1979 on the way to 1984

Op-Ed: Deidra Gayrk: Trudeau Government Wants Greenwashing Bill C-59 Gag to be Oil & Gas Environmental “Greenhushing”

Individuals – disgruntled employees, eco-activists, bored people – can go onto the Competition Bureau’s website and fill in the complaint form for the Bureau to decide whether or not to investigate. The unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy will decide who will and will not be investigated.

As I keep saying, this is 1979 on the way to 1984. We might even be in 1980 by now.

13 Replies to “1979 on the way to 1984”

  1. “Banks and insurance companies will be restricted from “financially facilitating” entities that are unwilling or unable to align with the “climate commitments”. ”

    And, as the account seizures and freezes during the Freedom Convoy demonstrate, none of our cowardly and groveling banks will have any problem implementing these restrictions.

    1. Except they weren’t cowardly and groveling – they participated in a call with Freeland to strategize on the steps they took to freeze accounts.

      As for our family, we promptly moved our mortgage and all other banking to a credit union after we fled Ontario to Alberta 6 months after the convoy. Many others did likewise and I think that caught the banks unawares.

  2. Given that the “Competition Bureau” has a history of weird rulings, including the time that they fined Sears for not selling enough tires at regular price before putting them on sale, or when they declined to apply sufficient penalties for the bread collusion scandal, they need to be shut down, not given more power,

    If the concern is fraud, we have courts for that. If businesses are colluding, prove it in a court of law. If businesses are engaging in monopolistic activities not approved by government, charge them and try them in a court of law.

    no more power to the bureaucracy.

  3. does anyone know why l cant zoom that page with the ctrl-wheel spin? it just scrolls as usual without holding ctrl.
    as such l cant read the text so . . . . .

    1. Works on Firefox. Whatever your browser is, there should be a zoom feature in the app menu somewhere.

  4. and once again again again again, ‘edicts from on high’ the distinct M.O. of liberals.

  5. Once the Liberals are dethroned the Cons will be able to derail all this crap…
    But will they? Or can they?
    Everybody knows that the neo-Marxists are going to revolt once the Cons are elected.
    Anarchists, the Climate Crisis Cultists and Antifa are all prepping.
    If the Liberals allow an election.
    Between them and the Democrat freaks to the south, elections may well be dead until the North American Civil War is decided.

  6. SCoTUs just shut down this bureaucratic-admin punishment crap in the US.

    If only we had a real court here.


  7. A political movement (green) that has failed to do anything but enrich their friends with monopolies.. Now needs to silence their political opposition.. Nothing to be alarmed about..

    Ten years of a gold plated inside track and they have nothing to say but.. Shut your mouth :).. = LOSERS..
