26 Replies to “Hottest Summer Ever”

    1. That’s exactly what I just said. Printer ran out of red? FFS.

      It’s getting harder and harder to mock these people. No matter what you come up with, they top you.

  1. 66 deg. C in Saskatoon !!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Mommaaaaaaaaa … they’re all gonna DIE of heat stroke.

    Now all you deniers need to remember that the HOTTEST Summer on Record is calculated from a very complex Computer modeling of temp’s. Far more complicated than a simple thermometer reading. It’s highly complex “science” … and all you simpletons are too unsophisticated to understand the TRUE super hot temps. Now shut up and pay your carbon taxes.

    1. Well if course. We must follow the glorious 5 year plan to record the hottest temperatures EVER – no matter the actual temperatures.

    2. Kenji – new sciency modelling proved that global warming isn’t mitigated by lower carbon emissions but by higher carbon taxes. The cooler than expected summer is due to years of carbon taxes. If we elect someone who axes the taxes, we could be unleashing climate Armageddon. We have been warned…

  2. Oh just stop it.
    One side of my house is hotter than the other side here in the Okanagan.
    Canada is BIG geography, and Environment Canada is to be ignored, or derided, as you see fit.
    Hey, I just saw an article about some BC ‘researchers’ who want to remove CO2 from the oceanic salt water.
    I am sure that NSERC will fund that shite.
    Happy Canada Day weekend. HONK HONK!

    1. You need to relocate your thermometer onto an asphalt surface to replicate Environment Canada’s measurements. Get with the program. /s

      1. No need to get blatant about the “scientific” methods used. Besides, it’s not who reads the temperature who’s important – it’s who records it.

  3. Alberta has a drought even with Calgary’s creeks being full. The fear mongering carries on. Almost like they’re being paid to continuously gaslight.

    1. Martin

      “drought” My ass. Agreed with the BS fear mongering for sure.
      We had an unusually warm February, and from then on its been unseasonably Cool with more rain in spring than I can recall.

      GoneDyke needs to go….as of 2 years ago.
      Bitch was INSTALLED – No way that commie clunt was “voted’ in

  4. Lytton is the hot spot in Canada? Big deal…it’s almost ALWAYS the hot spot in Canada. Geography makes it so.

  5. At least the flame throwing helicopters aren’t flying around setting thousands of fires this year…

  6. Just think. If Environment Canada were to throw out all old temperature records, this year could simultaneously be both the hottest AND coldest on record!

  7. After they finish folding, spindling and mutilating the records, they will announce around january that 2024 was the hottest year ever!

    1. JD – on the May long weekend Global Calgary noted on Saturday that it would be 14C that day, it was 28C the year before (due to climate change) and the record of 31C was set in 1928.
      I saw the forecast a few days later with similar numbers for this year and last but the record was 33C, again I’m 1928. Same thing again in early June, only the record was set in 1936. Clearly the carbon taxes were too low in the 20s and 30s.

  8. Climate change is a Jacobin business plan.. The communists have seized control of the economy over a computer model / political movement.. Of course its going to suck..

    We are past the green honeymoon and well into banning the competition and censorship.. Get a clue?..

  9. Sunday June 30th in London Ontario. It is 14C, and allegedly feels like 12C. Still waiting for thew predicted hot summer.

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