39 Replies to “Leaving The Sinking Ship”

  1. There is absolutely no surprise here .They had never planned to let Joe run again. I strongly believe Michael Obama is their pick. It was always the plan. Look what has taken place in their primary selection process. Show me it hasn’t been rigged. Where’s Kennedy? Where’s Bernie? Same people that brought you the fairest election ever. The question is does Joe leave with a smattering of dignity (he has none) or even alive. It has to be a black woman to deal with the Kamala problem. These are ruthless people.

    1. Within the past 24 hours, it seems like the 3rd Obama administration is happy to continue with this charade. The latest gaslighting is that Biden just had a bad night (cold).

      Based on election polling with Biden so far behind, the Obama’s seem to be planning on further voting fraud, lawfare, and who knows what? With Obama being a likely CIA stooge himself, something as extreme as assassination could not be ruled out.

    2. Bernie is doing the talking for Brandon now.

      Can’t watch anything on TV or YouTube without seeing them. Joe stands there with a spaced out look on his face while Bernie tells us how bad Trump is.

  2. “…It has to be a black woman to deal with the Kamala problem.”

    Having a bit of Brown in her doesn’t count, eh?

    1. Overlooking the present VP to install another white man doesn’t exactly fit the diversity narrative.

      1. “Overlooking the present VP to install another white man doesn’t exactly fit the diversity narrative.”

        No, but apparently the Democrats are even more alarmed at having her take over. She’s horribly unpopular.

  3. Dude, darlings.. This was Joe after a week long orientation and rest session..
    IMO the DAMNING part was not so much what Joe said.. Its was his demeanor when Trump was speaking.. He was tripping balls for lack of a better description.. More of a failed reading than a debate..

  4. None are so blind as those who will not see…
    These blind assholes are just now seeing him?
    Or they’re just admitting what they’ve known all along and weren’t willing to admit because they’re filthy liars making dirty money lying.
    A pox on them and their families.

    1. Line 3 – 100%

      They knew from the git-go Buddy
      Just like the star studded pile of DogShit within Canada’s Legacy News Media

      I will never forget: ” We have no more to give”

    2. The veil was opened for a little while. It seems that it’s being closed again as we ponder this situation.

      1. “The veil was opened for a little while. It seems that it’s being closed again as we ponder this situation.”

        Horse, barn door, etc…

  5. These people – these Deep State DNC actors – are cold, calculating hard core radical Marxists. They have someone in the wings, I just don’t know who. Does JugEars McFoodstamp have a twin we all don’t know about? Some Antichrist type figure?

  6. Media knew all along. But they have to feign surprise to validate the lie that they didn’t know.

    This was scheduled long ago.

    1. It is UNHEARD of for the leftist media to ALL in concert, simultaneously TURN on one of their own. This was absolutely PLANNED. His own communist cabal want him GONE, and know (from internal polling) that he cannot beat Trump.

      Why? Because if 2020 was all about voting AGAINST Trump … then 2024 has become all about voting AGAINST Biden, who created this inflationary shit show that is ruining lives. Nobody gives a damn about mean Tweets anymore. The cabal KNOWS Biden is toast … and not just because he’s a drooling mental patient.

      1. There truly was significant voter fraud in 2020 and it will happen in some fashion again. Biden’s margin of victory in the 2020 swing states was only just enough, fewer than 50K votes in total.

        It will be much more difficult this time for the cheat. Therefore, expect surprises in the lawfare operation against Trump.

  7. When Joe was speaking, Trump looked like a grumpy cat.. When Trump was speaking, Joe looked like a confused dog looking for his bone.. So telling that the words spoken didn’t even matter..

  8. Anyone else find it amusing that the term “media bias” tends to raise the hackles of the left as they adamantly deny it exists? And then this article highlights that very issue out of necessity. You know the left is scrambling whenever they they take a long standing narrative talking point and concede its falsity to quell a more pressing problem.

    The amusing part is that they don’t even consider that aspect of their actions.

  9. I’ve been trying to post a “mea-culpa” for what I said during the debate live thread.
    There, I said that Trump was losing badly.
    I wanted to explain why I said that, and in turn, acquiesce to what has become the majority view that Biden stunk, but something I said prevented my comment from being posted, and I can’t figure out what it is.
    So yes, I’m trying to say that I was wrong. If the left can’t spin away from Biden’s decrepit performance, who am I to challenge that consensus?
    Unfortunately, I can’t explain myself fully, but I still want the record to show that I was wrong in this case. I still think that Trump had an opportunity to put Biden away, and wasn’t able to do it, but rather than seeing Biden losing to Trump, Biden did himself in all by himself.
    Now… Let’s see if this gets posted…

    1. I think I understand you original position to some extent. Someone advising Trump is a gem. They, basically, told him to go in there and tone it down (and let Biden display himself for all to see). Trump did just that to his credit. He wasn’t as bombastic. He wasn’t as reactionary. His expressions throughout even portrayed sympathy for Biden. Trump isn’t an actor. Far from it. So his genuine surprise and concern in his expressions added weight. CNN realized this too late and repositioned the camera shots later in the debate.

      Sure, Trump got his shots in. Some landed hard. But, someone told him to tone it down, and he actually took the advice. So, it was easy for someone viewing the debate and knowing Trump’s tendencies to think he wasn’t performing as advertised. I wouldn’t have thought Trump capable of meaningful finesse. I’d be wrong.

      1. “So, it was easy for someone viewing the debate and knowing Trump’s tendencies to think he wasn’t performing as advertised. I wouldn’t have thought Trump capable of meaningful finesse. I’d be wrong.”

        I agree (and props to FC for his explanation…that takes guts).

        I myself wish Trump had landed a few more blows, and was wondering why he didn’t mention the Snopes revelation last week about the Charlottesville lie, or the fact that Biden himself could end up a “convicted felon” if he hadn’t been deemed “an elderly man with a poor memory”. But in hindsight it was probably the right tactic, and kudos to Trump for proving that he does indeed have some restraint when necessary.
        Like you, I didn’t think it was possible.

      2. Orson
        Exactly, but fc is too stupid, and always has been so, to figure that out without you pointing out to him/her/it.
        I have posted the same consideration yesterday.

    2. Glad it posted fc … and appreciate your intelligent response.

      I’ll say it again here as I said it in 2016 … I have NEVER been a fan of Trump, the Trump brand, or of his over-the-top braggadocio. UNTIL. Until it became apparent that Trump, and Trump alone was to become the agent of change so desperately needed for our country. And his Presidency proved that point. Our country desperately NEEDED Trump in 2016 … and how fortunate we are that he got to select THREE SCOTUS Judges. And we need him desperately again after the fraudulently installed mentally compromised puppet President Biden has wrecked the country.

      1. ken gee
        Hahahaha, fc and intelligence don’t mix any better than kengee and intelligence. I will wait for the dork to whine about his university learning-))))

      2. “I’ll say it again here as I said it in 2016 … I have NEVER been a fan of Trump, the Trump brand, or of his over-the-top braggadocio. UNTIL. Until it became apparent that Trump, and Trump alone was to become the agent of change so desperately needed for our country. ”

        I feel exactly the same. I don’t care much for New Yorkers in general (and New York Democrats in particular), and I really wish someone in his family would talk to him about the bombast and hyperbole of his Tweets over the years but if I were American I would be voting for him anyway. Not because of who he is…because of what he DOES. He’s the anti-politician, and just what the country needs. Maybe his ego got in the way of his presidency last time (I still say he thought he could charm his enemies into liking him, and made some *awful* personnel choices), but it likely won’t do so this time. He’s learn just how deep The Swamp really is, and he is prepared this time.

  10. Two of the most embarrassing moments for Biden actually came after the debate was over, I think.

    Both involved his wife: the first time, when she had to help him down the stairs afterward (wow), The second, hers effusive praise for him at the rally later: “You answered every question!”…like he was a toddler or a dog or something (or one of her students?). How could anyone watch those two interaction and not cringe?

      1. She is definitely sidling up to Trump and it seems she’s somewhere down the list of VP candidates but maybe not even in the top ten.

        He’s probably going to go for a darker shade of skin for political correctness points, and there are a few good black conservatives. We’ll see.

        1. Byron Donalds would be my #1 choice. And a great successor to Trump in 2028. Not a DEI selection … but a TRUE highly intelligent and educated man.

          1. ” Not a DEI selection … but a TRUE highly intelligent and educated man.”

            That is the most important criteria to me (man or woman): competence. I don’t care about checking the correct ‘diversity’ boxes…I don’t even care if he/she is Caucasian and heterosexual, as long as they are actually qualified for the job of VP. DEI got you into the situation you are in right now, where your President is non compos mentis but your alternative is Kamala Harris.

  11. Bull.
    These are all Demon Rats.
    Everything they collectively say,is pre polled and designed to serve their agenda.

    Whenever you think you might hate these Media Types,remember You do not hate them enough.

    Android Joe has been glitching out for years,while these same liars all insisted,in unision, that “Joe is the most sane and coherent President evah”.
    Maybe aliens really do walk amongst us..For I find Democrats hatred of humanity hard to understand,sometimes.

    As truth in advertising goes,these Demonrats are selling some product to replace their last lying junk.
    When we should be holding them criminally responsible for the last crap they sold.

      1. Yes, they are trying to re-establish the illusion. The media chant in unison:

        Joe Biden is FINE.
        Joe just had a bad night.
        Joe had a cold.
        Joe was stuttering.
        Joe is sharp as a tack, and runs rings around his 20-something aides.
        You did not see what you thought you saw. Those were cheap fakes, Russian disinformation, Trump lies.
        Joe Biden is FINE.

        1. I expect the same cast of characters that signed the Putin is setting up Hunter to be
          emptying the ink wells again.

        2. “Yes, they are trying to re-establish the illusion. The media chant in unison:

          Joe Biden is FINE.
          Joe just had a bad night.
          Joe had a cold.
          Joe was stuttering.
          Joe is sharp as a tack, and runs rings around his 20-something aides.”

          Perfect. PLEASE run Joe Biden against Donald Trump. Pretty Please.
