33 Replies to “An Era Of Lies”

  1. And through omission, Hansen lets the biggest lie of all – that Biden got 80+ million votes and won the election – continue.

  2. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.
    I listened to some Dem podcasts after the debate. They were fixated on DJT and, of course, claim he is a serial liar and Nazi. It’s like they don’t know that if you flip the script, the MAGA people believe the same thing about the Dems. The “liar, liar” accusation is trotted out at every opportunity. False accusations swamp all honest discussion. We have to hope most adults know the sneaky tricks used to game false claims and smear others, ie lies of omission, repetition, exaggeration, claiming sources that don’t exist, bearing false witness, conflation……. We are awash in deception in such volumes, it’s hard to sort out. You correct the record on one accusation, and ten more take its place. Obviously it works. It’s exhausting and a waste of time, but, maybe, most importantly it deflects from any discussion of the facts or substance.

    1. Another tactic, is to make the accusation as a statement of fact that is unquestionable and agreed upon by all right thinking people.

      1. “Another tactic, is to make the accusation as a statement of fact that is unquestionable and agreed upon by all right thinking people.”

        That’s the worst one, to me. “Shut up”, they argued…

    2. The point of calling Trump a liar again and again is to put the the notion out there such that no one will question it. I read claims of “Trump lied” following the debate and no evidence for this was offered.
      Danial Dale is a journalist who decided to keep the record on “Trump lies.” That’s where the claim of 500 lies (or whatever it is) comes from. I looked at Dale’s list of lies and it was ridiculous. If the media disagreed with something — that was a lie. If he got a day or a date wrong — another lie. When he repeated some point at multiple rallies, each mention was called a lie. But they have been successful. Now most people think Trump is a liar. I have no doubt there are some lies, but believe they are not significantly worse than many other politicians. His “lies” are not devious or deliberately intended to hurt people. I think he actually believes a lot of what he says.

      1. ” I read claims of “Trump lied” following the debate and no evidence for this was offered.
        Danial Dale is a journalist who decided to keep the record on “Trump lies.” ”

        CNN had him on afterward. He came up with 30 Trump ‘lies’, but then surprisingly mentioned 9 Biden ‘lies’ as well. He ‘accidentally’ missed a few of those, though…here they are (again):

        1 “Suckers and losers”
        2 “Hitler did good things”
        3 “Fine people”
        4 “My son died in Iraq”
        5 “I capped insulin at $15”
        6 “I capped Medicaid drug expenses at $200”
        7 “Retaliation against enemies”
        8 “Trump said he would be a dictator”
        9 “No soldiers died on my watch”
        10 “Border crossings fewer than Trump”
        11 “Unemployment was 15% under Trump”
        12 “Trump wants to get rid of Social Security”
        13 “Billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes”
        14 “Trump said inject bleach”
        15 “Border patrol endorsed me”

        1. My guess is Biden didn’t think that he lied. His handlers probably told him that is the truth. And Biden has the mental acuity of a fire hydrant so he would be very easy to program. It’s actually scary that he has the nuclear football….but Biden isn’t at the wheel and we don’t know what is.

          1. “My guess is Biden didn’t think that he lied. His handlers probably told him that is the truth.”

            You may be right about that. I mean, how else could he possibly have been repeating the “very fine people” lie for so many years (and even after Snopes debunked it just last week)?

            ” And Biden has the mental acuity of a fire hydrant so he would be very easy to program. It’s actually scary that he has the nuclear football….but Biden isn’t at the wheel and we don’t know what is.”

            Dr. Jill?

          2. Biden regularly told constant and easily checked lies throughout his 50-year career.
            They were made up on the fly, changed as he was telling them, and were outrageous fabrications.
            Even when the truth is uncontroversial, he will still lie.
            He was fully aware he was lying.
            He still is aware he is lying.

  3. SCOTUS just certified President Trump’s immunity from prosecution! Gonna be delicious fun watching leftist heads explode all week long …

  4. The left are pathological liars. The so-called right compromise with the lies to gain power. The brutally honest are virtually unelectable. That says more about the culture than those pathologically driven to have power over them.
    “Everything government says is a lie and everything it has it has stolen” – Friedrich Nietzsche

  5. Jaore:
    The followig is cited as a Trump lie:
    ……”(A) Trump: Grocery costs have gone up 2,3 4 times as much under Biden”…..

    Prof M Drout:
    “Hate to break this news, but there are plenty of normal food staples whose prices HAVE doubled since 2019: for example, milk has gone from $2.50 to $5.00, breakfast cereals have more than doubled if you look at the price-per ounce (disguised by the narrower boxes). For a while 8′ 2x4s had tripled, from $3 to $9 (I haven’t had to buy any since February, so I don’t know what the price is now).
    So even though Trump obviously meant that the RATE of increase in prices has been 2, 3, or 4 times under Biden’s inflation than it was under Trump, it’s not a lie that there are commonly purchased items whose prices are 2 and 3 times higher. Not really a “lie” then, is it?
    And that’s my problem with the whole “Trump lied constantly” refrain that the parrots are repeating everywhere. When pressed to identify something he lied about, they say things like “He said the economy is bad,” which, (1) it actually is very bad in many sectors, and (2) that economy being “good” or “bad” is ALWAYS to a degree an opinion, because it could always be better or worse. Walter Mondale ran on the Reagan economy being “bad” for certain people, for God’s sake; Bill Clinton turned a sharp but short recession into “the worst economy since the Great Depression.”
    I certainly don’t see Trump–or any national politician in my lifetime–as some compulsive truth-teller, but in this case I would like someone to point out an ACTUAL lie that is (1) not obvious hyperbole that only a senile person with a drool cup would take as a factual claim; (2) not a b.s. obviously fake story for which there has never been any actual evidence like Charlottesville or “suckers and losers”; (3) is not completely and utterly trivial, like “Trump said his Inauguration crowds were bigger than Obama’s”* or “Trump said he’s only 215 lbs.”

    1. I have THE RECEIPTS !!! to certify lumber and all other building materials going > 3x higher under Biden’s “leadership”. Thankfully, they’ve gone down by 1x … so they’re now only +2x the cost 4 years ago. Which does exactly NOTHING for me as those +4x cost materials are installed. And I will pay for them for the rest of my life. *spit* … on the leftist LIARS who rely on the stupidity of the electorate, so they LIE with impunity

  6. Democracy was never in a position to be fact checked.. Its only saving grace was the lack of technology allowed good things to slip through the cracks.. We used to call those things rights..

  7. The price of lumber today (commodity spot prices, a month or so in front of retail) is less than it was 25 years ago and half what it was 50 years ago discounted for inflation. Look at the following and click the 25y view. One could argue that the spike and volatility ( covid market recovery) was baked in with the Trump era and the return to the “normal” inflationary line was all under Biden but nothing is that simple or directly attributable to presidential terms. https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/lumber

    1. Now do the 5yr chart and see that I was paying +$1,250.00/bd ft at the 2021 peak of lumber prices … not to mention retail mark up. And the only reason lumber prices are low today is the 8%+ mortgage rates and high borrowing/credit card rates. Nobody is building.

      This all suggests that lumber is priced and produced based upon “what the market can bear” … not true supply and demand.

      1. “what the market can bear” IS a function of “true supply and demand”. The covid era spikes were a result of supply drying up and delayed demand surge from lockdowns and other government imposed mandates.

        1. The tactic today of all corporations is to restrict supply when prices spike high so that prices won’t fall. They don’t hire more people. They don’t produce more of their goods as they reap the windfall of high prices. That’s not capitalism, it’s market manipulation.

          COVID should have had NO impact on lumber, food, or trucking as all were deemed “essential” and none of their production shut down as “non essential”. A spike in lumber demand should have been immediately responded to with a spike in lumber production. That’s how a free market operates. Sadly, there are too few producers, and we are subject to monopolistic actions … at least until the last consumer dollar is drained.

          Yeah … lumber is cheap now … because everyone has been driven into the poorhouse by government policies and corporate tactics of market exploitation. The lumber company behavior was no different than profiteering in the wake of a natural disaster … wherein governments actually have to intervene and prosecute the temporary desperation of consumers.

          Sorry if you are in the lumber business and want to defend the predatory policies of COVID exploitation … but in actuality there should be giant class action lawsuits against every single corporation and government agency who exploited COVID to inflate their prices beyond actual cost of production. Just my opinion. And I sincerely hope the lumber business and every other greedy exploiter has to endure decades of “the lowest inflation-adjusted prices in 50 years”. Yes, I hope every greedy bastard withers and dies on the vine as the free world’s economies shrink up like an old man’s shriveled balls.

          1. And let me add that our contemporary “just in time” inventory strategy has been modified to “just too late” inventory strategy to ensure the milking of high prices … high prices already created by a strategic shortage of goods. Trust me … sophisticated computer programs haven’t been designed to aid the consumer … but rather to squeeze every last dollar out of the consumer.

            It’s not a free market when only 5-6 megalith corporations dictate the marketplace. But since they have $B’s to spend on politicians … they will never be restrained. And don’t get me started on the government taxes and fees.

          2. There are thousands of lumber producers, Your conspiratorial ignorance is only surpassed by your economic ignorance. You’re essentially a statist.

          3. Annnnnnd … the personal invective accompanied by false information. Yeah, I’m a Statist because I want FREE markets … and Profiteers preying on victims of natural disasters (or manmade ones, like COVID) to be punished, and blocked from Profiteering.

            The artificial spike in COVID lumber prices is the equivalent of a minimart in Florida selling bottled water at $10.00/bottle days before a hurricane hits. It’s. The. Exact. Same. Thing. It’s predatory “capitalism”. It shouldn’t take my genius IQ to figure that out.

  8. Eagle Wings
    “Assange says the email shown in this video is the most significant in his whole collection.

    Because the email contains sensitive info between Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.

    Watch the end as he claims Hillary Clinton as Secretary of state gave 80 Billion in arms to Saudi Arabia and during her tenure sales of arms doubled.

    He links donors to Clinton foundation funding ISIS.”


  9. The Demon Rats shriek”Liar” cause they know it works on the normies.

    When a Demon Lies,it is subject to flattery and complements amongst its peers..
    When a decent person lies,they can be shamed and named.
    Rules for thee,none for me.
    So of course the meme “Everybody lies” is bruited about by our progressive comrades..As cover for the fact,they never tell the truth,except accidentally.
    Making a mistake of memory is not lying,lying requires intent.
    Being willing to lie,to advance your agenda.
    Its the Liberals Way.

  10. A benchmark on lies?.. Politicians do nothing but jerk off on unmeasurable things.. We are fighting racism and climate change while the house burns down behind us.. You got my vote?..

    Trump had the nerve to build a wall with a clear start and end date.. Sacrilege, and he was promptly destroyed for that.. I’m sure when he wins this fall, he will play the game properly..

  11. “While Ukrainians are sent to die in a senseless conflict, Olena Zelenska splurges on the latest €4.5 million Bugatti Turbillon during a Paris visit. The decadence amidst devastation is unfathomable.

    An insider from Bugatti’s Paris dealership disclosed that a private presentation was arranged exclusively for the Zelensky couple”

