Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

How Biden’s performance exposed the real cheap fakes;

None of the people on that panel understood the scope of the disaster last night. Biden just exposed a vast cover-up, nearly universal among elected Democrats and almost as much within the US national media, designed to keep people in the dark about the president’s mental capacity.

They spent the last four years foisting a near-senile old fool onto a nation at a moment of dire crisis. That includes Axelrod. It includes Bedingfield. It includes Van Jones. It includes the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, and practically every other establishment media outlet.


46 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Suddenly they figured it out that he really was “Sleepy Joe”.

    Every person who follows SDA or any conservative media has known for 4 years that he is in a significant decline.

    The MSM has just received permission to out Joe and walk away from the elder abuse that they and the Biden Crime Family have committed in their need for power.

    Hopefully, the American people will not fall for some other leftist with similar policies if Biden is taken out of the campaign.

    1. “Hopefully, the American people will not fall for some other leftist with similar policies if Biden is taken out of the campaign.”

      You’re assuming an election will be the solution. We’re way past that point.

    2. “Every person who follows SDA or any conservative media has known for 4 years that he is in a significant decline. ”

      Exactly. We have been noticing and discussing this mental decline FOR YEARS now. It was obvious. It was inescapable. There was no denying it…yet the Democrats and their media shills just pretended that it wasn’t there because Orange Man Bad. Now they all have the audacity to feign ignorance and shock.

    3. The definitive evidence that EVERYONE surrounding Biden KNEW of his shocking cognitive decline long ago … is that they HAD to sequester him for more than a week to get him prepared for the debate. They KNEW they had to take extraordinary measures to get him through the ordeal.

      And everyone is saying that Joe started slow, but picked up the pace as the debate went on … weren’t watching the same debate I was. Quite the opposite … Biden’s very first answer to the (obviously rehearsed question leaked to his handlers) was a manic, top speed, recitation of talking points delivered so fast and uncontrolled that the words just melted into one another. He followed with some more rapid fire talking points … then … the wheels just came off as he went off script and rehearsals … and just started to blurt out irrelevant comments to questions not asked. He literally decayed into a pile of mush by the end.

    1. Every.Last.Single.Jurinalist.Knew. All of them.

      The conservative journalists and bloggers knew and told their audiences, but their reach isn’t as wide as the YSM (Yellow Stream Media). and what did get past the social media censors to a wider audience was dismissed as ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ and was ‘debunked’ by nameless, faceless, onside ‘fact checkers’.

    2. The left-wing media cartel knew. They act on agreed-upon unison to promote a pro-Democrat lie. This is why they are an actual cartel. The corporate media are corrupt.

      Btw, here in Canada the media establishment participated in the lie about Biden.

    3. Watched the debate in full last night. I thought Biden was as coherent as I’ve seen for many years. I thought at the end ‘Biden did okay for Biden’. Yes he is Dementia Joe and that is what I was expecting because that is what we’ve been watching for many years.

      The coup has been triggered now for some reason. We’ll see if Dr. Jill fights or surrenders.

    4. Robert – The MSM should win a special Academy award for most convincing reaction of surprise to something they already knew. They could narrowly beat out the multitude of vocal coaches and other trained music professionals on YouTube who swear they never heard stairway to heaven before and provide their review with reactions similar to a teenage girl whose boyfriend finds her joy button for the first time.

  2. The fourth estate has a mortgage to pay.

    Life Follows Art dept
    Doing It for the Mortgage – Than You For Smoking (2005)

  3. The journalists chose to not report Biden’s decline for years. More than a decade ago, Mark Levin routinely referred to then Senator Joe Biden as the “stupidest senator ever” … the dumbest senator he’s ever known or met. (they met once on a train out of Washington DC, years ago), and then referred to Vice President Biden as “the stupidest VP ever”, and then referred to President Biden as the stupidest President ever.

    Now compare Biden’s stupidity to how nearly the entirety of media in the world reported that Ivermectin was for horses, and shouldn’t be used for human ailments, with what has been said about this in the past year, and the suspension of some covid jabs from being recommended. It takes a long time for the true believers to having a come to their senses moment, and realise the big lie has burst. Access to politicians is for those who report what the politicians want reported. Just like how Trudeau in Canada has denied journalism credentials to Rebel Media after they’d asked too many biting questions…

    How does the media turn away from their lies and say, “we just found this out” … “we didn’t know” ?

    They’re all liars, well it’s 98% of them who give the other 2% a bad name.
    It would be the same in Canada. True North, Rebel Media, you know it’s the usual suspects…

    1. “They’re all liars, well it’s 98% of them who give the other 2% 2 a bad name.”

      Fixed it for you, marc. And offhand, I can’t come up with the names of the 2 honest MSM jurinalists.

  4. Well, since a backroom cabal was running the so-called Biden administration anyway, it makes no difference what his mental condition was or is. But now that fact is out in the open and part of the election discussion if Trump chooses to go there. I think he should, but first hire some better protection. The deep state won’t like to have a spotlight shone on them. Rats prefer to work in the dark.

      1. Soros (Satan’s spawn). And the ghosts of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Honecker, etc etc etc

  5. Biden did as much damage to himself as the media did to itself covering up for that empty vessel. Now people with any brains can see just how badly they have been lied to.

  6. I’m really warming to the theory that the reason the debate was held this early was to throw Joe under the bus in time to select a replacement, whichwould have been impossible had the debates been held in the fall as usual.

    1. Agree, Old Joe is not smart enough to know he is out of the game. I heard somebody say it wasn’t fair, Joe couldn’t keep with the questions and somebody else replied, isn’t that the point.

    2. I kinda agree, but they have face the Kamala problem. The party of identity politics is going to ditch a black female vice prez?

    3. Exactly right. And the fact that they kept with the split-screen throughout the entirety of the debate, even though it was clearly damaging to Biden, tells me the fix was in.

  7. How many high-ranking Democrats thought to themselves “Supporting Biden is grossly irresponsible. It’s dangerous to America, dangerous to the world, and betrays the American people.”?

    1. This is the same bunch of liars that brought us “The COVID vaccines are safe and effective and will stop transmission and reduce illness and will save millions. As for adverse reactions, well those are as rare as Biden’s dementia moments. Biden’s dementia and the adverse reactions of the vax are all just misinformation.

  8. I’m getting really annoyed at reading and watching all these ‘journalists’ complaining about Donald Trump’s lies while turning a blind eye to Biden’s own lies. They really do think that we are stupid, don’t they? No respect for us at all.

    1. I have friends that bought it. “All Trump did was lie! Why would they want a convicted felon who just lies! Biden had an off night, today he’s back to his normal self!” Honestly, this was a statement someone said to me. When I pointed out that Biden lied, they said “stop it! You’re not going to change my mind!” TDS is a true and present danger.

  9. They pulled the same stunt with the senile Robert Mueller, and it worked like a charm until they made the mistake of having him testify before Congress, and it became clear that was senile and that he had no idea what was going on around him.

  10. The truth may set Joe Pooh free to find a veranda and shake his fist at kids doing stuff, but its a shackle to the Media Lying Complex, the mouthpiece of neo-Marxists, who are attacking and destroying every foundation of the west.
    For starters, Bob Woodward should be pilloried in the National Mall.
    But really, all these rat-fcks need to be dis-employed, de-monetized and de-citizenized.

  11. The question I have is given that the Dems have something like a hundred million possible presidential candidates to choose from, why Biden? Why in the first place, and why continue with him?

      1. Being vice-president automatically gets you on your party’s list of who to consider to run as successor. And he was chosen as vice-president because he was already so corrupt, he’d go along with whatever Obama was going to do to his country. He sold his Presidency to Obama for his Vice-Presidency.

    1. Because they built the “largest voter fraud machine” ever to allow Obama and his cabal of anti-american fellow travellers to get another shot at ending America as it should be, and they needed someone that was controllable to front it?

    2. It has to be Biden because the powers that be have a lot of money to buy candidates, therefore the more brazenly corrupt, the better.

  12. Its called a slippery slope.. Joe’s legitimacy has been questioned from the get go.. The Covid 19 deep state election stealing puppet.. Who was obviously not up to snuff, three years ago either.. Power of attorney?.. Who is it?..

    That’s a hell of a backdrop to be installing another puppet.. Coups tend to do that..

  13. Listening to some Dem coverage of the debate. What jumps out is the utter lack of self awareness, no realization that “they” are being rejected, their boondoggles and bungling along with their weird culty beliefs. They and their sleezy uniparty friends have stomped on the faces of middle America, working America, Main Street, and independent farmers. They offer us nothing but insults, bigotry, name calling….. For that, they demand, submission and acceptance of a bleak future especially economically.
    Joe’s decline and the deception around it are only part of it.
    It’s entirely possible that Joe and Kamala are the best and brightest that Dems have going for them.

  14. Going back to 2019, on the question of why did they run ol’ Joe. I’m of the mindset that the Dems weren’t fully confident their vote fraud would be enough to win… and in Joe, they had the case of Trump asking the president of Ukraine to look into the Biden fraud. Which as we know, they continued to pursue impeachment over even after the election steal was in. Remember, sleepy Joe was nearly in last place until someone leaked Trump’s phone conversation… suddenly Biden was Trump’s presumed candidate and DJT was using foreign influence to investigate his opponent. Had Trump won, they would have used this to drag down DJTs second term.
    Fast forward to present, I do believe the Dems have been betting they could drag Joe’s corpse across the finish line one more time and continue the focus group, back room, from the shadows control that their Borg like, collective ideology fully accepts. And don’t discount the idea that they just might pull it off.

    1. And who’s fault is that really?
      Your right, but how many people if they take pause at all over the media’s bias and trough feeding are going to actually going to question, their own actions first?
      So they remember.

  15. Speaking of liars:

    Ann Vandersteel, an Information War Correspondent, pointed out this oversight when she wrote, “15 TIMES JOE BIDEN LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in 90 MINUTES.” She then proceeded to list a series of false statements made by Biden during the debate.

    1 “Suckers and losers”
    2 “Hitler did good things”
    3 “Fine people”
    4 “My son died in Iraq”
    5 “I capped insulin at $15”
    6 “I capped Medicaid drug expenses at $200”
    7 “Retaliation against enemies”
    8 “Trump said he would be a dictator”
    9 “No soldiers died on my watch”
    10 “Border crossings fewer than Trump”
    11 “Unemployment was 15% under Trump”
    12 “Trump wants to get rid of Social Security”
    13 “Billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes”
    14 “Trump said inject bleach”
    15 “Border patrol endorsed me”

  16. Joe was never fit to govern and that’s why the backroom cabal wanted him, he wouldn’t try to maintain any independence, and would be relied upon to go along. As his mental state declined, he probably understood less and less of what was going on, but in fact it was never a new problem because he was never intended to govern anyway. Others have been calling the shots. Obama is in on it, but I don’t think he’s the top of the hidden gang, however, globalism is such that all are in lock-step agreement so it doesn’t really matter much who is nominally in charge (Davos is in charge, basically, whatever they decide each year is the new plan for globalism). Look at Libs in Ottawa, if Trudeau were replaced by Freeland or anyone else, nothing would change. If there ever was independence of thought on that side of politics, it vanished about two decades ago.

    The only question will be, if Trump wins, will he go after the cabal, or will he allow himself to be saddled with minders from the swamp posing as “allies” like Jeff Sessions and Pence turned out to be? If he goes after them, it will be akin to civil war, if not, it will be a wasted four years of obstruction and no real slowing down of the globalist social and economic revolution. It will be better than nothing, but not as much so as we need. And the same can probably be said for any P.P. Canadian “win” — we need max and lots of max to get anywhere.

    1. “The only question will be, if Trump wins, will he go after the cabal, or will he allow himself to be saddled with minders from the swamp posing as “allies” like Jeff Sessions and Pence turned out to be? ”

      He absolutely will, especially now that the Democrats have made it so personal with all their attempts to jail him.

      I still believe he was naive the first time around…that he either didn’t know who he could trust or thought he could win them over to his side. In his defense, politics is not that similar to business in many ways and he obviously didn’t know how deep The Swamp really was or how much the Washington elite despised him. He definitely knows better now.

  17. Remember when Biden’s incoherent mumbling was swatted away as being some kind of stutter and how you were a biggot for noticing it? Good times. The next leg down will be “of course the Democrats cheated in 2020 but that’s a good thing”.

    1. “Remember when Biden’s incoherent mumbling was swatted away as being some kind of stutter and how you were a biggot for noticing it?”

      Most people know what a stutter looks like. That wasn’t a stutter.

      (and his ‘cold’ miraculously went away later that night)

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