24 Replies to “Why Music Sucks”

  1. oh, shut up.
    I still play my vinyl Metheny and also enjoy live music by real musicians who don’t need auto correct or whatever narrow shite you go on about. And, yes, there are many current real musicians, like billy strings, gov’t mule, joshua redman, etc.
    If kiddies like spotify etc, who cares, Rick. Quit playing grandpa and just spin some coltrane and chill.

  2. Wah! Artists will have to fill venues to make good money! Wah!
    It sucks because venues won’t let people smoke anymore.

  3. What I found watching this was that Rick was asking for something that isn’t/can’t happen.
    You can’t put the genie back in the bottle or the toothpaste back in the tube, pick your metaphor.

  4. I don’t know … listening to Steve Marriot and Peter Frampton shredding his acoustic guitar going toe to toe with the original composition by Jimmy Page. The entire band … pure artistry. And Steve Marriott simply gives me chills.


    Hate to break it to you … but grandpa’s music kicks the holy shit out of the autotuned automaton music of Gen-fill in the letter.

    1. You-tubes AAC is pretty much as bad as MP3, and considerably worse than CD.
      Clips everything above 15 kHz.

    2. I saw Frampton for the first time about ten years ago. Big let down. He spent more time selling autographs than playing. It was quite the racket. $20 for a photo, $50 to sign an album cover, no guitars allowed. Eventually did a half hearted medley of his greatest hits before calling it a night because he felt a raindrop. I guess I was just 40 years too late.

      1. Disappointing. I have a friend who did a VIP backstage with him and was similarly disappointed. Tragic … because the Humble Pie version of Frampton was simply amazing. I guess being a retired rock legend is something of a business plan -Sad.

        I’m seeing Steve Miller at a winery in August. I never saw him in concert in his prime. Hopefully I won’t be similarly disappointed. But no VIP, signature, stuff. Maybe I’ll get a new rock t-shirt that says I saw him before one of us died …

  5. There was some broad who said something like “I wanted AI to do my laundry and wash my dishes while I worked on my art, not to do art while I do laundry and wash dishes.”
    To her I say, if your art is easier to automate than laundry or dishes, then you need to step up your art.
    Most of the “art”, be it music, video or paintings, that is churned out nowadays is derivative crap, with only a few gems hidden in the piles of crap, so it should come as no surprise when AI that can also generate derivative crap replaces lots of “artists.”, and a lot cheaper, and also saves us the trouble of having to listen to Taylor Swift on the radio. Heck, most DJs could probably be replaced too, here in Canada they’re only globohomo corporate mouthpieces anyway.

    1. Anyone who uses the term “derivative” … must be an artist themselves. Agreed, art today is as derivative as a Hollywood sequel of a sequel of sequel #4 …

  6. It will be very difficult for the current crop of musicians to recreate the “unplugged” madness which occurred 20 years past.
    or until “unplugged apps” catch up with actually being able to strip it all down and play “For Your Love” / “Layla” as it was in the unplugged versions.
    Geddy Lee must be puking at the idea of being able to plug it all in and pour it all out without anyone even trying to play bass, keyboards with the feet, and sing at the same time.
    Is there an app to help do this?

    *I am Not anti-technology but…

    1. One of the top 10 covers ever in the history of rock … I adore DEVO’s version. It’s farrrrrrr more than a ‘novelty’ cover … it’s inspired music.

    2. PS Maikeru … that DEVO tune reminded me of the days when I was driving my daughter to her soccer game … and both of us singing along with DEVO … but my daughter just LOST IT when we started singing “baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby … baby, baby, baby …” She couldn’t get through all the “baby’s” without cracking up laughing … GOOD times! 🙂

    1. And in that breakdown, he describes EXACTLY why I am such a music enthusiast… listening to the detail, and layering of sounds in complex music. Beyond the melody. Beyond the singing. The musical fills and nuanced counterpoints is what makes music great.

      And it is also why I am an audiophile who appreciates what a great vinyl system can pull out of those grooves. I swear to you … if you could listen to songs you THINK you know on my system … you’ll swear you’ve never heard that song before … because of the music being reproduced to its full effect. Yeah, I’m a bit of a music snob … but for good reason. I want to hear ALL of the artistry … not some fuzzy e-version of the song. Analog baby! Our ears and our hearing ARE analog … i.e. mechanical … our ears are physical instruments … as are the grooves of a record.
