22 Replies to “It’s Closer Than You Think”

  1. Evil starts when people don’t think about the consequences of their actions. It is established when they understand the consequences but don’t care.

  2. Is doping kids to the gills with Ritalin or whatever, then priming them with gender-confusion and trans-insanity and waiting for them to go off the rails and start shooting people, and then using that as a pretext to take guns from law abiding citizens, is that evil?

  3. I highly recommend watching the movie “The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen)”.

    It’s an amazing movie.

    1. After watching it when it came out, I had to buy the DVD. It’s a great movie.

    2. I had never seen it until I remarried and my new bride recommended it. Incredible movie!

  4. The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis very accurately describes how EVIL operates.

    And it operates on human ego … human “Pride” …

  5. Evil: I lack the confidence to live my own life and be happy with the result. I must control others, especially if it’s for their own “good”.

  6. Covid taught us that people will turn their neighbours into the authority’s with no gain to themselves. Was surprising to me at the time, but now is a given.

    1. It was shocking, wasn’t it? They’d drop a dime on you in a heartbeat. Made me sick to my stomach at the time.

      What was more shocking to me was the people that I -knew- knew better than to believe the hype, but there they were, falling right in line while I was busy saying ‘hey wait a second, dentist masks don’t stop ten nanometer viruses.’ They were all ‘shut up and wear your mask, denier. Can’t you for once in your life do what you’re told?!’

      But then they all took the clot-shot like good little robots, risking God only knows what long-term side effects just so they could fit in. I didn’t feel as bad after that. What goes around comes around, right?

      1. I recall walking through a Walmart with my mask hanging around my chin and some “Kevin” prances by and says under his breath, “Over the nose, over the nose.” I ignored him and watched as he reported me to a Walmart employee. As I walked past him at the self checkout I said, “Hey is your name Kevin because a real man would have said something to my face.”

        1. K

          Everytime I went to Walmart maskless..simply told the door folks: I’m Exempt. Never once stopping to explain anything. One time had some tall (a shopper), very old fk accost me:
          “You’re not wearing a mask..!!”
          I replied “That’s Right..!! How incredibly observant of you”
          He goes off the rails and said I’ll meet you outside”…LOL
          “Bring it on shit fer brains”…was my final reply as I walked away.

          Just another wanna be NAZI fk
          …and as I’m sure, just like every where else in the Country, I still see sheep still wearing their face diapers…UNREAL.

  7. No but it’s what has got us into this mess.
    The Evil lies in the powerful that bank on it.
