Cycling To The Races

Who knew that an inequitable distribution of bicycle infrastructure was indicative of racism? It’s anyone’s guess as to what an equitable distribution might be or how one could even determine that. If you have an opportunity to build bridges, why not just burn them instead by making prospective allies feel like chumps?

But until white allies in the biking community recognize diversity in cycling and see it as more than just a sport but a way of life, Williams says, those disparities will persist.

But the biggest and most important thing an ally can do is shut up, listen, and amplify the voices of Black and brown folks, who are often silenced, Williams says.

By 1 p.m., the predominantly Black and brown mechanics she’d hired had already tuned up more than 50 [bikes].

One supposes that any white mechanics were instructed to fix the damned bikes in silence.

22 Replies to “Cycling To The Races”

  1. I am a white, male, heterosexual. I refuse to be silenced by these bigots. Throw off your ideological shackles of bondage! Arise oppressed masses! Freedom, Liberty and, … uh, … beer!

  2. Old joke:
    What do you call a *race* on a bicycle?
    A thief.
    What do you call 2 *race* on a bike?
    Organized crime.
    I’ll see myself out..

    1. I’ve seen racism. I’ve seen bicycle races. But that’s the first bicycle racism I’ve ever seen!

  3. now its the cyclists.

    jeezuz murphy no one is safe. what next? model airplane enthusiasts? they were ALL white every last man jack no girls ever except the president’s missus and thats why we met at there place in the beginning.

    all white males every last man jack. and when they were kids how do you think the early jet fighters flyboys first dealt with a joystick? hmmm?

    thats my prediction. shyt. they might be snooping and l tipped them off.

      1. I dunno ….. I was raised there and then left as a young lad over 50 yrs ago.
        I’ve never been back and aren’t planning on it anytime too soon.
        I can’t imagine who I would be had I stuck around.

  4. Did any of those bicycle mechanics of color ride a bike to the shop?

    I am having trouble figuring out what repairing bikes has to do with where bike lanes run and why either activity is racist.

    Here in the States, if you are on public aid and need a phone, the goobermint gives you a phone. If everyone is supposed to be riding bikes, then why isn’t the nanny goobermint giving everyone on welfare a bike?

    Oh wait… that would crash the market in stolen bikes. Nevermind.

  5. Newsflash! Iniquities will ALWAYS be with us. The wealthy do not want to live with the poor, the indigent, and the dangerously bizarre. And they won’t. If you move in (like Homosexual Rep. Weiner in CA is mandating), then the wealthy will move OUT.

    And the wealthy are the ones who PAY for infrastructure through their wages and taxes … which is why they get the better bike lanes. Jesus Xhrist … in all of God’s wisdom said … “the poor will always be with us”. Don’t want to be poor? Don’t be stupid. Go to school. Pay attention in school. Don’t do drugs. Work hard. Make good life decisions.

    Nobody owes you a living. Nobody owes you nothing.

    All of the aforementioned has absolutely NOTHING to do with race.

    1. Things tend to go south when you push for equality of outcome, vs. equality of opportunity..

    2. If california stops building bike trails, where will the homeless set up encampments to store thier dozen broken/stolen bikes?

      1. They’ll just ride the ‘Jamaica train’ to get their bikes fixed by the black folk … ? Since the “hard right wing” SCOTUS declared they can be physically removed from the bike trails and freeway overpasses.

  6. But that “race” never invented the bicycle.
    So why are they appropriating bicycle repair?
    I read some of that “wisdom”..
    We are way past shut up and moving rapidly to “Get off my street”.

  7. There are thousands of nonwhites in Jamaica Queens riding two wheeled devices, usually with DoorDash or Uber Eats bags. Honest to God pedallers? Yes, we have them, too, in the streets and parks and subways. Bicyclists don’t need bike lanes: they do whatever they want wherever the mood hits them.
    Brooklyn is a dump except for the old part near the bridges to Manhattan.

  8. Here in stoon we have lots of Brn riders. Some carrying extra wheels or frames. Some towing an extra bike along as a spare. Bikes go where the rider wants, sidewalk, road etc. I don’t have a problem just drive accordingly.

  9. The article was posted in 2021. I wonder if the cycling demographic has changed since then? In Vancouver, all the sketchy people who rode bikes, stole bikes and set up bike chop shops were white. The lycra brigade were old white guys or dykes on bikes. The people riding on fat tires, men and women, were tattooed white folk.

    1. You’re dead on with the different groups of riders. When I think about it…

      I see more black kids outside riding bikes, having fun like kids should, than I do white children. All the fat white kids are inside on tiktok or whatever.

      Meanwhile, the guy hanging out on his bike at the gas station all night selling meth is a white guy.

  10. Everyone knows you need a plan and a fast car to get out of the hood and be someone and be someone. Just don’t hook up with a drunk or an addict.
