20 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

  1. Biden Dementia: P. J. Watson asks an important question – “Who the hell is running the country?”. If I were CNN or BBC I would be more panicked about someone starting a major conflict than the Dems losing the next election. Forget the climate emergency, this is a clear and present danger type emergency. For security reasons, he should be impeached immediately!

    1. A democrat committee made up of the Obama cabal are in control. Biden is there as Bernie in Weekend at Bernie”s.

    2. Paul
      O’Biden was hung out to dry,They hoped that Trump would destroy Joe, so they could use that against Trump. But Trump fooled them. And NO , do not impeach the retard, let him loose the election.

      1. GYM – I agree with the sentiment and I do want Biden to run so he can lose, but every dictator in the world will have seen or been debriefed on the debate and will be calculating how they can take advantage of this checked out leader. Whoever is running the country will not have the keys to the football. I would think.

    3. Winning the next election is all that the Dementocrats are concerned about. For them, WWIII is a fair price if it enables them to win the next election.

    4. OMG! That’s the single GREATEST political advertisement EVER in the History of America. Genius. But it DOES raise the question … WHO is actually POTUS? Dokktor Jill? Our nation is being operated by an unelected Deep State bureaucracy. And the Dem’s still keep talking about “Democracy” … *spit*

  2. The thing I kept thinking is we all knew Biden was bad. We knew it. But the media kept lying to us about it. Now so many Democrats are upset and angry about how the media lied. Everytime I hear that i was to scream out…


    At what point do the lies finally stop?

    1. “At what point do the lies finally stop?”
      When bible pounders start to realize that the bible is mostly lies, created so by the communist RCC, to control the people. Which may have had a positive effect at first, but swung into the negative long ago. Kinda like unions.

  3. I certainly don’t dispute that the Lt General has some stones on her considering her list of postings and the fact that she was a combat soldier-engineer.
    But she was hired because she has a vajayjay and that tarnishes her top dog appointment.
    Heh, not long after she got into RMC I was a klick up the road in CFB Kingston banging a CAF chick on the roof of my barracks.
    I guess that’s sexual misconduct now?

  4. Feminist Trudeau will appoint a woman as next chief of the defence staff
    I agree.. Its high time the ladies died in the first wave.. Or better yet, drop them behind enemy lines to sow dissention over who gets the round them up rape rights.. A master stoke in touching oneself..

    But then again.. What are we fighting for?..

  5. “Carignan is currently the military’s chief of professional conduct and culture.”

    The Komissar becomes CDS.
