11 Replies to “Surprise!”

  1. We need a right-to-work law, making membership in unions optional. Half the states in the US have right-to-work. You know, the ones where all the jobs are.

    1. SOOKE.

      1000% agreed.
      I’d go even further and Mandate that PUBLIC SERVICE UNIONS be Outlawed….FOREVER.

  2. Too bad they aren’t in California… because Gavin Newsom would MANDATE their pay raise to 3x what they make now … because he’s buying votes for his POTUS run …

  3. Create inflation by printing money, profligate spending, carbon taxes etc which makes workers less well off who strike to get back what they’ve lost. Major travel disruption at the busiest flying time of the year. And so everyone suffers from Justin’s disastrous actions.

  4. Union Leadership are the drivers of most strikes. They rarely care about the rank and file due payers, until their need for higher payments are required. They are constantly seek new businesses to target where more money can be extracted through those increased memberships.

    Legal graft.

  5. So the main issue is wages. On average, the salary of a WestJet mechanic is between $75k and $300K (which is above average in the industry of similar carriers). Just saying.

    1. $300k? For the Director of Maintenance, perhaps.. United Airlines has an 8 year path to the top payscale, appx. $130k USD, highway for management, of course..

  6. Only corporations are greedy. Unions are never greedy. If you believe that, N Lenin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, etc. have a deal for you.
