July 1, 2024: Reader Tips

Happy Canada Day / Dominion Day, everyone! Though our country is going through an existential crisis right now due to a multitude of incompetent and corrupt political “leaders”, here’s hoping that you can forget about them for awhile and enjoy a wonderful time with your loved ones.

On this day, we present the Political History of Canada

42 Replies to “July 1, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. David

        I have not watched nor do I even get the Ceeb on my TV…Stopped listening to their disease ridden commentary 3 decades Decades ago.

        As for Criminals, I wont debase my 50″ TV with that Filthy NAZI POS.
        He is a Criminal and should be behind Bars.
        Obstruction of Justice in more than 1 Instance.

        Personally, I’d prefer to see him with a hi velocity cranial exit wound…
        Sick F deserves no less..

  1. l dont hang a maple leaf flag at the front of my place anymore given the treatment lve received by politiSHUNS, bureaucraps, cops and authorities of many stripes.

    and l yanked my name of the organ donor registry; l trust Karma to time it sose [a] loved one[s] of the above groups dies early and maybe even let it be known the part and reason for my decision played in the sad course of DESERVING events.

    after all, l did get laughed in the face by cops attempting to report a $1200 theft first time ever, and soon after a total of seven cops and 3 fambly membahs of one of them were all dead. 2006-2010 to be precise. it is what induced me to change my view about Karma.

    aka ‘where else, that many, that fast, in any area of 1 million population. any time since Confederation? hmmm? come on smarmy cop felator, where else?

  2. Happy first day of the second half of the year – to those like me who have been thoroughly disillusioned.
    To all those here who celebrate Canada Day or Dominion Day, I hope you have fun.

    1. My local bar is open today, it is a pleasant 20 minute walk and I will partake of my favorite beverage and ignore celebrations.

  3. Things you won’t see on the CBC
    A new study from Stanford shows remarkable differences between female and male brains.
    The researchers found no overlap between male and female, and rejected the idea of a “continuum.”
    There has been very little coverage of this report in the mainstream media. You will find no mention of this study in The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or National Public Radio.

      1. The math has been done. To charge the average EV using a solar panel the size of a car roof-top takes 3-4 days.

        1. 3-4 days of sunlight in summer. 3 grand for the setup. It’ll pay for itself in a decade, in Cali (assuming your electric car battery lasts that long), or about a century in most of Canada.

    1. Using a Solar panel to charge yer EV eh..?? ..LMAO..!!
      Everything EV is utterly USLESS JUNK.

      Said company will be filing for Bankruptcy in short order…Possibly – Cause there will still be plenty of utterly IGNORANT dipsticks thinking this is a “grand idea”

  4. I put more blame for our country’s existential crisis on a vastly larger multitude, the incompetent and corrupt voters.

    1. Blaming the people for the actions of the leaders is total BS.
      People have always been this stupid. They have not always been subjected to this level of propaganda BS. I put it to you that any population subjected to this level of BS propaganda would suffer the same outcome.

      1. It also means that the actual crimes that Obama, Biden and Clinton committed can’t be prosecuted either, so its basically SCOTUS telling the Dems to stick to the status quo.

  5. https://x.com/bennyjohnson/status/1807785543767412895
    I’m not surprised, but somewhat relieved. Imagine if this immunity had been struck down, in the future it could be extended to suing gov’t employees who decided to mandate a jab for example…

    There has been some discussions regarding a drone strike which killed a couple of Americans, and was ordered by Obama.
    Does Obama know there are 3 justices on the SCOTUS who would have him charged with murder for this event?

    Something up with the Biden campaign too, lots of talk of Gov. Gretchen…

    1. Jill is basically torturing her husband to hold onto power, possibly to save her son.
      She is a monster, but, OTOH, Biden deserves what she’s doing to him.

        1. It wouldn’t surprise me if Whitmer, and/or Obama, and/or Newsom were cooking something like that up with Merrick Garland as we speak.

  6. San Francisco:


    A very unpopular person’s commentary on such things:

    Shadow of Ezra
    “On the last day of Pride Month, here is a reminder of what Adolf Hitler had to say about the degenerate art emerging from Germany.

    He mentions how it infiltrated their culture through literature and theaters, and how millions of Germans no longer participate because the educational system assaults their brains.

    “It was imposed on our people by a subversive press”

    Many people are now saying that this is the exact state of Western civilization today.”


    1. …and I suppose you wish to scapegoat the Jews and Israel for this state of affairs, just like Adolph did?

      1. “…and I suppose you wish to scapegoat the Jews and Israel for this state of affairs, just like Adolph did?”

        So, your answer is “yes.”

  7. That must hurt.

    The Climate Cult Officially Gives Up on “Maldives Being Submerged by Rising Seas”


    Finally, however, after decades of the Maldives refusing to sink below the waterline as long prophesied, the climatistas have had to acknowledge that the Maldives are not only not sinking, but their land mass is actually growing.

  8. It just occurred to me regarding the news on the Bidens having the family meeting… was this like the somber time where the family decides to pull the life support plug on grandpa?… or like a mob “family” having a meeting to setup move illicit ventures.

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