21 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. It need only be stated that pride flags are political. Its a whole lotta other stuff, but that’s all that needs to be said, even by Catholics.
    Even Fat Fck Ford could understand that, but he’s a stupid bastard, but even more so, a coward-liberal in a fat suit.

    1. BLUDDY
      And the RCC is the biggest gay club in the world, and even some one as STUPID as you should know that.
      A few years ago 2 investigative journalists wrote a book detailing the gay activity and piss poor money handling by the crowd of gays , who occupy the vatican, they were immediately arrested and charged for doing actual reporting .
      So get together with kengee and jessica and take a course on when to keep pie hole shut!

      1. I’m not defending the RCC.
        I’m merely stating that pride is political.
        I’d even defend your Moslem friends.
        But I am glad that a priest buggered you.

        1. I was getting tired of asking, and not getting an answer to, where on the doll he was touched. Glad we finally sussed it out.

  2. Doug does not have Brother Rob’s balls nor is he savvy wrt conservatism. His policies seem to convey an auction type ambience.

    He’s burned the bridge.

  3. Doug Ford will be upset. Petition to ban Pride flags in Catholic schools
    Pride is politics.. Its flag reminds me of another flag that was grossly overused in Germany 80 years ago.. Do we really need to be hanging these things out of second story windows?.. The Gaystapo?.. A crisis in government :)..

  4. Was in Toronto for work the past week and you’d swear the city was in another country called Homostan or Gayland. Billboards, flags, displays, signs, etc. It was impossible to avoid seeing the colors of depravity, perversion, mental illness, and victimhood.

  5. 6yo girls have ZERO value in the Muslim culture. Zero. They’ll just breed another litter of fkcu-toys. What a disgusting religion and culture. Disgusting.

  6. /// The most loving action for that person is to try to stop them from making those bad decisions,” he said. “You don’t want people to sin. //

    Christian, n.:
    one who believes that the New Testament is a divinely inspired book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbour.
    Ambrose Bierce

  7. “Israel Reduces Food for Palestinian Security Prisoners, Conceals Data, Sources Say

    Since Oct. 7, prisoners reported weight loss due to drastic food reductions in the prisons, to the point of starvation. As Israel’s top court hears a petition filed on the matter, far-right Minister Ben-Gvir states this is a ‘deterrent measure'”


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