23 Replies to “Maybe Its Not Gay Enough”

  1. Likely too gay. Condsidering you have to lick Trudeau’s ass as part of the job description, it would attract a certain “type”.

    1. That was the Toronto Mounted Unit. RCMP Musical Riders just cheerlead for the thugs.

  2. Have the horses tried unionising? Perhaps they need to start trampling folks more regularly? (no I don’t care if it was actually OPP or Ottawa civic police during the Ottawa honking incident which apparently wasn’t a national crisis worthy of war measures being implemented but hey I’m just one voice in the wilderness so … )

  3. “ … often the RCMP is reflected in a negative light.”


  4. With DEI in the RCMP, finding any of these divers recruits that have natural riding abilities is probably next to impossible.

  5. “WhatsApp chat of unit members during Freedom Convoy protests in 2022 also damaged morale, the report noted.”

    Wait… What?!!

  6. Seriously! Upon my first Calgary Stampede in 1996 I naively bought tickets to the RCMP musical ride. I imagined that it would be precision horsemanship set to some militaristic marches…you know something kind of macho. Incredibly I was presented with a ridiculous display of Red Serge clad Mounties prancing on horseback to “Rings and Things and Buttons and Bows” from the musical Oklahoma. I kid you not! 28 years later and I’m still cringing on their behalf.

  7. Or maybe the budget is being canabalized to provide security details to beloved lieberal “leaders”.

  8. nya nya nya nya Farce See ‘Em Pee.
    my contempt of cops spills over to this bunch as well.

    never trust a cop about anything ever.
    not even the one you ‘grew up with’. they WILL betray you comes the time.
    theyre like bikers.
    their no accountability has a lot to do with opinions and views.

  9. Don’t forget, coppers are allowed to lie to you under any and all circumstances.

  10. Really? No one can figure out what is wrong?
    Get rid of those ridiculous horses and go with Rainbow Unicorns. Problems solved.

    You’re welcome Canada.

  11. Having appointees from girly ranks with no street creds has made this. Again, bad schools and parenting and too much gaming time.

    The best officers grew up with morning chores and early responsibility.

  12. There’s no diversity amongst the horses. Need a few with limps, and different sizes. And of course different colours – should have the same proportion of colours as the wild horses on the prairies when settlers first arrived. And some that are gay, and that want to go counterclockwise a larger proportion of time.

    1. In their defence, some of the horses are geldings. That should help them fit in.

  13. It’s probably just a delay…

    They are still trying to remove that “elderly native woman” residue from their hooves.

  14. They are granny stompers at heart. There has been no investigation or public condemnation of the stomper sympathizers so the rot is far reaching.

  15. The RCMP musical ride is an embodiment of Canadian pride, heritage, skill, and tradition.

    Therefore in Trudeau’s post-nation state it must be destroyed.

  16. Bird Dance polka music with more stomping old ladies on scooters.
    And carrots.
