Bolshevik History Lessons

Leave it to these barely coherent, shopworn Marxists to claim that the source of Iran’s problems lie not with a brutal Islamist dictatorship with zero respect for individual rights, but rather with an insufficiently generous welfare state and too much freedom for entrepreneurs. Apparently, if the West didn’t impose sanctions on Iran they would be able to embrace rigid central planning and usher in utopia. Who knew?

Sanctions have separated Iran, a neoliberal state with Iranian characteristics, from the neoliberal world order it looked set to join in the 1990s. Since then, the government has eroded Iran’s once generous welfare state and cut subsidies on bread, fuel, and other staple commodities. Responding to its sanctioned public realm, Iran’s leaders have expanded a gray, pseudoprivate economy unregulated by the democratic state to reach international markets through front companies. The middlemen doing these deals, “black knights,” satisfy Iranian military-industrial and consumer demand and provide the country with off-the-books cash to support the “axis of resistance,” Iran’s regional allies from Yemen to Syria which look likely to enter a regional war against Israel.


11 Replies to “Bolshevik History Lessons”

  1. and all the gymnastics and pretzel making with the ultimate objective to . . . . . . . .
    wage war on lsrael.
    hoooooo kaaaaaay dere Eeeran. youse go ahid an’ foddow da footschteps of the likes of anyone from nebechenezzar to adolph and lots ‘n lots betwixt and between.

  2. “Apparently, if the West didn’t impose sanctions on Iran they would be able to embrace rigid central planning and usher in utopia. Who knew?”

    Well that’s a variation of the defense they’ve been offering for the basket case that is Cuba for about the past 60 or 70 years; it’s nice to hear a band keep playing the oldies.

  3. The real dangerous aspect of this is that THIS is Barrack Obama’s philosophy on the Middle East. It is NOT Iran’s philosophy. And, even more egregious was that Obama was well aware of Iran’s contrary philosophy, but went forward with removing sanctions anyway.

    1. “The Fantastical Buraq: The Prophet’s Ride to Heaven
      Often regarded as Prophet Muhammad’s vehicle in Islamic mythology, the Buraq is a winged creature often depicted with a human head and the body of a horse. It has been depicted in visual art across the Islamic world and continues to be a motif used by artists in the region.”

      And a variation of Buraq is…you guessed it – Barack….brainwashed since birth, a combo of Islam & Leftism….wow, what a f’d up mix.

  4. “Iran [is] a neoliberal state with Iranian characteristics”. That literally means nothing to me. Did anyone else decode the hidden message? Because I’m having a tough time believing that Iran is a free-market economy.

    1. Or neo-liberal. I’m glad Dennis posted this. Every so often it is good to read how warp leftist thinking can be on a variety of topics and remind ourselves, coming out of their high Holy Month, that they have other concerns.

  5. Last thing Canada needs is new immigrants from the middle east from failed countries.

  6. American Leftists … like the still-sophomoric Hillary Clinton … believe that if America would just “be nice” to radical Islam … they’ll be nice to us. She ran that experiment in Libya aka The Arab Spring … and we all know how that ended.

    1. I bet Hildebeast doesn’t believe any of the lefty shit she spouts. She just knows that it will resonate with the no-minds who are likely to support her for saying it.

  7. What’s the difference between the Jacobins and the Iranian Mullahs?

    When they talk about defeating America and all that it stands for, the Jacobins want to bring forth their glorious Communist revolution, and murder all of those opposed to them, while the Iranian Mullahs don’t care what kind of government is left in America because it simply wants to murder all Americans.

    Also, the Jacobins are still utterly stupid in picking their allies and fellow travellers because they keep picking people more fanatical than them.
