8 Replies to “Between The Thighs”

  1. Yeah … the public funding will help this woman set up her PhD in Only Fans Rigid Pole naked twirling. Thank you Public!

    1. I have a friend whose daughter has been teaching pole dancing as, among other things, a form of fitness for nearly a decade now.

      1. Well, but the Poles are a proud people and have their own dances. We should respect them. I’m not so sure about the Lapps, though.

  2. so my question is.. where is the funding coming from? where is the funding coming from for any of these arguably useless fields of study. My suspicion is that it is coming from the government as it is doubtful that a private sector entity would find value in such tripe. and that begs the question.. who is auditing the bureaucracy that rubber stamps the research funding applications? that is a huge part of the swamp that Trump and Vivek
    (and Maxine Bernier) talk about.. unaccountable bureaucrats wasting money.

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