19 Replies to “Things You’re Gonna See On The CBC”

  1. It’s a Liberal which equates to zero credibility and a facility to brazenly lie. So… NO!

    1. Nobody is gargling with gasoline … far too expensive. They’re using rubbing alcohol.

  2. Ah, yes, Mark Holland. Showed up on my doorstep one election cycle, and I had questions about the Human Rights Code, which Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant were being persecuted for allegedly violating. Dude stood there, turned purple, started hurling F-bombs at me for daring to question the misuse of the statute. Obviously didn’t get my vote. He showed up at a street party we were having a couple of months later (I live on a cul de sac). I stood up, announced I did not party with assholes, and went home.

    1. Holland is the quintissential vacuous example of Arrogant Stupidity
      Low IQ (_i_)Hole personified – Yer classic Canadian Liberal.
      And there’s more than just him…

  3. Perhaps the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard a politician say. And I’ve heard a lot of asinine things. Worst part is that we might have to pay taxes to provide him a pension.

    1. Seriously, everyone knows that if you need to mitigate dental pain, hold kahlua in that side of mouth. Hard liquor doesn’t help and it’s more expensive. Then swig again… after a while you won’t even notice! Speaking from 1980’s student dental care experience. J.

  4. He figures gargling gasoline is better than, say, using it in a car for a road trip vacation with the family.
    The man is unhinged.

  5. Stupid bastard. I think he’s been tailgating Joostaihn too closely and is strung out on methane.

    1. No. He’s hysterical with fear that he’s going out on the street after the next election. His riding is one the Liberals are certain to lose. He went through a nervous breakdown and suicide attempt after he was defeated in 2011. He’s always been an unstable nitwit. In the Zeroes he backed Gerard Kennedy’s bid for the leadership in 2006 and behaved as a pitbull.

      So this insane nonsense is what’s expected from this twit.

  6. He was once my MP when I lived in Ajax (think to the ‘tanks in the streets’ era – 2000 ish). Happily, I moved shortly thereafter to Calgary… once paradise, now controlled by Gondek the Commie.

  7. I’m sure Mr Holland and I share a character trait in that we were both young and stupid once. But unlike Mr Holland, I stuck a hose in gas tanks and siphoned some petrol for my own nefarious needs. One mouthful of gasoline was enough to sort this young dumbass out.

    As to Mr Holland, he’s still stupid.

  8. Does he know that dentists themselves now tell you to gargle with warm salt water?
