10 Replies to “A Deal With The Devil”

  1. Slow on the uptake.. 20 years behind the curve.. I got a very fuel efficient small hatchback coup to deal with my short work commute.. Why on earth would I want to plug in every night.. When I could gas up once a month..


    Remember those 1990s digital pet watches (Tamagotchi) that you had to feed every day or else it will die?.. I don’t want that.. So the idea that short run people are all in on EVs is also false..

  2. The issue is never the real issue.

    If the desire was to have everyone drive as they have been, but with EVs instead of ICEs the plan would be to start building enough power generation to charge everyone’s cars. Next, it would also require a massive upgrade to the electrical grid to get the electricity to homes and away-from-home charging stations. Once that is done, some of which can be done concurrently, then you can increase the number of charging stations where it’s no big deal to pull over and top up.

    So why are the PTB (Powers That Be) doing it exactly backwards? EVs are being mandated first thing. Power stations are being shut down, not built, and wind and solar are not being installed at a rate that does not replace the power sources that are been shut down. Oh, and wind and solar are not reliable baseload sources of electricity. And best as I can determine, nobody has even started on upgrading their grid. If you want to install more public chargers, you often have to install a diesel generator for the charging stations. The power companies can/t always supply the chargers.

    Rhetorical question: Why is the switch to all EVs being done exactly backwards?

    And… let’s not even mention the push for all electric housing; heat pumps, electric stoves and water heaters. Well, OK. Now that I’ve mentioned it, another rhetorical question. How does that square with enough power generation and grid expansion for an all-EV fleet?

    1. The only “upgrade” to the grid I have seen is in rural areas, but only to feed the existing grid with electricity from wind turbines. The new poles and wires are an incredible expense without value.

    2. It doesn’t.

      The goal is not to have cars of any kind, everyone living in cities reliant on a transit pass tied to a social credit score so that your elitist masters may decide if your production for humanity and your behavior match their goals and requirements. Otherwise, no transportation for you at all, anywhere. The Liberal/NDP coalition will keep you in digital chains.

      Odd, that Liberal used to mean “free”. If you understand the goal, then all of the intermediate moves make sense, in an insane, malicious point of view.

    1. I rented a Renault Megane about 5 years ago in Portugal. It had a gasoline engine and a standard transmission and was a great little car.

  3. What did I read? That some dweeb in the UK is recharging his EV at night at the cost of 9p/kWh !? Here is PG&E land we pay $0.27/kWh off peak … so we PAY jussssssst a bit more than that LIAR from the UK

  4. Imagine what could have been done with the trillions already wasted on this folly and all the “green energy” grifting. When I am king all these grifters will be first against the wall.

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