a hail-mary the leftist crazies would love to see but democrat pragmatists would have troubles with.

      One thing is certain: trudeau would not be the guy to work with Trump. Pick an issue: gun rights, abortion, free speech, the military, immigration, the LGBTQWERTY lunacy, the tyranny of Big Government: juthtin is opposite Trump in all of them.

      Kinsella has caught and enjoyed too many of his own political farts and how he remains relevant in any political discussion is a mystery.


    1. John
      You got that wrong, it’s hillery waiting, she and O’butthole have been running this this shit show.
      Speaking of which, did DD, drooling depends, schiff his depends?

        1. You think Gruesome Newsom will get past Kamala, without massive attacks from the lunatic left?

  14. As to Kantsella, live in an echo chamber, die in an echo chamber. The BOY is and always has been a dud.

  15. Years ago I had the mayor of Mitcheville call me pretending he was Warren Kinsella as a joke, and I’d like to publically apologize for telling him immediately to FK off upon answering the call.
    Kinsella hopefully can’t escape the obvious before he passes.

  16. Imagine what would have happened if Trump played a little gamesmanship and showed up about 30 minutes late to the debate due to a plane maintenance issue when flying up to Atlanta from Mara Lago. It would have screwed up the entire medication regiment Biden depended upon.

    That’s another way of saying it could have been worse.

  17. Apparently Kinsella’s neighbor is David Frum. So, its a Weekend at Bernie Sanders, for the long weekend. Kinsella named his band appropriately for Joe Biden’s Depends Presidency.

  18. Man oh man! Did Warren Wee-wee ever dawdle on his “road to Damascus” moment, eh?

    Maybe he was on one of those pilgrimages where the penitent crawl along on their knees while looking face-down at the dirt. Yeah, that has to be it. You know, no radio, no TV, no cellphone; just a few dozen months on his hands and knees praying for guidance from the Great Spirit of Shawinigan.

    I mean, how else could you miss the ongoing deterioration of Joe Depends that has been playing out on the World stage for all to see for the last two years?

    Mbiki the Maasai tribesman knew all about it, and so did Nanook in Greenland; but not Warren Wee wee.

  19. Kinsella proves time and time again that he can’t think straight when the thought of Trump enters his mind. His mind just short-circuits. Trump was insane and on meth? Unreal.

    1. “Kinsella proves time and time again that he can’t think straight when the thought of Trump enters his mind. His mind just short-circuits. Trump was insane and on meth? Unreal.”

      Have to agree…he has one of the worse cases of TDS that I have ever seen. It’s sad to see an otherwise smart guy reduced to repeating long-debunked lies about someone just because they hate the person so much. It’s the major reason why I left his website (where I used to be a regular) a few years back and came here instead…at least Kate doesn’t kick us off the site (and make a sneering public pronouncement about it like some high school girl) for stating facts or questioning narratives that she doesn’t personally agree with.

      (and thanks for that, Kate….it’s a less common attitude than you might think)

  20. Watching Bloomberg business news this morning, the various talking heads are all uniformly upset that Biden lost the debate. For the first time they talked about the president’s “declining cognitive skills”. The corporate media are, at this late date, spilling the truth to the public.

    1. “Watching Bloomberg business news this morning, the various talking heads are all uniformly upset that Biden lost the debate.”

      It’s not just Bloomberg…it’s EVERYWHERE today, as it was last night. Even the hardcore partisans who can’t resist the urge to slam Trump for “telling so many lies” during the debate (and yet somehow failed to notice any of Biden’s own lies?) are calling it a disaster.

  21. Poor Warren.
    He thought that he was one cool kids and that he was an insider, instead he’s just one of the useful idiot patsies they used to spread the lies about Biden and Trump.
    A dope, a sap, a tool.

    How far out of touch is he?
    I worked full time as a mechanic and I knew that ‘Dr. Jill’ has a PhD in education, she’s not a physician.
    Here’s Warren, the full time political pundit who worked on Joe’s campaign: “The smart guy said to me that his wife is a physician…”

    1. Her thesis is on the net.
      It’s a hoot.
      No scholar I, but I wrote truly spectacular academic essays in comparison to said thesis.
      In Grade 7.
      It’s like a 12 minute read.
      Shorter than the life of a Liberal promise.
      And as deep as the quasi-guy making them.

      Look it up.
      You will not believe it.
      They sure don’t make Phds like they used to.

  22. Running Biden at this point would be like insisting that a parent suffering from alzheimer’s should continue to drive and go to work. What the Democrats are doing is elder abuse.

    1. Dennis: It’s much much worse. The US president is Commander-in-Chief and is the person who keeps the codes used to initiate nuclear war. A car driver with Alzheimer’s may kill himself and a few others. A senile Joe Biden can kill millions including Americans he is sworn to protect. Nuclear deterrence (Mutually Assured Destruction) requires coherent, wise and quick decision making to avoid catastrophe. Biden is incapable of any of that.

    1. “Poor Joe Scarborough.
      This didn’t age well.”

      He was so upset that he was attacking Mika this morning on their show for talking about Democrats ‘panicking’.

  23. Last night was literally (apologies) when Toto pulled the curtain back on the wizard.

  24. There have been moments by which Warren seems to “get it” but I’m speaking exclusively of when his hate for all things Trudeau is released. Aside from those moments I don’t see a use for him and expect him to return to his party after the guard is changed. There’ll be room, he’ll be able to sit anywhere he’d like.

    Warren should stay out of US federal politics, it’s well outside his area of expertise.

  25. It’s been obvious since the day he was elected that Joe Biden wasn’t all there. Anyone who didn’t realize that either wasn’t paying attention or was wilfully blind (like much of the mainstream media). Now four years later it’s worse.

    No matter how many stupid people there are in US politics, I can’t fathom that the entire Democratic party is stupid. Someone in a back room somewhere has a well-developed contingency plan to run a backup candidate — Kamala, Hillary, Newsome, Buttigeig, or someone else. The only question is, has too much damage been done to rescue the campaign at this point?

    Remember, this man is the current US president, meaning he has nominal control of 5000+ nuclear warheads. How is it in any way intelligent or responsible to put a man as unfit as Biden in that position?

    1. “It’s been obvious since the day he was elected that Joe Biden wasn’t all there. Anyone who didn’t realize that either wasn’t paying attention or was wilfully blind (like much of the mainstream media). Now four years later it’s worse.”

      Absolutely it’s been obvious. The left just hates Trump so much that they were willing to turn a blind eye to it.
      I don’t know what they thought was going to happen…as someone else already mentioned (KM?), it’s not like dementia just gets better and goes away. It gets worse.
