86 Replies to “June 29, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Just shush. It’s overwhelming that the commentary is 100% ignored. And all responses. Seriously, 38 comments and none worth listening or seeing. Please.

        1. I don’t think you have a clue what you’re talking about. Anyway I have never changed my name in a way that wasn’t obvious so all (even Freddie) would figure out who I was.

          1. “I don’t think you have a clue what you’re talking about. Anyway I have never changed my name in a way that wasn’t obvious so all (even Freddie) would figure out who I was.”

            The rest of us here, mercifully, never have any need to change our names…and it’s not like you possess the maturity and restraint to even attempt to hide your gleeful hatred, your childishness or your pathetic attempts to bully other posters. You could try; we would figure it out in seconds.

            (oh, and you forgot ‘Surfer’…for some reason you are loathe to admit that one…)

          2. “obvious so all (even Freddie) ”

            “and you forgot ‘Surfer’”

            Apparently I have overestimated Freddie.

      1. Yes yes Maher bad, loyalties need to be stated else we be considered impure.
        I am just enjoying the meltdown.

          1. And the binary world Jacobin is back. How could a conservative like Maher, burn the witch, burn Ann Coulter, burn Jordan Peterson they all found common views with Maher.

    1. OK Jessica “Colon” Yaniv:
      “”I can tell you that if you get the United States out of the role of the world’s policeman, the world would be even worse.”
      You equate that statement as “All US actions are, by definition, good, and the USA should bomb the hell out of everybody I don’t like.”
      The world was doing better under Trump, making peace in the ME, talking to the Norks, playing economic hardball with China, pulling out of Syria and talking with Putin, etc.
      Again, you are a psychopath.

        1. I think the show fits: He “identifies” as a conservative, but supports lots of hard lefty causes. Kinda like KM in that respect.

      1. Oh so you are going to play the reasonable Jacobin now. Fine let’s play.

        “You equate that statement…”

        No idiot, that is your delusion. I do no such thing. I keep postulating that the world is more complicated that sometimes you don’t have a perfect option. In response you go absolute-purity-standard-binary world-jacobin. Then I point out that you’re an idiot. Then you mumble about Soros or Rachel Madcow or WEF, thus proving that you are indeed a bonified utter idiot.

        “The world was doing better under Trump, ”


        “making peace in the ME, …”

        Nonsense, there cannot be peace in the Middle East, your Hamas and Hizzbollah friends and their russian and Iranian paymasters made sure of that. But yes, they held off because they probably expected a more decisive action from Trump so they waited.

        “talking to the Norks, ”

        “Little rocket man” lol bulling the little twat is more what was happening.

        “playing economic hardball with China, ”

        Policies that very much continue to this day and if anything got stricter.

        “pulling out of Syria ”

        Have never pulled out. Also bombed russian bases and then at Khasham wiped out a sizable russian mercenary unit. Biden never done either.

        “and talking with Putin, ”

        You must be confused it was Ogabe that was talking with Pootin and sending Hitlery with a reset button. Deliveries of weapons to Ukraine started under Trump. Pootin didn’t dare attack Ukraine under Trump. He invaded under Ogabe and then waited for a sign of US weakness which was the withdrawal from Afghanistan under Biden to attack again.

        Oh and did you know that Zelensky was elected during Trump’s third year as president?

        You’re living in an alternative reality world. Also you are what you are accusing your betters of being, a true full blown psychopath.

        You’re also an utterly disingenuous worthless demagogue. What you lack in intellect you make up in demagogy.

        1. “What you lack in intellect you make up in demagogy.”

          Coming from you, Jessica, that’s just hilarious… 🙂

  1. It’s Saturday, so off-topic from political tips. Here was Studebaker’s answer it its competitors, in producing its first luxury car:

    I was a young boy in the 1950s, one of my long-gone father’s friends came over to our house, to show off his brand new Studebaker car. My dad said “It’s good sometimes to buy an off-brand”. Even at the age of seven or eight I knew he was being nice to the guy.

  2. Poll: Most Canadians Colombians Fear Unpopular Socialist President Will Try to Cling to Power

    Colombia’s President Rants Against ‘Nazis’ and ‘Mossad Press’ After Getting Caught Wiretapping Judges

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