16 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Thanks for the notation, “Click at your own risk.”
    But here’s the thing: is there any significant difference between this and what happens every year on this weekend in any major Canadian city?

    1. Is there any difference between this and the Trannies fake breasts bared for all to see at the White House ? Or the all male anal sex performed on the desks in a Senate Hearing room?

      PS … if you want to see more of this depravity … click onto … zombietime

  2. San Francisco will be taken over by the illegals or the Chinese, if they can stand the smell and get rid of the Rat’s in garbage cans and drug tents.

    1. That happened some time ago … which is why Nordstrom, Macys, Walgreens, MacDonalds, and dozens of retailers and offices have vacated SF. Buh bye.

      Oh! And the SF School District has been bleeding 4,000 students each year for quite some time. They’re having to close dozens of schools.

  3. Do the deviants want to be driven back into the shadows with axe handles.

    The legal system no longer keeps the peace or maintains order. The purpose of the law is to maintain order in a consistent and unbiased fashion so people don’t have to turn to more extreme measures.

    1. It’s just sex … (recycled from the book of Clinton excuses)
      Where’s your t-o-l-e-r-a-n-c-e? Nay, your c-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-i-o-n of our differences?

  4. I was reading about this at The Sun’s website and, for some reason, the summer of 1977 in Toronto came to mind. Remember Emanuel Jacques? And, only four years later, the Toronto Pride Parade was born. So much for the cleanup of Yonge Street with its bath houses and massage parlours. We didn’t get rid of them; we just brought them out into the open.

    My first encounter with this parade was in the mid-eighties when I lived in mid-town Toronto and happened to be walking downtown on the day of the parade. I had no idea what was going on and was a bit surprised. A couple of years later, once again, I found myself on Yonge Street during the parade and couldn’t believe the number of families and children I saw watching this garbage. Not that I care, but whose side did their spawn eventually grow up and side with?

    I, too, love it when the left eat their own.

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