30 Replies to “The problem with wind energy”

  1. Know your enemy. This video is good for understanding some of the conveniently incomplete thinking of wind / renewable fanatics. It shows that there are engineering solutions to the technical challenges associated with wind but dismisses with a wave of the hand the massive costs and inefficiencies imposed on the grid. The EROEI (Energy Return On Energy Invested) is simply atrocious. It would be akin to making a case for growing wheat at the South pole. Yes, it could be done but it’s the ultimate in stupidity. Without the CO2 climate alarmism driving all this, wind would not be considered for a second by engineers looking for the cheapest reliable grid electricity.

    1. Well Said CanSco…

      Wind turbines are nothing short of Monuments to Environmental Arrogance, Stupidity & governmental collusion.
      Don’t produce jack.
      Kill numerous flying breeds
      …and damned ugly to look at.

      1. As I have been saying, you can’t build the wind or solar generation without coal, oil, and gas. Good luck trying to do so without fossil fuels. Can’t be done.

    2. …it’s the ultimate in stupidity

      Which is why [spit] Progs of all shapes, sizes, colours & mental defects embrace the concept wholeheartedly. They are incapable of critical thought.

    3. Wind factories are disgusting, filthy, blights on our pristine landscapes. Now do a segment that explains just how MANY wind factories will be needed to provide a Net Zero future. Yes, the planet will be covered in these ugly contraptions. And rest assured the ultra wealthy elites won’t have any plotted in THEIR neighborhoods. So much for eco-equity … eco-justice … eco-fairness.

      After watching this video, I fail to see how anyone can call wind a “renewable” energy resource

  2. Green energy is a Goldilocks and the Three Bears delusion.. Mandated by our Princess and the Pea Liberal government.. That’s all you need to know..

  3. I found the short life of gearboxes to be particularly interesting. I wasn’t aware that they were so short in life expectancy.

    1. Umm Brian – this video has lots of good info but it is pro wind-energy. It glosses over the extremely high cost of green hydrogen. Every major energy company is canceling or delaying green hydrogen projects in favor of blue hydrogen due to cost. They also failed to mention the short life span of turbine blades and high cost to replace them. If only they could get rid of fossil fuels and link to a wider grid Ireland would have cheap electricity. Right. The only thing he said that makes sense is having nuclear power backup. Ireland will end up with expensive electricity and fuels.
      I did learn a lot from the video though. Thanks.

    2. “I found the short life of gearboxes to be particularly interesting. I wasn’t aware that they were so short in life expectancy.”

      Same here. I had heard about this years ago from someone who had ties to the industry but had never seen it illustrated like this. I watched most of the video last night (came across it by accident) but not all…did they mention having to drive them with a motor (presumably the generator itself) when the winds stops to prevent flat spots in the bearings?

  4. This is the B.S. factor to the extreme.
    You’ll note that they alter to dc power for control.
    DC power is the only true source of natural energy.
    I am not opposed to alternate sources of energy BUT I think the “money” industry had taken over.

  5. Storage is the unsolvable problem. I have a solution. The windmills could pump water filling huge standpipes that take weeks to fill. The water pressure could then generate hydro electricity. The power supply would be subject to much longer term fluctuations. Planning the load could be in conjunction with hydro dams, a huge source of stored energy. If we are to have bullshit sources of energy, at least we could use our effing gourds.

    1. ” If we are to have bullshit sources of energy, at least we could use our effing gourds.”

      We could, but probably won’t. I have said for years that wind power is the least efficient, least reliable and most expensive ‘renewable’ out there but the enviroweenies just seem to love it.

      You mentioned pumped storage, which is a viable alternative to battery storage in some cases…but I think it would work better with solar panels (which have their own set of problems, but are still head and shoulders above wind turbines).

      Nothing beats hydro, still, for mass energy generation.

        1. “And hydro is not green either.”

          Even the older hydro dams are much greener than the alternatives of thermal, wind or solar, and the newer hydro installations can easily be made even more so. Nuclear would be my number two choice but has its own specific problems.

  6. Eye on the ball, people.

    Gearbox longevity, frequency matching, storage issues, transport lines & other garbage are merely distractions. Don’t let the bastards sweet talk you with technical BS like what’s so reasonably portrayed in the video.

    The sole & primary issue w/ wind & solar is the premise upon which the entire house of cards is built: {cough}bullshit{cough} Anthropogenic Globull Warmening.

    Once you remember that, everything else is background noise.

  7. huge outcry when ms wynndefarm’s front line reps lied and lied about ‘oh we’se aint gunna 4ce ya ta have our mechanical monsters looking at you’

    being liberal the whole time . . . . .

    1. “The best way to deal with wind energy is to invite their proponents to provide grid friendly power for all conditions and be competitive.”

      And do it *without subsidies*. Do the same for EV manufacturers…let the market decide.

  8. This video does a pretty good job of selling the viability of wind for Ireland. After watching this, I’m somewhat less dismissive of wind power — at least in some situations.

    1. “This video does a pretty good job of selling the viability of wind for Ireland.”

      You’re kidding, right?

      “After watching this, I’m somewhat less dismissive of wind power — at least in some situations.”

      Not me. It’s even worse than I thought…and I already thought it was terrible.

      The only people wind power is good for are the people who design, build, sell and install it. Those people make money…the rest of us only get to PAY for it.

      1. TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU FRED…………..too much can go wrong with this “green” energy..#1 it isn’t GREEN energy……..WAY TOO COSTLY…………

  9. In a country with brutal winters like Canada, you need rock solid energy security. Power outages at -40 degrees will kill people. People are beginning to realize how dangerous dependence on wind and solar can be.

    1. “In a country with brutal winters like Canada, you need rock solid energy security. Power outages at -40 degrees will kill people. People are beginning to realize how dangerous dependence on wind and solar can be.”

      As Brian has pointed out here on many occasions, the very coldest days are often the ones with *zero* wind happening (and I think the same also applies for the hottest days?) . In other words, when you most need it, it’s not there.

  10. Complex wear-prone gearboxes, rare earth metals, huge-hokin’ rectum fryers for frequency control, 120 ton vacuum-packed flywheels dotting the landscape — forget the windmills; I want to see what happens when one of those fails at speed — chemical battery storage… Damn! All sounds green to me! Let’s build it!

    We’re not going to survive what they are doing to us. But on the bright side, neither will they when there’s no electricity anymore.

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