19 Replies to “Hold My Beer”

  1. Meanwhile, Thursdays rain filled half my wheelbarrow overnight. Creeks are swolen, ponds are full and the high mountains haven’t even melted off yet..

    “Water, water, every where,
    And all the boards did shrink;
    Water, water, every where,
    Nor any drop to drink.”

  2. No, no, no.. More gay and more tree’s and the budget will balance itself :(..
    We are the ones who elect pet cause politicians.. Solving pyramid scheme problems :).. They cant fix a damned thing that’s measurable.. On time and on budget.. LOL..

    If bike lanes were water pipes?.. Awwwww never mind..

    1. The woke Mayor says home ownership is a remnant of the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. And she says it with the typical leftist LGBTQueer sneer. She hates the era when white families could afford homes, and could afford to raise families. Lots to hate there if you hate straight, ‘W’ people. Now, the only ones breeding are those who depend on government support. That mayor needs to be impeached and removed from office for incompetence.

      1. Only though if she was the minister of national defence and she being an Indian Sikh would she be only interested in the well fare of Sikh’s?

  3. You know someone on the inside is thinking “if pride month were a little longer that would fix everything.”
    They also claim to be atheists, but somehow insert gay rituals into everything. Kinda like a satanist.

    1. EXACTLY Joe….

      GoneDyke was INSTALLED.
      No question about it..
      Not one person I’ve spoken with had ever heard of this Commie Clunt prior to that Sham of an election.

      1. Oh I did. She was a tax and spend city councillor that opposed all of Farkus’ common sense proposals. One that anyone with an IQ in positive numbers would stay the hell away from.
        But then, the city was enamoured with Spenshi, the one who started the spending on stupidity.

  4. Still a lot of really stupid Calgarians.
    Just like there are a lot of really stupid Canadians.
    And well, humans in general.
    Dude from Uranus: “Jesus, that shithole earth is full of stupid people.”

  5. As John Wayne pronounced, “Life is difficult, it is even more difficult if you are stupid!” I came to the realization long ago that most of life is about “housekeeping” – keep up the maintenance on what you own, keep things clean, do not spend more money than you have AND as the dowager Countess of Grantham’s character said “Life is a series of problems, you take care of one, and two more sprout in its place!” Take care of little problems, before they become big problems.
    How this applies to municipal politicians? Take care of roads and sidewalks, replace or do regular maintenance on old infrastructure, fund Police, EMS, Fire, maybe if there is money left over, you can fund Parks and Recreation. Everything else is just NOT part of municipal taxes.
    I say this as I lived in Calgary for 12 years. The 2 neighborhoods in which I lived were from 1970 and 1974 – so they are 50 years old – old infrastructure and old roads.

    1. Here in taxifornia EVERY municipal, and State Agency have shirked their fundamental responsibilities for maintenance and infrastructure. The roads are crumbling … everywhere! Driving the streets of Oakland is an exercise in a third world obstacle course. The State diverts a huge chunk of the massive $1.21/gal. gas tax into mass transit and restricted HOV lanes that nobody uses. The freeways are jammed because CALTRANS are at least 40years behind planning for population growth. And the freeways are littered with homeless encampments.

      The Golden State was a BEAUTIFUL place in the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s … but now it is an utter shithole. And don’t get me started on PG&E spending all their money on *cough* *cough* “renewable” energy instead of maintaining their infrastructure…

    2. There isn’t any perceived benefit for politicians to do State of Good Repair work, when Build New Stuff gets all the press.

  6. But I thought Calgary was going to be the capital of glorious nation of Wexitstan ?!

    No ?

    Edmonton then ?

    No ?

    1. Why would a new Independent Western Country,slavishly copy all the mistakes that made Can Ahh Duh fail?
      Big Government and The Welfare State are miserable expensive failure..
      We have all lived and observed this.
      Why would we exit the Confederated Kleptocracy,just to reproduce it ?
      For individual freedom and rights to exist,the State cannot command the citizen.
      So welfare must be local and nongovernment.
      You must be able to reach out and beat your politicians sense-full.
      And theft by taxation must be local first.
      Never to exceed 10% and going to your local reave or council..Who may or may not contribute to the national government ..but never more than 10% of their own take.
      And the number of persons engaged in “helping” the productive citizens must never exceed 1 in 10.
      We have run the Canada Experiment.
      It failed.

      1. The whole point is you’re already no different than the rest of the country. Calgary and Edmonton are more than 50 percent of the population of Alberta and they’re both run by leftist mayors and councils. Alberta is no less badly governed than anywhere else in the country.

  7. Gyoti GoneDYKE was NOT in any way shape or Form “elected”

    Financed by PACs whose $$ came from Soros’ Open Society & others etc.
    Add in the indisputable fact that Dominion election Tabulators were used….

    Elected..?? 100% BS
    That Commie BITCH was INSTALLED.

    1. She got 45% of the vote. Vote splitting among the unleft. Same with several of the councillors who received less than 30% of the vote in their wards.

      1. Even if the third place candidate dropped out on endorsed the second place candidate it wouldn’t be enough to put him over the top when more than 53% of eligible voters don’t bother to show up to vote.

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