31 Replies to “Everything Is Fine”

  1. I’m extremely concerned too – concerned that the Cons didn’t get 100% of the vote.

    1. Same here. It’s amazing how much denial Liberal voters will live with. The country is burning around them due to their party’s policies and they still don’t see it.

      1. they see it plain as fday. they use the flames to illuminate the propaganda newspapers. its just that the brain circuitry necesssary to correctly attribute is missing. their default is to blame the previous CONS regardless the vintage. witness the TURDeau.

        its the only explanation that meets and explains all the ups and downs and victories over common sense and private property rights.
        in liberalands. a la TURDeau 1.0 as his HIS CONstituSHUN.

  2. Never heard of this Libtard MP.

    Wonder which one of the Pretarders to the Throne he is a catspaw for.

    1. He is the one that went house-to-house removing and disposing of CPC election campaign propaganda. His forte was helping “newcomers” beat the system; proof the Lieberals are importing voters.

  3. The reaction is evidence of how out of touch the whole Lib caucus is.
    They are surprised? Shocked? Have any of them responded to constituents that expressed disdain for Lib policies??
    Trudeau is to blame for their out of touch policies, but none of them have stood up for Canadians.
    We are all cruel, cold and small in their eyes.

    1. Absolutely, PFM. In their minds, any dissent is the result of a tiny fringe minority who simply don’t see the superiority of Liberal ideologies.
      They didn’t see this coming?
      Well, if their sources are CTV/CBC/Global and other “approved” outlets, I guess they would have assumed all is well.

      After the byelection, JT went public with how the Liberals will “Work Harder” and “Listen to Canadians.”
      Trouble is…..Work Harder is doublespeak for more inefficient gov’t spending to buy votes, creating more inflation and a heavier tax burden, while providing almost nothing but the occasional photo-op.
      And Listen to Canadians is doublespeak for listening to a few select CBC types and activists.

      1. Liberals working harder.

        CRA announces legal action to recover COVID-19 benefit overpayments

        The tax collection agency said $9.53-billion in outstanding COVID-19 benefit recovery-related debt remained as of April 30.

        . . . .

        Jeff Kirshen, a partner at SpenceDrake Tax Law, said once a legal warning letter is sent, taxpayers have 14 days to contact the issuer, who is normally a CRA collections officer. Then, ideally, a payment plan can be set up that meets the individual’s needs. However, if individuals who receive warnings do not take steps to resolve their debt, the CRA could take legal action, such as withholding of wages or other income sources.

        Mr. Kirshen said he’s surprised to see the CRA take this bold step, and he’s worried that the sheer number of people the agency will deal with on this matter could leave those who are most vulnerable inadvertently at risk of facing punishment.

        And then, they will work harder to balance the budget.

        1. It’s my understanding that there were a pant-load of Fed employees who were busted for this. Wonder if they’re going to be contacted, as well.

  4. Trudeau won’t give up because he’s addicted to the perks and doesn’t want to pay for them himself.

      1. Yep. Narcissist bordering on psychopathetic. He would rather see this country burn to the ground and rule over the ashes than step down.

        1. Good! I not only want Blackie to stay on, I want him in there until the last diehard Lieberal voter vomits in disgust over their party. Then, come election time, hang the lot of ’em.

  5. I suppose George has very little to lose by mouthing off because he’s going to be decimated in the next election.

  6. A heartfelt thanks to Justin Trudeau for finally destroying the parasite known as the liberal party

  7. I don’t – in analogy increasingly made obscure by technology – want to sound like a broken record but WHY BLAME JUSTIN?

    He himself has noted on numerous occasions that he has very little interest in actual POLICY and that his role is that of the “front person”/public face of the Liberal Party.

    So it’s the Liberal Party and its fellow-travellers – i.e., a sizable section of Canada’s political and technobureaucratic class (and don’t forget the Corporate Welfare Bum “National Champions”) – who are to blame for all of this. Again, Justin is but a mere symptom.

    I fear that by making Justin (Peace Be Upon Him) the scapegoat/lightening rod, it gives the gullible and/or reflexively Liberal types the excuse “if we get rid of The Leader and replace him with say, Christina Freedland or – even better! – Mark Carney (the current Liberal wet dream) things will be all tickety-boo again”

    And all the sheeple will think, “right, the Liberals over-extended themselves, they’ve been taught a lesson, they will right their ship now, and they can go back to being our Natural Governing Party.”

    All of this hornswoggle could not be further from the truth. There at least 500 mini-Justins just waiting in the Liberal wings

    The Liberal view of Canada needs to be destroyed and discredited and not only that, we need a Conservative proactive view of Canada to replace this.

    Am I dreaming?

    1. The entire Lieberal caucus are like minded. And so are the senior civil servants.

  8. He was the best darn drama teacher in Canada – until that unfortunate incident that led to a million dollar non-disclosure agreement.

  9. Caucus has found it’s all the fault of MP Chahal for not swiping the Conservative leaflets of the doorsteps

  10. These people are the worst sort of scum. They were all happy to jump on the Trudeau bandwagon and said nothing, scandle after scandle, content to see the country ruined until the man whose coat tails they so happily rode started to lose. Now they grow a conscience? The unmitigated gall. FK ’em.

  11. Liberals are JAPs: Just Awful People
    Most of these turds at some point in time fellated Juthtin or tossed his salad.
    These faithless syphilitic pricks should be going after the whole PMO.
    Jesus I’d like to see that horrific Telford get what’s coming to her. Between the ruin she left in Ontario and the national destruction and disgrace of the country she has wrought, I don’t even think the punishment she deserves is printable.

  12. Chahal. Isn’t he the ass wipe who was caught personally destroying campaign literature of other candidates while canvassing? Sleaze.

  13. From open wound, to open wound.. You cant mandate a content population.. A happy population.. IMO the main reason why censorship has become a thing.. Another lockdown will do the trick?..

    Safe to say, they are out of gas..
