25 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe”

  1. President poopy pants did better than expected for people who were paying attention.

    But now the media is shocked, shocked! At his decline…

    What a load of BS.

    A game is afoot, but what is it?

  2. Now the trick will be to shuffle a black woman (Kamala) out of the way to make room for a white man, all the while preserving our democracy AND fighting white supremacy.

  3. If only they’d followed the Babylon Bee.
    TDS is more common than Fentanyl abuse in America and Canada.

    Trump is the greatest American President since Harry Truman.
    He too dropped a bomb on kamikaze culture.

    1. I’m a fan of Trump, but c’mon – have you heard of the presidency of one Ronald Wilson Reagan?

    1. Of course they do. Running the country into the ground, looting everything in sight, without having to answer to anyone — they won’t give that up without a major fight. And not-a-doctor Jill will have to be removed from the White House with a crow bar; no way does she give up even one drop of status and position. Plus there is the need to keep control of the machinery to avoid criminal prosecution aspect….

      1. Jill Bidens ex-husband said she dated Joe Biden while still married. Now she is
        defending him and keeping him in the race since it appears that he’s struggling.’ 
        ‘The Dr. Jill Biden who I’ve seen on TV in the last five years is not the same person I married or that I recognize in any way,’ Stevenson, who was wed to Jill from 1970 to 1975, said.
        ‘She’s matriculated into a completely different woman,’ he went on to say she is willing to hurt Joe Biden for her personal fortunes, Whatever that could be. Elderly Abuse- Sad

    2. “Booker vs Trump”. lol. Is there really a “Draft Booker” movement out there? Heck, I live in New Jersey, and I am completely unaware of this fantasy.

  4. This is the cadaver we want woken out of bed when the coming crisis over Biden’s provoked war with Russia comes to a head at 2 or 4 in the morning? Or Taiwan blows up sometime in the evening when the heaviness of sleep has overtaken him? Who am I kidding, they won’t even wake him up.

    1. It’s amazing how all of these Talking Heads manage not to bring up this topic – the fact that this cadaver has his hands on the nuclear football. And that he’s doing his very best to provoke Russia into nuking Western Europe and America. And let’s remember this cadaver and the Democrat party are all a bunch mean-spirited, spiteful jerks who would just love to get America into a war right before he leaves office, just to spite Donald J and the country they despise – the United States of America. Perilous times people!

  5. Why not.. Open the gate on the funny farm.. I welcome the leadership debates on all the deep state madness they claim to support.. Problem is.. None of this stuff is supposed to be voted on, but mandated..

    So.. Kamala Harris the charmless DEI hire is going to be the first female President of the USA.. I can hardly wait for the next debate.. Oh boy.. Or should I say girl..

  6. Dems had a primary process where voters chose Biden. Supposedly the election is about ‘Democracy’ but they are going to dump the guy who was just democratically elected as the Dem candidate.

    1. “Dems had a primary process where voters chose Biden. Supposedly the election is about ‘Democracy’ but they are going to dump the guy who was just democratically elected as the Dem candidate.”

      Funniest part is seeing the Biden camp digging their heels in and loudly proclaiming that “Joe’s not going anywhere!”

      Yeah, sorry…he is. Whether you like it or not. There is literally NO POSSIBILITY of him remaining the 2024 candidate now. None.

  7. My biggest fears; Big Mike, Harris the incompetent, ‘bang your wife’ Newsome, Shrillary…

    Or Taylor Swift… She’s almost as popular as the Obamas, is already an airhead dem tool/fool; and she turns 35 in December, so they can scrape her in ‘legally’, just like they did with Biden.

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