37 Replies to “SCOTUS Affirms Presidential Immunity”

    1. Jack Smith OTOH is afforded NO IMMUNITY for conducting wrongful prosecution of an innocent man. Jack Smith should be immediately charged with abuse of process. Disgusting, vile, little worm of a man

      1. He wore a purple shirt in one pic I saw.
        Like Billary.
        Colour revolution in 2020 for sure.
        Disgusting little c-word you mean?

        Like him or not, Trump is one for the ages.
        In an earlier era, ballads would already be heard.
        No man deserved that ghastly abuse.
        In an earlier era those lefty sore losers would be delivering on their promises to leave the country.

        1. But the left is a solid wall of commitment to improving humanity, and would never dream of acting against one of their own who is ideologically pure. (checks notes) wait, he once ate a cheeseburger, THROW HIM UNDER THE BUS, STAT!

    2. That’s not exactly how CNN paints it…
      “Federal prosecutors and courts need to keep “moving forward” with the election subversion case against former President Donald Trump, even with the Supreme Court’s immunity decision, Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina said on Monday.”

      But then again, CNN said that Biden was not in cognitive decline for the past three years.


      1. Except that the SCOTUS also said that you can’t prosecute based on imputed motives, which is what the whole election subversion case is built on.

        In dividing official from unofficial conduct, courts may not inquire into the President’s motives. Such an inquiry would risk exposing even the most obvious instances of official conduct to judicial examination on the mere allegation of improper purpose, thereby intruding on the Article II interests that immunity seeks to protect….

        It’s over.

  1. Well, that pretty much seals Trump’s fate. Yes, a partially favorable decision that pushes pending legal actions until after the election while they iron out how to apply the decision. But it guarantees that sentencing on July 11th in NY is going to include a significant amount of jail time IMO.

    AKA “Plan B” (or at this point, probably Plan H). The Dems have gotten pummeled the last week and a half. They need a “turn-around.” I suspect desperation will necessitate a jail term for Trump with the hopes of stirring up violence and unrest from his supporters to influence a return of moderates, independents, and disgruntled democrats.

    1. A sentence of jail time for no crime will absolutely ensure Trump wins in November.

      1. “A sentence of jail time for no crime will absolutely ensure Trump wins in November.”

        100%. The legal contortions and exploitation of various loopholes that they had to go through to even bring *any* charges against Donald Trump were bad enough, and the public knows full well that the convictions will be easily overturned on appeal.

      2. Every charge and every conviction of Trump has increased his poll numbers and contributions … a ridiculous sentence will send BOTH into the Stratosphere. But the Dem’s don’t care … because they only want the TV pundits to repeat the same old LIES

      3. You guys are all viewing this from your own perspective. View it, instead, from a fence sitting moderate, a contrarian independent or a disgruntled democrat. All they need is a slight push to vote one way or another. There are quite a few people out there who are currently thinking to themselves…”Hmmm, Biden seems to be incompetent. So much so I guess I’ll just hold my nose and vote for Trump.” It’s a vote by default…not of substance.

        Their position changes when every media outlet on the planet goes full tilt with round the clock coverage of how a presidential candidate just got sentence to 20 years in prison, and still has the audacity to think he represents me. You and I are nuanced enough to look at the indictment and conclude that it’s a railroad job. Most of the moderates, independents and classical liberals don’t possess that capacity. They merely require an excuse to return to the fold. A lengthy prison sentence and a new candidate for the Dems give them that excuse.

        He’s going to jail.

        1. I have no doubt. And then, the SCOTUS will have to step in and accelerate if not bypass the appeal process as his actual, physical, lock-up will cause a Revolution. And that Revolution will take many and myriad forms from; mass boycotts, work stoppages, tractor and truck blockages, and refusal to pay taxes. Half this country will have been pushed too far.

          Case in point? The LGBTQueer push back. The PEOPLE are fed up, and not gonna take it anymore.

          1. I thought you couldn’t jail a former president? If Trump wins the election, worst they can give him would be White House Arrest

    2. A jail term for Trump (which I believe is coming) will lock in his Victory in November and his January inauguration. His supporters aren’t worried about this at all, only the normies that don’t know what’s going on. The SCOTUS decision takes away immunity for past presidents making decisions outside of their official duties, like Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. The same people lamenting this are the ones that said Trump was walking into a trap when he agreed to do the CNN debates. Does he seem like a man that’s worried about his future?

    3. Does “Plan H” call for legal preparation H? Is that your way to tell them to stick it up their … hey, a squirrel!

    4. I think plan C or Q or whatever they’re up to now is to win enough senate seats to have another impeachment trial should plan A or B fail.

      Plan A is the same as 2020. Cheat.

  2. Now do Presidential declassification authority.

    Can’t wait for the exploding heads dystopic temper tantrums about political courts, which is of course what they want, which of course moves along on the continuum of accusations of dishonesty and threats to democracy becoming more clearly projection and confessions of despotic, desperate DeMarxist deeds.

    Now the shit the left loved to throw against the wall is hitting them on the way by. Reduced to Kamala Harris word salads from the rooftops hysterics that Republicans will ban abortion, apparently a threat to “our democracy,” despite them not wanting to and it being a state, not federal issue for laws.

  3. I bet you the the 3 judges who voted against this.
    Would have voted yes if it were Biden or O-dumber.

  4. Dems are openly calling for President Trump’s assassination. It won’t work because he’s legitimately the Teflon president.

  5. Obviously.. 50 States, all with the ability to railroad a President they don’t like.. ABSURD.. The bar has to be very high seeing as ALL politicians / elites are guilty of something..

  6. Obama ordered Americans killed a bunch of times. Sure, they were part of ISIS/ISIL, but kinda fckn illegal to do so – and that’s AS President. Of course he ordered spying on Trump’s campaign, because that’s only illegal when its Nixon. And then there’s VP Joe’s cut from his freakshow son and secret shit in his garage…
    Going after a president for sins before they were president and after their presidency is lawfare and a threat to the Republic.

    1. One of the Americans Obama had droned was a California native that was not a combattant. He was their propaganda dude, making videos. So in essence Obama droned a citizen for exercising his first amendment rights.

  7. I took the time to read the dissenting opinion by Justice Sotomayor … and it read like a New York Times attack article hurled at Trump. Full of lies, innuendo, and speculation. It was a full throated ATTACK on Trump … and had little in the way of Constitutional Legal Argument.

    Reading that shrill attack on PDJT reminded me of when Chief Justice Roberts scolded Trump that the SCOTUS was a-political. What a JOKE. This dissenting opinion was nothing more than a partisan political screed. Shame on you, you pfkcuer Roberts. Liar!

      1. “He (Trump) wouldn’t have gotten away with that, if Joe was there …”

        Hahahahaha ha ha ha …

      1. Wow! So Joe Biden gets some uppers mainlined … goes on National TV and reads a 5 min. Teleprompter speech bemoaning that the SCOTUS has just established a Monarchy in America by granting “Trump” immunity. Yet, as Clarence Thomas clearly pointed out … it is Biden who has acted like a Monarch by creating an Illegal office for Jack Smith without Congressional approval.

        So … as Biden is lecturing America that the SCOTUS just destroyed our Constitution… it is Biden who has used the Constitution to clean up one of his bowel accidents. This Biden Admin. Is totally OUT of control … and if we have a functional Republican Party … Congress will file a lawsuit against the AG for breach of the Constitution … first thing tomorrow morning

  8. There are so many laws in the U.S., and they are so broad and vague, that every president arguably breaks multiple laws in the course of their duties.

    Which means that on retirement, every president could have faced a series of criminal charges as the U.S sinks deeper into lawfare.

    1. You make that sound like a bad thing, rather than, say, a field sport with great media potential.

  9. The Supreme Court today ruled that presidents are entitled to “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for official acts, then contended that pressuring the vice president and the Department of Justice to overthrow the government was an “official act,” then said that talking to advisers or making public statements are “official acts” as well, and then determined that evidence of what presidents say and do cannot be used against them to establish that their acts are “unofficial.” // the nation.

    If you recall TRUMP”s calls to drop bombs or sic the army on protesters etc, it’s going to be mighty hard to talk him out of them now.

    1. re: the calls to bomb Americans… I think you spelled “Obama” incorrectly. He did kill at least 2 with drone strikes.

      If you mean the questions about “there will be a million people coming to listen to me and march to the capital” then that was Natzi Pelsoli’s call and she turned them down. And quietly freaked out in the car a little later about this (there is video of her breakdown at her failure).
